Hi Mark,
Unfortunately, there is no way today in OC, to include the condition as a column in the Events reporting, which is fair ask but there is a work around. If you are running OC 5.0 or later, you can access the events database view and do exporting and other stuff.
For more details on how to access the dfm db views refer to the following TR.
TR 3690 - Access to DataFabric Manager and Performance Advisor Data Using Database Access and Data Export
To access some of the important doc/whitepapers/TR related to OC UM pls refer the following post.
OnCommand(DFM) and its related Technical Reports
But again there you may not be able to get the condition directly. Below is the actual event. Which I am taking as an example
[root@vmlnx ~]# dfm report view events-warning | grep -i 1743
Error 1743 Clock Skewed 18 Jul 14:03 130 f3240-208-145
The event condition is as below
[root@vmlnx ~]# dfm event detail 1743 | grep -i condition
eventCondition Clock on host f3240-208-145(130) is behind management station by 4368 seconds
This is how the condition is stored in the db using arguments which the eventView exposes as well.
[root@vmlnx208-161 ~]# "SELECT eventArguments FROM eventView where eventId=1743" | more
[root@vmlnx208-161 ~]#
The actual/pretty condition, in the event detail is constructed dynamically from the code. There is already a bug623749 requesting to expose this condition in a human readable format so that the eventViews are useful.
Can you pls add your customers case to this bug ?
BTW the database schemas for the views that are exposed are documented in two places, namely.
OnCommand Console help
- Help>Contents>Reports>Database Schema
Operations Manager Console help.
- Control Center> Help >General Help>Database Schema Under this you will find the following 3
- Database schema for DataFabric Manager non-historic data
- Database schema for DataFabric Manager historic data
- Relationship among fields of various database views