I found the answer in another thread:
In cli there is an options to do this.
The option is -P but some how this got missed in the cli help and man pages.
This is fixed in one of the upcoming release(cli help and man pages)
But still the option works in 3.7 and 3.8 releases of DFM.
Below is the option name and its possible values.
-P time frame signifies the period to fetch performance data.
Valid values are 'last, 1d, 1w, 1m, 3m and 1y'. This option
is valid only in conjunction with performance reports.
Below is the help of the fixed cli.
# dfm report view help
view -- Generate one of several reports
dfm report view [ (in seconds; for streaming reports)
-H show deleted objects
-P time frame signifies the period to fetch performance data.
Valid values are 'last, 1d, 1w, 1m, 3m and 1y'. This option
is valid only in conjunction with performance reports.