Active IQ Unified Manager Discussions
Active IQ Unified Manager Discussions
We need a way to get the objCreationTime out of DFM for volumes. Would someone please be able to provide the correct “dfm database query run “select”” statement?
Hi Bryan,
The field you are looking for ""objCreationTime" is not availabe via database views so you can access them using dfm database query run.
dfm detail <obj-name-or-id> | findstr /i obj will give your objCreation time.
C:\>dfm detail 17989 | findstr /i obj
objCreationTimestamp 2010-09-09 20:55:06.000000
objFlags 5
objFullName xxx-drp01-cf1:/xxxx_project01
objId 17989
objName xxx_project01
objPerfStatus Unknown
objPerfStatusCode 5
objStatus Error
objStatusChangeTimestamp 2012-01-15 09:43:34.000000
objStatusCode 7
objStatusTimestamp 2012-01-15 09:43:34.000000
objType Volume
sysObjectID .
Thank you Adai,
My customer has thousands of volumes and was really hoping to query the database against this attribute, filtering on values older than some date "X". I believe your solutions will require exporting a list of all obj-name-or-id's then running the dfm detail command against each of them.
Can you think of any more efficient ways to accomplish this? Your help is appreciated.
don't know if you have solved this already. By querying against the DFM database and not the views, you are able to get this information.
eg: dfm query run "SELECT * FROM DFM.volumes v LEFT JOIN DFM.objects o ON v.volId = o.objId WHERE o.objDeleted IS NULL AND v.snapshotSourceId=0"
You just have to chose which fields you need for the output. SELECT * comes up with quite a lot fields which you probably don't need. If you need filernames and other you'd have to make more joins.
Hope this helps.
Hi Jakob,
dfm query run is not a supported cli and shouldn't not be used. Customer can only use view by dfm database query run cli.