Active IQ Unified Manager Discussions

Qtree OPS information from harvest into Graphite/Grifana


Hi all,


This is my first post on community and if this thread is missing any community guidelines, please do let me know. 



As you all might know, in 7mode systesm, you can get qtree OPS using "qtree stats" command. We have over 100 FAS6XXX series filers and we would like to get qtree OPS information from all these filers and plot grpahs using Graphite/Grifana. Just want to know, whether we can plot "qtree OPS" grpahs using Harvest/Graphite/Grifana combination? If  this can't be done using the combination, please do suggest if you have any thoughts/ideas on how we can do this. 



The reason for this is, we would like to observe each qtree OPS and understand its pattern based on OPS generated by it over a period of time. If one qtree is having high OPS constantly for certain duration, we would like to discuss with the owner of that qtree and understand the reason for high OPS qtree is generating. 


Thanks in advance

