If you are looking for snaphot related reports, we have the following canned reports.
# dfm report | grep -i snapshot
aggregates-snapshot-thresholds snapshot thresholds for all aggregates
aggregates-snapshot-capacity capacity being used by snapshots on aggregates
volumes-snapshot-counts Number of snapshots in volume
volumes-snapshot-growth rate of growth of volumes over time
volumes-snapshot-details Details of snapshots on volumes
volumes-snapshot-policies Snapshot Policies on volumes
volumes-snapshot-autodelete Snapshot Policies on volumes
volumes-first-snapshot Space used when taking the first snapshot
volumes-first-snapshot-percent Space used when taking the first snapshot
volumes-snapshot-capacity capacity report for all snapshot areas
volumes-snapshot-thresholds thresholds for all snapshot areas
volumes-first-snapshot-thresholds thresholds for first snapshots
Similarly if you are looking for growth rates which give a snapdeleta look at the following reports.
# dfm report | grep -i growth-rates
Warning: Use of this command for listing and viewing reports has been
deprecated by 'dfm report list' and 'dfm report view' commands respectively.
aggregates-growth-rates rate of growth of aggregates over time
volumes-growth-rates rate of growth of volumes over time
qtrees-growth-rates rate of growth of qtrees over time