Active IQ Unified Manager Discussions
Active IQ Unified Manager Discussions
Hi All,
We have been having an issue the past serveral days where Performace Advisor complains about being out of space. I changed the global option "eventsPurgeInterval" from 25.71 weeks to 13 weeks and that did not help. I have currently set the monMinFreePercent from 10% to 8.0% to temporarily stop the errors. My perfdata directory is currently at 28GB for 2 filers. I only have 37GB on the entire drive so I need to trim this data. Any ideas on how I can get this space issue under control?
Solved! See The Solution
This file should be this large:
lun Netapp1 perf_8_72_2149 10080 1.25 GB 1.25 GB
However it is actually this large:
07/19/2011 10:16 AM 5,515,977,728 perf_8_72_2149
And there are multiple versions of this large file probably due to copy errors when space was low:
04/03/2011 12:29 AM 3,355,632,128 perf_8_72_1292
05/20/2011 12:15 AM 4,294,281,728 perf_8_72_1669
06/05/2011 12:30 AM 4,591,843,328 perf_8_72_1790
07/17/2011 12:34 AM 5,448,240,128 perf_8_72_2121
You can delete these 4 older files to gain back ~18Gb.
To correct the space discrepancy you will need to open a support case to get the work around for bug 439756.
Another approach i would suggest is to alter(relax) the Perf 'data collection' default intervals(collection interval, retention duration) - a feature introduced in DFM 4.0. To acheive this, in NMC PA-Setup-Hosts, select the host which is configured for Perf data collection, go to Edit-DAta collection, this would take you through wizard to alter the collection intervals and retention values for few/all of the CGs(counter groups). Especially volume CG would consume the highest space.
IIRC, the estimated space savings is displayed on the same page, on exitting this wizard also, for each CG.
If you can post the output of "dfm perf data list -v" along with a matching perf data directory listing (as you already collected) we can determine if you are hitting bug 439756.
This bug only affects DFM 4.x - please post the dfm version as well.
C:\>dfm about
Version (4.0.2)
This file should be this large:
lun Netapp1 perf_8_72_2149 10080 1.25 GB 1.25 GB
However it is actually this large:
07/19/2011 10:16 AM 5,515,977,728 perf_8_72_2149
And there are multiple versions of this large file probably due to copy errors when space was low:
04/03/2011 12:29 AM 3,355,632,128 perf_8_72_1292
05/20/2011 12:15 AM 4,294,281,728 perf_8_72_1669
06/05/2011 12:30 AM 4,591,843,328 perf_8_72_1790
07/17/2011 12:34 AM 5,448,240,128 perf_8_72_2121
You can delete these 4 older files to gain back ~18Gb.
To correct the space discrepancy you will need to open a support case to get the work around for bug 439756.
Do I need to stop any services or anything before I delete those files or are they safe to just delete?
These four files are older versions of the current file (2149) and should not be in use - you can simply delete them without stopping anything.
04/03/2011 12:29 AM 3,355,632,128 perf_8_72_1292
05/20/2011 12:15 AM 4,294,281,728 perf_8_72_1669
06/05/2011 12:30 AM 4,591,843,328 perf_8_72_1790
07/17/2011 12:34 AM 5,448,240,128 perf_8_72_2121