Active IQ Unified Manager Discussions

Null volume_id in storage.cifs_shares?


I see a lot of entries in storage.cifs_share with null volume_id.   I find this confusing.

  • Doesn't every share reside in a volume?
  • Is it intentional that volume_id for some shares be null?
  • If so, what is the utility in that?  Doesn't it just make associating a share with a volume more difficult?
  • What conditions cause volume_id to be null or not null in cifs_shares?

I need to choose a volume based on an array and share name, and don't see a way to do that (especially since the volume isn't necessarily part of actual_path, e.g. '/', '/etc', etc.)

I need to present this as a parameter, so I only have SQL, not complex Finder capabilities.

Any suggestions would be most welcome.   I would also like to request an ER or defect fix to make volume_id in cifs_shares NOT NULL.\






In response to your questions:

  • Doesn't every share reside in a volume?

---------Yes every share resides on a volume

  • Is it intentional that volume_id for some shares be null?
  • If so, what is the utility in that?  Doesn't it just make associating a share with a volume more difficult?
  • What conditions cause volume_id to be null or not null in cifs_shares?

-----------The entries in storage.cifs_share with null volume ids are the default shares on the filers. There are 3 default shares on 7mode filers namely C$,ETC$ and HOME. These are mounted on mount points /,/etc,/vol/<vol_name> respectively.

Only the mount points[actual path] for these cifs_shares are acquired by WFA and the actual volumes they reside on are intentionally masked by DFM and hence we do not see them in WFA.

These shares are generally not used by users. Users always create new volumes and new shares and these shares should not have a NULL volume id.

A user created cifs share like default shares also resides on a volume but its associated volume ids are not NULL as they are all acquired by WFA and hence you can use filter/finder on them.

Please let us know whether the cifs share created on your machine is not getting associated to its volume after WFA acquisiton. If that is the case, we will need to work on it and rectify it.

Please get back to us in case of any further queries.


