Hi All
I have recently joined in a new company where no OCUM is configured. We are not using netapp support, we are taking support from third party storage vendor.
I want to setup OCUM from 7-mode and C-mode netapp storage boxes. I need your help to complete this task. I have few questions on this.
1. Do we need license to setup OCUM for 7-mode and C-mode.
2. In my environment we have different versions of dataontap
ex: 7-mode - 7.3.2, 8.1.3, 7.0.5, 7.2.4P2, 7.3.4
C-mode - 8.3.1
Now i want to install OCUM core pkg 5.2.R1 for 7-mode systems. and OnCommand Unified Manager for Clustered Data ONTAP 6.4 for cluster systems. My question is am i able to connect all the data ontap versions boxes to OCUM 5.2R1. Is this compatible with all these versions?
Please help me with this.