Active IQ Unified Manager Discussions

SnapDrive 6.1 HTTP SSL


Looking for the reasons why SnapDrive 6.1 for Windows has a requirement for the “HTTP SSL” service to be enabled and what feature utilizes this.  Currently we cannot get this working as the application servers here do not have IIS Admin installed as part of their MSB(Minimum Security Baseline).  Also is there a supported configuration for SnapDrive 6.1 that enables us to not have this service turned on?



Hi Guys,

Recieved the below response from NetApp support to resolve this issue,


  We received a response from engineering, This is specifically in response to is it ok to remove the entries that you have taken out of the *.conf file.

" The https is used to communicate with DFM. If we don't need that connectivity then the customer can disable that. The user should also not select https as protocol to filer connectivity.

If any Dataset operations require them to integrate with DFM (like Protection Manager etc.) then we will need this endpoint to be put back. Please validate their setup and provide advise accordingly"

So if the above applies to your customers implementation and does not need DFM related integration or HTTPS protocol use, adjusting the conf file is fine.

As far as SMSQL, if there are issues with SnapManger for SQL in this configuration I would implore you to open a case specific to SMSQL as I work primarily with SME/Snapdrive.  I would not want to steer you wrong in this type of situation, best to route a case to a SMSQL Engineer and have them evaluate the issue first hand.

Let me know when you have a moment to discuss the above,


When I edited the config file located with the SWsvc.exe (SWsvc.exe.conf) i removed all sections that started with <!-- Https End point -->.

If you need further clarification around this refer to the attached files to see differences.
