Hi team,
on my DFM server I accidently deleted some filer configuration files which I would like to get back.
The" dfm config add help" command shows the following note:
NOTE: In order to re-add a previouly deleted configuration
leave the data-location empty. Both -t and -v options are not
required and are ignored if specified.
Ex. dfm config add <deleted-configuration-name>.
Unfortunately it dows not work as expected:
C:\>dfm config list -a
ID Config Name Config Type Version Deleted
---- ---------------------------------------- --------------- ----------- --------
2704 muccbc_cifs filer 8.0.1 Yes
2701 muccbc_ldap filer 8.0.1 Yes
C:\>dfm config add muccbc_cifs
Error: A deleted filer configuration named 'muccbc_cifs' already exists in the database.
Please use a different name, or remove the existing configuration from the database using
'dfm config delete -f muccbc_cifs'.
This looks like a BUG.
Anybody an idea how to work around this? Maybe a "hidden" command I can alter the fields "objDeleted" and "objDeletedBy" with?
[OnCommand 5.01D1 Win x64]
regards, Niels