Active IQ Unified Manager Discussions
Active IQ Unified Manager Discussions
is it possible to get more than one measurepoint with one query (-C aggregate:user_writes,user_reads...) (this example didn,t work).?
i use this :
dfm perf retrieve -o file:aggrname -C aggregate:user_writes -M Month -s 3600
but i need all existig information like user_writes user_reads total_transfers.
Regards Martin
You should specify the counters in comma separated format as (-C aggregate:user_reads,aggregate:user_writes,aggregate:total_transfers).
Object name was missing before user_reads in you example.
One more thing is your command is wrong. It should be like dfm perf data retrieve -o <object_name> -C <counter_name> ...
You can see the usage details by using the command like
$dfm perf data retrieve help
retrieve -- This command allows you to extract the counter data
with supported statistical calculations on them.
dfm perf data retrieve { [ -o object-name-or-id ... ] [ -C perf-counter ... ]
[ -V view-name ] }
[ -d duration ] [ -b start-time ] [ -e end-time ]
[ -M month ... ] [ -D weekday ... ] [ -T time-range ... ]
[ -m statistical-method [ -P percentile-value ]
[ -S data-advance-method ] ]
[ -s sample-rate ] [ -x output-format ] [ -R ]
Here it clearly specifies the object name need to be there in the dfm perf data retrieve command.
This is the output of my problem:
This worked
smc-vm-025:~ # dfm perf data retrieve -o -C aggregate:user_reads -M Sep -s 3600
2011-09-09 14:04:43 277.800
2011-09-09 15:04:43 175.867
This not:
smc-vm-025:~ # dfm perf data retrieve -o -C aggregate:user_reads,aggregate:user_writes -M Sep -s 3600
Error: Expected object:counter; found aggregate:user_reads,aggregate:user_writes.
And this Tables exists:
smc-vm-025:~ # dfm perf data retrieve -o -V "Aggregate Summary View" -M Aug -s 3600
No data available
No data available
No data available
No data available
So, the problem still exists.
Regards Martin
The 'No data available' error could be because you are asking for Aug month data and the perf data for 'Aggregate Summary View' by default stores 1 week data.
Can you please verify against Sep month ? Also, post the sampling rate and sampling duration for the 'aggregate' object of this host using 'dfm perf data describe' CLI
This should only a example for the existing tables.
This is the main problem:
smc-vm-025:~ # dfm perf data retrieve -o -C aggregate:user_reads,aggregate:user_writes -M Sep -s 3600
Error: Expected object:counter; found aggregate:user_reads,aggregate:user_writes.
All other things are only to explain.
Regards Martin
when you specify the comma in between the counter name on the cli, still -C need to be there. Otherwise it will give you error
Correct syntax would be either
$ dfm perf data retrieve -o <object name> -C aggregate:user_reads, -C aggregate:user_writes -M Sep -s 3600
without comma separated cli,
$ dfm perf data retrieve -o <object -name> -C aggregate:user_reads -C aggregate:user_writes -M Sep -s 3600
Now try again.
Ok. It works now - but --- now the next question . Is it possible tho put the output in two collums. Actual the output was generated sequentialy.
smc-vm-025:~ # dfm perf data retrieve -o -C aggregate:user_reads -C aggregate:user_writes -M Sep -s 3600
2011-09-09 14:31:44 507.900
2011-09-09 15:31:44 220.283
2011-09-09 14:31:44 507.900
2011-09-09 15:31:44 220.283
Regards Martin
OK. I found the solution.
dfm perf data retrieve -o -C aggregate:user_reads -C aggregate:user_writes -M Sep -s 3600 -x TimeIndexed
is what i need.
Thanks for your great support
"-x TimeIndexed" will give you the column by column output, but it ignores the second information on the time column of the CLI output.
Hello again,
i have another "little" problem.
I could list this information with :
dfm perf counter list filer:logical_replication_destination:*:*:*
i got for example thist output:
logical_replication_destination L5S:/vol/f5_vm_esx81/lun81->LXSAN3:/vol/f3_vm_esx81_mir/lun81 num_restarts none basic
Now i would query this Objetc L5S:/vol/f5_vm_esx81/lun81->LXSAN3:/vol/.....
now my problem:
dfm perf data retrieve -o filer:L5S/vol/f5_vm_esx81/lun81->LXSAN3:/vol/f3_vm_esx81/lun81 -C logical_replication_destination:network_read_rate -s 900 -M SEP
will not work because : is a delimiter and the Object has : in his name. What is the right command Syntax with this kind of Object?
Regards Martin
Hi Martin,
Its recommended to use object Id instead of Object name.
Please try using object Id for -o option, or you can try putting double quotes on the object name .
Ok, where could i get the object Id for this object? I have searched in many Documentatitions but i found no example. I know only this command to resolve the objetcs:
dfm perf counter list filer:*:*:*:*
Hello Martin,
You can get the object id for various instances under different object type by executing the following command
$ dfm <object-type> list -q <filer>
Like for example where daood is the filer
$dfm aggr list -q dawood
$ dfm qtree list -q dawood
$dfm volume list -q dawood
The above command output having one column is "ID" which specifies the object id corresponding to the instance.
Now this object-type should be listed when you use the "dfm help" command like if you execute the below command
$dfm help
This will list aggr, lun, volume, qtree on the output. You can try also "$dfm <object-type> list help" for details.
I don't think 'dfm perf data retrieve' CLI supports unmanaged objects. 'logical_replication_destination' is an unmanaged object. Further PA doesn't collect data for this object by default.
The workaround for you could be
* Create a custom view
* Add the selected counter/instance pair (i.e., logical_replication_desination:<counter-name>:<instance-name>)
From this moment, PA shall start collecting data for the counter/instance pair.