Active IQ Unified Manager Discussions

OCUM DFM 5.2R1 discovers previous IPs


Hi Community,


Our customer is facing a very wierd issue on OCUM. 


Firstly, a little summary of the estate.

DFM core 5.2R1

FAS2554 - ONTAP 8.2.2P1


When adding one of the filers in Ops Manager it resolves to an IP that was previously configured. The IP has since changed.

We have removed this IP from the /etc/hosts file, however when adding by name or IP. It still resolves to previous IP used.

This is now causing the filer to display as down/offline 


When adding the storage via Management Console, the follwoing error is displayed:

"Unable to validate host credentials. Please make sure that provided login credentials and admin port/transport details are valid"


Adding the storage via Ops Manager works but resolves to old IP.


Anyone previously expirence this issue?
