OCI DWH 7.3.4 ( Cognos Analytics 11.0.9) when I create a user defined SQL Query the error
RQP-DEF-0326 User defined SQL is not permitted for the user who has the identity '{ReportingAdminCM, ReportingProAuthorCM, Everyone, All Authenticated Users, Portal Administrators, Metrics Administrators, Readers, Report Administrators, Express Authors, Cognos Insight Users, Statistics Authors, Authors, Consumers, Directory Administrators, PowerPlay Administrators, Query Users, Planning Rights Administrators, Controller Administrators, Adaptive Analytics Administrators, Server Administrators}'.
I found on IBM Support Site http://www-01.ibm.com/support/docview.wss?uid=swg21342307
Resolving the problem
Modify the end user's Cognos security permissions to allow both of the following:
But which groups must now be justified ??
My user is Member of ReportingProAuthor group .