Hi Abhishar,
Performance reports are supported from OnCommand Unified Manager 7.3. You can consume performance reports in two ways:
1. Directly from the UI; navigate to Performance --> (click any object Clusters, Nodes, Aggregates, Volumes, Ports, SVMS, LUNS, LIFs) --> export the content to your desktop as a CSV file bly clicking on the export button. The data exported is point in time
2. Almost all the DB tables are open in "read-only" mode for reporting purposes. Connect to UM DB via JDBC (with a UM DB user with "Report Schema" role).
Note: The performance data here are available in samples...
For example if you are looking to find IOPS information for certain volumes, you need to do the following:
The IO statistics are available in the sample_qos_volume_workload_<clusterId> tables. So you can walk the netapp_model.volume table and find it’s corresponding id in the netapp_model.workload table. Then use the workload id to get the stats in the corresponding sample table.
Hope this helps!