Active IQ Unified Manager Discussions

WFA & vRealize Orchestrator: Unable to run "Get WFA Workflows Inputs" vRO workflow


We are running WFA 4.2 and have installed the "vRealize Orchestrator Package for OnCommand Workflow Automation (v3.1)" on our vRealize Orchestrator.


When we try to run the "Get WFA Worflows Inputs" workflow in vRO, we get the following error:


2018-07-09 14:15:57.521] [D]   Using stored REST host with id c1e7b50e-4556-4cd4-a3a4-0f8374a16fcd

[2018-07-09 14:15:57.538] [D] #### Starting execution of Get WFA Workflow Inputs ####

[2018-07-09 14:15:57.540] [D]   WFA host connection id: c1e7b50e-4556-4cd4-a3a4-0f8374a16fcd

[2018-07-09 14:15:57.544] [D]   Workflow url: /workflows?name=Create%20a%20Clustered%20Data%20ONTAP%20NFS%20Volume

[2018-07-09 14:15:57.547] [D]  %% Executing REST request %%

[2018-07-09 14:15:57.549] [D]  URL: /workflows?name=Create%20a%20Clustered%20Data%20ONTAP%20NFS%20Volume

[2018-07-09 14:15:57.573] [D]   Using stored REST host with id c1e7b50e-4556-4cd4-a3a4-0f8374a16fcd

[2018-07-09 14:15:57.574] [D] Stored and passed are the same.  No destruction.

[2018-07-09 14:15:57.601] [E] Workflow execution stack:


item: 'Get WFA Workflow Inputs/item3', state: 'failed', business state: 'null', exception: 'InternalError: Cannot execute the request: ; cepinvwfa001: Name or service not known (Dynamic Script Module name : executeWfaRestOperation#11) (Dynamic Script Module name : executeWfaRestOperation#17)'

workflow: 'Get WFA Workflow Inputs' (272cfbed-2448-4d30-bf80-fe11ab219af8)

|  'attribute': name=restHost type=REST:RESTHost value=dunes://'c1e7b50e-4556-4cd4-a3a4-0f8374a16fcd'&dunesName='REST:RESTHost'

|  'input': name=workflowName type=string value=Create a Clustered Data ONTAP NFS Volume

|  'output': name=errorCode type=string value=InternalError: Cannot execute the request: ; cepinvwfa001: Name or service not known (Dynamic Script Module name : executeWfaRestOperation#11) (Dynamic Script Module name : executeWfaRestOperation#17)

*** End of execution stack.
