Active IQ Unified Manager Discussions
Active IQ Unified Manager Discussions
I've been actively creating workflows using the certified commands for creating CDOT volumes and associated CIFS share. What I just realized is there is no command to remove a CIFS share. I can still delete the underlying volume but that leaves behind an orphaned share. Anyone know if this command exists somewhere that I'm missing? Thanks.
Thanks Michael. I just imported the command but I'm getting the following error, which I suspect is because the cluster requires confirmation of the action:
12:51:09.806 ERROR [Remove CIFS share] Failed executing command. Exception: Windows PowerShell is in NonInteractive mode. Read and Prompt functionality is not available.
I found this message with something similar:
I don't have much Powershell experience but I think the current code that looks like this:
Remove-NcCifsShare -Name $ShareName -VserverContext $Vserver
Might need to look like this based on the code from another command for CDOT:
Remove-NcCifsShare -Name $ShareName -VserverContext $Vserver -Force -Confirm:$False
I'll test and see if it works.
Almost had it - just need to drop the -Force option so the command that works looks like this:
Remove-NcCifsShare -Name $ShareName -VserverContext $Vserver -Confirm:$False
Thank you!
Whoops, I exported the unfinished version! Sorry about that. Glad you found the solution.
- Michael.