Active IQ Unified Manager Discussions

How to get different performance counters at same timestamp over period of time?


I am working on migrating my Workload Characterization scripts from a PERL script that runs on the OnCommand server to a remote running application that uses the APIs to make the calls.

One thing is for sure, I am NOT a good PERL hack.

I am trying to extract a set of performance counters from DFM using the APIs. Currently I am able to get the counters but it appears that the timestamps are rough 2-3 secs different from each other.

I am writing this in PERL and am attempting to take the values and insert them into a HASH of ARRAYs structured like this:

Key                    Value

<timestamp1>      <counter1 value> <counter2 value> <counter3 value>

<timestamp1>      <counter1 value> <counter2 value> <counter3 value>

Here is the XML code as generated by zExplore that demonstrates the separation of time stamps.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

<netapp  xmlns="" version="1.0">

  <!--Retrieve data for all the related objects for the given object and the specified performance counters.-->


    <!--Time stamp marking the end of requested data. The timestamp value is the time in seconds since 00:00:00 Jan 1, 1970, UTC. If unspecified, server should end with the latest available data. Range: [0..(2^32)-1]-->


    <!--This defines what counter data to be returned for the specified instances.-->


      <!--List of performance counters whose values will be retrieved.-->


        <!--Performance Counters can be a combination of an object and a counter.-->


          <!--The name of the counter measured. Counters are specifc measurable quantities on an instance of a performance object like avg_latency, nfs_ops. <P> Maximum length of 255 characters.-->


          <!--object-type is the name of the object classification as defined by ONTAP counter manager. <P> Maximum length of 255 characters.-->




          <!--The name of the counter measured. Counters are specifc measurable quantities on an instance of a performance object like avg_latency, nfs_ops. <P> Maximum length of 255 characters.-->


          <!--object-type is the name of the object classification as defined by ONTAP counter manager. <P> Maximum length of 255 characters.-->




      <!--If specified, all related instances of the object-type mentioned in the perf-object-counter under this object are returned. For example, if obj-name-or-id is a host and object-type in the perf-object-counter is qtree, this would mean all qtree under the host. If the obj-name-or-id is aggregate, all qtrees under the aggregate.-->



    <!--A function to apply across the data to achieve the desired time resolution, if the requested sample-rate is different from the actual sample-rate of the data. Possible values : <li> 'average' <li> 'min' <li> 'max' <li> 'last' Default is 'last'-->


    <!--Time stamp marking the beginning of requested data. The timestamp value is the time in seconds since 00:00:00 Jan 1, 1970, UTC. If unspecified, server should begin with the earliest available data. Range: [0..(2^32)-1]-->




And here is the counter data output for those two counters, notice the timestamp difference










Any assistance or if you would like to see the entire code that I am using to assist in this endeavor would be great.


NetApp Alumni

Hi Lewis,

Did you look in the samples that came with the NMSDK?  If you look in: src/sample/DataFabric_Manager/API_Sample_Code/advanced/Perl/perf_counters/, you'll find how to split for time.  Look for "split".


   - Rick -


That isn't the issue, I know how to do that.

In the example notice the first value set for each counter

      total_transfers           1368985592:0.000

     pa_max_disk_busy    1368985601:0.000

Notice how the time stamp is different by 9 secs, that is my issue. They should be equal and close to 1368985507 which is the defined begin time.
