Active IQ Unified Manager Discussions
Active IQ Unified Manager Discussions
I need to present a SIS savings report to managment every week. I am looking in the DFM reports and don't see it. Has anyone come across pne?
Deduplication space savings reports are available in Operations Manager 3.8 release.
Is there an approximate date for the release of 3.8?
About a month ago.
What about in 3.7? IS 3.8 out yet?
In 3.8, you can use "Volume Space Savings - Deduplication and LUN/File Clones" report under Logical Objects > Volumes, "Aggregate Space Savings - Deduplication and LUN/File Clones" under Physical Objects > Aggregates,
"Volume Capacity Used vs Total" graph also shows deduplication space savings.
These are not available in 3.7.
Looks like there are three reports available from the CLI
dfm reports list | grep -i dedup
aggregates-dedupe-and-lun-file-clones-space-savings deduplication and LUN/File clone space savings report for all aggregates
volumes-dedupe-and-lun-file-clones-space-savings deduplication and LUN/File clone space savings report for all volumes
groups-dedupe-and-lun-file-clones-space-savings deduplication and LUN/File clone space savings report for all volumes in a group
The reports are also available from the WebUI, under the appropriate object reports.
I found the volumes-de.... report under ControlCenter->Home->MemberDetails->FileSystems
What version and platform are you on? Since your command had grep I am assuming Linux.
I am on Windows running DFM 3.7 below are the rports I see from command - No dedup listed. Also I do not see that in the GUI and I need to be able to get this from the reports sectiomon so I can email me the report weekley.
Y:\>dfm reports list
Available reports are
groups all groups
groups-comments all groups with comments
group-members group members, this group
group-members-recursive group members, recursive
appliances summary of all appliances
appliances-deleted list of deleted appliances
appliances-snmp-disabled list of snmp disabled appliances
appliances-compact compact summary of all appliances
appliances-comments compact summary of all appliances with user comemnts
appliances-down appliances which are not responding to ping
appliances-environmentals environmentals for each appliance
appliances-interfaces network interface status for each appliance
appliances-locations IP address and location for each host
appliances-releases appliances along with their version of Data ONTAP
appliances-thresholds thresholds for all appliances
appliances-up appliances which are currently responding to ping
appliances-uptime how long each appliance has been up
clusters all active/active controllers
filers all storage systems
filers-capacity storage systems with their total used and available
filers-releases storage systems along with their version of Data ONT
filers-ops storage systems and operations per second
filers-protocols storage systems and licensed protocols
multistores List of multistores and vFiler counts
storage-system-performance-summary performance summary of storage system
storage-system-NAS-performance-summary NAS performance summary of storage syst
storage-system-SAN-performance-summary SAN performance summary of storage syst
caches all NetCache appliances
caches-releases NetCache appliances along with their version of Data
caches-ops NetCache appliances and ops/sec
caches-protocols caches and licensed protocols
caches-http NetCache HTTP proxy performance
caches-ftp NetCache FTP proxy performance
caches-nntp NetCache NNTP proxy performance
caches-streaming NetCache Streaming performance
fc-links-logical logical connections between storage systems and SAN
fcp-targets-all FCP targets for each storage system
hba-ports list of all SAN host HBA ports (FCP and iSCSI)
hba-ports-fcp list of all SAN host FCP HBA ports
hba-ports-iscsi list of all SAN host iSCSI HBA ports
host-roles summary of all roles on hosts
host-usergroups summary of all usergroups on hosts
host-users summary of all users on hosts
host-local-users summary of all local users on hosts
host-domain-users summary of all domain users on hosts
san-hosts-comments summary of all SAN hosts with comments
san-hosts summary of all SAN hosts
san-hosts-fcp summary of all FCP SAN hosts
san-hosts-iscsi summary of all iSCSI SAN hosts
san-hosts-deleted list of deleted SAN hosts
san-hosts-traffic-fcp FCP traffic on SAN hosts
san-host-cluster-groups list of SAN Host Cluster Groups
san-host-luns list of all SAN Host LUNs
san-host-luns-iscsi list of all SAN Host iSCSI LUNs
san-host-luns-fcp list of all SAN Host FCP LUNs
streaming-global Shows global streaming activity from a per-cache vie
streaming-content Shows detailed streaming content in a group.
streaming-client Shows detailed streaming clients information.
aggregates summary of all aggregates
aggregates-deleted list of deleted aggregates
aggregates-comments compact summary of all aggregates with user comments
aggregates-compact compact summary of all aggregates
aggregates-snaplock summary of all SnapLock aggregates
aggregates-raid raid and mirroring information for aggregates
aggregates-capacity capacity utilization of all aggregates
aggregates-thresholds thresholds for all aggregates
aggregates-snapshot-thresholds snapshot thresholds for all aggregates
aggregates-available aggregates with free space
aggregates-committed space commitment allocation of all aggregates
aggregates-growth-rates rate of growth of aggregates over time
aggregates-snapshot-capacity capacity being used by snapshots on aggregates
aggregate-space-summary summary of space allocated to the aggregates
aggregates-performance-summary performance summary of aggregate
file-systems summary of all volumes and qtrees
file-systems-deleted list of deleted volumes and qtrees
file-systems-compact compact summary of all volumes and qtrees
volumes summary of all volumes
volumes-snaplock summary of all SnapLock volumes
volumes-deleted list of deleted volumes
volumes-comments compact summary of all volumes with user comments
volumes-clone-list summary of all volumes with clone listings
volumes-compact compact summary of all volumes
volumes-capacity capacity report for all volumes
volumes-available volumes with free space
volumes-quota-committed display of volume quota committment
volumes-growth-rates rate of growth of volumes over time
volumes-expandability how much space could be added to volumes
volumes-chargeback-this-month volume chargeback by usage for this month
volumes-chargeback-last-month volume chargeback by usage for last month
volumes-chargeback-allocation-this-month volume chargeback by allocation for t
his month
volumes-chargeback-allocation-last-month volume chargeback by allocation for l
ast month
volumes-snapshot-counts Number of snapshots in volume
volumes-snapshot-growth rate of growth of volumes over time
volumes-snapshot-details Details of snapshots on volumes
volumes-snapshot-policies Snapshot Policies on volumes
volumes-snapshot-autodelete Snapshot Policies on volumes
volumes-autosize-details Autosize Details of volumes
volumes-first-snapshot Space used when taking the first snapshot
volumes-first-snapshot-percent Space used when taking the first snapshot
volumes-overwrite-rate overwrite rate on volumes
volumes-space-reservation Space reservations on volumes
volumes-space-guarantees Space reserved but not used yet
volumes-space-guarantees-percent Space reserved but not used yet
volumes-thresholds thresholds for all volumes
volumes-snapshot-capacity capacity report for all snapshot areas
volumes-snapshot-thresholds thresholds for all snapshot areas
volumes-first-snapshot-thresholds thresholds for first snapshots
volumes-space-reservation-thresholds thresholds for space reservations
volumes-performance-summary performance summary of volume
volumes-NAS-performance-summary NAS performance summary of volume
volumes-SAN-performance-summary SAN performance summary of volume
qtrees summary of all qtrees
qtrees-deleted list of deleted qtrees
qtrees-comments compact summary of all qtrees with comments
qtrees-compact compact summary of all qtrees
qtrees-capacity capacity report for all qtrees
qtrees-available qtrees with free space
qtrees-growth-rates rate of growth of qtrees over time
qtrees-expandability how much space could be added to qtrees
qtrees-chargeback-this-month qtree chargeback by usage for this month
qtrees-chargeback-last-month qtree chargeback by usage for last month
qtrees-chargeback-allocation-this-month qtree chargeback by allocation for thi
s month
qtrees-chargeback-allocation-last-month qtree chargeback by allocation for las
t month
qtrees-thresholds thresholds for all qtrees
qtrees-performance-summary performance summary of Qtree
users summary of all users
users-comments summary of all users with comment fields
users-quotas-total how much space a user is consuming
users-quotas-total-graph how much space a user is consuming
users-quotas-growth-total rate at which user is consuming space
users-quotas-thresholds thresholds for notifying administrators about quota
users-chargeback-this-month user chargeback by usage for this month
users-chargeback-last-month user chargeback by usage for last month
users-chargeback-allocation-this-month user chargeback by allocation for this
users-chargeback-allocation-last-month user chargeback by allocation for last
user-quotas summary of all user quotas
user-quotas-graph graphs for of all user quotas
user-quotas-growth rate at which quota usage is growing
user-quotas-thresholds thresholds for notifying administrators about quota
groups-appliances number of appliances in each group
groups-bytes-usage bytes of space used for each group
groups-chargeback-this-month group chargeback by usage for this month
groups-chargeback-last-month group chargeback by usage for last month
groups-chargeback-allocation-this-month group allocation chargeback for this m
groups-chargeback-allocation-last-month group allocation chargeback for last m
filers-chargeback-this-month Storage System chargeback by usage for this month
filers-chargeback-last-month storage system chargeback by usage for last month
filers-chargeback-allocation-this-month storage system chargeback allocation f
or this month
filers-chargeback-allocation-last-month storage system chargeback allocation f
or last month
luns-all summary of all LUNs
luns-comments summary of all LUNs with comment fields
luns-deleted list of deleted LUNs
luns-unmapped list of LUNs not mapped to an HBA port
luns-statistics shows LUNs with bytes read and written per second
luns-igroups shows LUN initiator groups
igroups shows initiator groups
luns-performance-summary performance summary of LUN
disks summary of all disks
disks-filer summary of disks attached to storage systems
disks-aggr summary of disks attached to aggregates
disks-cache summary of disks attached to NetCache appliances
disks-broken list of all failed disks
disks-spare list of all spare disks
disks-500 list of all 500 GB disks
disks-320 list of all 320 GB disks
disks-300 list of all 300 GB disks
disks-250 list of all 250 GB disks
disks-144 list of all 144 GB disks
disks-136 list of all 136 GB disks
disks-72 list of all 72 GB disks
disks-36 list of all 36 GB disks
disks-18 list of all 18 GB disks
disks-9 list of all 9 GB disks
disks-4 list of all 4 GB disks
disks-2 list of all 2 GB disks
array-luns List of array LUNs
spare-array-luns List of spare array LUNs
array-luns-aggr summary of array luns attached to aggregates
disks-performance-summary performance summary of Disks
array-luns-performance-summary performance summary of array LUNs
events show current events
events-warning show current warning or worse events
events-error show current error or worse events
events-critical show current critical or worse events
events-emergency show current emergency events
events-unack show unacknowledged events
events-perf show current performance events
events-config-changes show current configuration changed locally events
events-history show all historic events
events-history-deleted show all deleted historic events
events-history-acked show all acknowledged historic events
events-history-perf show all historic performance events
role-admins roles by administrator, recursive
admin-roles administrators by role, recursive
user-quota-events show user quota events
snmp-traps-all show trap generated events
snmp-traps-information show trap generated events
snmp-traps-warning show trap generated events
snmp-traps-error show trap generated events
snmp-traps-critical show trap generated events
snmp-traps-alert show trap generated events
snmp-traps-emergency show trap generated events
scripts Scripts
script-schedules summary of all script schedules
script-schedules-enabled summary of enabled script schedules
script-schedules-disabled summary of disabled script schedules
script-jobs summary of all script jobs
script-jobs-running summary of running script jobs
script-jobs-cancelled summary of cancelled script jobs
script-jobs-completed summary of completed script jobs
script-jobs-completed-success summary of script jobs that completed execution
without errors
script-jobs-completed-errors summary of script jobs that completed execution,
but with errors
vfilers summary of all vFilers
vfilers-deleted list of deleted vFilers
vfilers-compact compact summary of all vFilers
vfilers-comments summary of all vFilers with comments
vfilers-down vfilers not responding to ping
vfilers-up vfilers responding to ping
vfilers-nw-resources summary of vFilers and their IP Addresses
vfilers-protocols shows vFilers and their allowed protocols
vfilers-thresholds list of all vFilers and their CPU thresholds
vfilers-capacity capacity of vFilers
vfilers-storage-objects-capacity used capacity information of vfiler storage o
vfilers-chargeback-allocation-last-month chargeback allocation for last month
for vfilers
vfilers-chargeback-allocation-this-month chargeback allocation for this month
for vfilers
vfilers-chargeback-last-month chargeback by usage for last month for vfilers
vfilers-chargeback-this-month chargeback by usage for this month for vfilers
data-sets Data Sets
data-sets-application-data Data Sets
data-sets-comments Data Sets
data-sets-policy Data Sets
resource-pools Resource Pools
resource-pools-comments Resource Pools
resource-pools-capacity Resource Pools
dp-policies DP Policies
vfiler-quota-jobs summary of all vFiler quota jobs
vfiler-quota-jobs-pending summary of all pending vFiler quota jobs
vfiler-performance-summary performance summary of vFilers
schedules summary of all schedules
report-schedules summary of all report schedules
report-schedules-enabled summary of all report schedules
report-schedules-disabled summary of all report schedules
report-outputs summary of all the report outputs
report-outputs-successful summary of all the successful report outputs
report-outputs-failed summary of all the failed report outputs
testr test
3.7 does not support the dedupe reports.
The reports are new with 3.8.
Is there a way to have DFM run a command and send the out output as a report? for example, I can run "df –s volname" from the command line and get the A-SIS savings. If I could setup DFM to run this command on my A-SIS volumes and mail me the output once a week, this would solve my issue.
Hey Bob,
Yes you can do this via scripting if you wish but if you look in Scheduled Reports this function is in Operations Manager natively;
Click Reports > Schedule
Then Add a Schedule (select the report you want, frequency, format and the email address you want to send it to and then you should be good to go
Note you'll need to setup a SMTP gateway for OpsMgr to send it's emails to, you'll find this under:
Setup > Options > Events and Alarms > Mail Server
(you may also want to check that you MailServer will relay emails sent to it from the DFM server)
Hope this helps
Thanks for the info, However I am already doing reports emailed daily. It appears the A-SIS report is not in DFM 3.7 but is there in 3.8, unless you know something different. I can run an a-sis command from the command line. Have you seen a way to have DFM run the command and send the output? Is that what you are referring to when you say scripting, or do you mean writting a script on the box? I want to avoid that scenerio, because I don't want to write and manage scripts for each filer.
Hi Bob,
Correct ASIS reports were only added in 3.8;
You could perform "Run Command" on set of filers to run "df -s" but that is going to be pretty clunky and will require scripting - any reason why you can't qualify and upgrade to 3.8 ?