Hello Guys,
I was looking for an option to be able to have a workflow for All Flash FAS system.
We do have a Flash Pool and AFF within the same cluster group, now the challange is to be able to select the SSD or Hybrid Storage Array from a Workflow.
My Thoughts are:
- Have a Dedicated Resource pool from OnCommand Unified Manager (one for Hybrid Array and one for SSD Array), that would make easy selection for storage array.
- If I only have one Resource Pool from OnCommand Unified Manager, then the situation becomes little tricky, because then I have give a choice to user to select the Storage Type "SSD" or "Hybrid".
With the Second choice, I find it little tryciky because the powershell do show two type of RaidType "Normal" & "Hybrid". a Normal RaidType could be a simple SAS aggr as well.
Any Suggestation how possibily i can have a Workflow with second option where i only have one Resource Pool.
or if we have some workflow templates already created and published?