Active IQ Unified Manager Discussions
Active IQ Unified Manager Discussions
Hi ,
I am trying to understand how the following configuration was setup by a customer.
1. They are using a management IP to manage a filer.
2. That IP address does not show up when I run a ifconfig -a on the filer.
3. ifconfig -a does not list the e0M interface.
4. This IP address does not show up when the DFM server that is controlling this host is queried for the interfaces configured on this host.
1. How does one setup such a configuration? Is there a way to setup a management IP without using e0M?
2. How do I get DFM to return this management IP to me?
thank you for your help
Hi Sudha,
From dfm , you can execute dfm host get <host-id> to know about the various IP’s of the filer that are registered with DFM. Eg: Primary IP, Preferred IP, Remote Platform Management IP.
Pradeep L
Hi Pradeep
I ran the following command on the DFM server and it didn't report the IP address.
Does dfm host get return more information than this?
c:\Program Files\NetApp\DataFabric Manager\DFM\bin>dfmapi.exe netif-ip-interface-list-info hostname <filername>
I forgot to add that the version of the filer being used is FAS 2040. I believe the FAS 2000 series has a BMC port and that using a BMC port you cannot connect to FIlerView.I was however able to connect to FilerView using this IP address.
The outputs of ifconfig -a and the netif-ip-interface-list-info api will be the same. By using dfm host get ,you can come to know with which IP of the filer,DFM is monitoring it. Also as said it will give the IP's of filers
registered with DFM.
Thanks for the prompt reply and is the API equivalent of this
Would you happen to know how to setup such a configuration as well ?