Active IQ Unified Manager Discussions
Active IQ Unified Manager Discussions
Hi folks.
I'm running WFA In executing a workflow that has the following command/code, if the volume inode limit is exceeded, WFA will not report that the command has failed. Here is the command:
param (
[parameter(Mandatory=$true, HelpMessage="Cluster IP Address")]
[parameter(Mandatory=$true, HelpMessage="Volume name")]
[parameter(Mandatory=$true, HelpMessage="Vserver name")]
[parameter(Mandatory=$true, HelpMessage="Percent to increase FilesTotal")]
# connect to controller
Connect-WfaCluster $Cluster
$vol = Get-NcVol -Name $VolumeName -Vserver $VserverName -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
throw "No Volume named '" + $VolumeName + "' was found"
Get-WFALogger -Info -message $("Increase CM Vol FilesTotal: '"+ $VolumeName + "' on VServer '" +$VserverName + "' by: "+$IncreasePct+"%")
$q = Get-Ncvol -Template
Initialize-NcObjectProperty $q VolumeIdAttributes
$q.VolumeIdAttributes.Name = $VolumeName
$q.VolumeIdAttributes.OwningVserverName = $VerserName
$IncreaseFactor = ($IncreasePct * .01) + 1
$v = Get-Ncvol -Query $q
Get-WFALogger -Info -message $("Increase CM Vol FilesTotal: '"+ $VolumeName + "' on VServer '" +$VserverName + "' Current: "+$v.FilesTotal)
[int]$newfilestotal = $v.FilesTotal * $IncreaseFactor
Get-WFALogger -Info -message $("Increase CM Vol FilesTotal: '"+ $VolumeName + "' on VServer '" +$VserverName + "' New: "+$newfilestotal)
Set-NcVolTotalFiles -name $VolumeName -totalfiles $newfilestotal -vserver $VserverName -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
Here is the ouput of the some of the logs:
12:37:15.205 INFO [null] ***** Workflow Execution Started *****
12:37:15.283 INFO [Increase CM Vol FilesTotal] ### Command 'Increase CM Vol FilesTotal' ###
12:37:17.170 INFO [Increase CM Vol FilesTotal] Executing command: ./Increase_CM_Vol_FilesTotal2449562786458417931.ps1 -Cluster -IncreasePct 10 -VolumeName wfa_opsmart_test1 -VserverName vsnfsbbl
12:37:17.202 INFO [Increase CM Vol FilesTotal] Get-NaCredentials -Host
12:37:17.233 INFO [Increase CM Vol FilesTotal] Credentials successfully provided for ''
12:37:17.264 INFO [Increase CM Vol FilesTotal] Connect-NcController (with credentials) -Name
12:37:19.167 INFO [Increase CM Vol FilesTotal] Connected to cluster node
12:37:20.634 INFO [Increase CM Vol FilesTotal] Increase CM Vol FilesTotal: 'wfa_opsmart_test1' on VServer 'vsnfsbbl' by: 10%
12:37:20.805 INFO [Increase CM Vol FilesTotal] Increase CM Vol FilesTotal: 'wfa_opsmart_test1' on VServer 'vsnfsbbl' Current: 1712109
12:37:20.821 INFO [Increase CM Vol FilesTotal] Increase CM Vol FilesTotal: 'wfa_opsmart_test1' on VServer 'vsnfsbbl' New: 1883320
12:37:22.006 INFO [Increase CM Vol FilesTotal] Command completed, took 6723 milliseconds
12:37:22.022 INFO [null] ***** Workflow Execution Completed *****
2013-09-24 12:34:16,944 UTC INFO [com.netapp.wfa.command.execution.instance.impl.ExecutionInstanceDaoImpl] (http- [Increase CM Vol FilesTotal] Increase CM Vol FilesTotal: 'wfa_opsmart_test1' on VServer 'vsnfsbbl' by: 10%
2013-09-24 12:34:17,115 UTC INFO [com.netapp.wfa.command.execution.instance.impl.ExecutionInstanceDaoImpl] (http- [Increase CM Vol FilesTotal] Increase CM Vol FilesTotal: 'wfa_opsmart_test1' on VServer 'vsnfsbbl' Current: 1712109
2013-09-24 12:34:17,131 UTC INFO [com.netapp.wfa.command.execution.instance.impl.ExecutionInstanceDaoImpl] (http- [Increase CM Vol FilesTotal] Increase CM Vol FilesTotal: 'wfa_opsmart_test1' on VServer 'vsnfsbbl' New: 1883320
2013-09-24 12:34:18,223 UTC INFO [com.netapp.wfa.command.execution.instance.impl.ExecutionInstanceDaoImpl] (WorkManager(2)-62) [Increase CM Vol FilesTotal] Command completed, took 6615 milliseconds
2013-09-24 12:34:18,238 UTC INFO [com.netapp.wfa.command.execution.instance.impl.ExecutionInstanceDaoImpl] (WorkManager(2)-62) ***** Workflow Execution Completed *****
2013-09-24 12:34:18,270 UTC INFO [com.netapp.wfa.job.backend.JobsExecutionInterceptor] (WorkManager(2)-62) Job WorkflowJob{workflowId=53, workflowName='BB_Increase_Vol_Max_Files', userInputs={$VserverName=MapValueWrapper{value='vsnfsbbl'}, $CRNumber=MapValueWrapper{value='null'}, $IncreasePct=MapValueWrapper{value='10'}, $ClusterName=MapValueWrapper{value='bbcs1va3'}, $VolumeName=MapValueWrapper{value='wfa_opsmart_test1'}}, executionComment=Opsmart Inode AutoGrow call through API} JobConfiguration{id=860, jobScheduleInfo=JobScheduleInfo{id=860}, created=2013-09-24 12:34:06.0} finished successfully
2013-09-24 12:36:20,917 UTC INFO [com.netapp.wfa.job.backend.JobsExecutionInterceptor] (WorkManager(2)-64) Job CacheJob{, dataSourceId=DataSourceInfo{id=2, name='Initial DFM', connectionDetails=ConnectionDetails{id=2, ip='', port=2638, userName='wfa', password='******'}, dataProviderType=DataProviderType{id=6, productType='OnCommand Unified Manager (DFM)', productVersion='5.1.X,5.2 Cluster-Mode', driverType='SYBASE'}}, schemeId=Scheme{id=4, name='cm_storage'}, dataSourceName='Initial DFM', schemeName='cm_storage'} started
2013-09-24 12:36:28,124 UTC INFO [com.netapp.wfa.job.backend.JobsExecutionInterceptor] (WorkManager(2)-64) Job CacheJob{, dataSourceId=DataSourceInfo{id=2, name='Initial DFM', connectionDetails=ConnectionDetails{id=2, ip='', port=2638, userName='wfa', password='******'}, dataProviderType=DataProviderType{id=6, productType='OnCommand Unified Manager (DFM)', productVersion='5.1.X,5.2 Cluster-Mode', driverType='SYBASE'}}, schemeId=Scheme{id=4, name='cm_storage'}, dataSourceName='Initial DFM', schemeName='cm_storage'} finished successfully
2013-09-24 12:37:09,979 UTC INFO [] (http- Could not find WorkflowExecution result for jobId: 8261 returning empty RetrunParameter[]
2013-09-24 12:37:10,244 UTC INFO [] (http- Could not find WorkflowExecution result for jobId: 8261 returning empty RetrunParameter[]
So basically, I'm looking at the last two lines about "returning empty ReturnParameter". It seems that the code is not handling errors correctly. Here is what happens if you want increase the same volume with the same percentage on the cluster:
bbcs1va3::> vol modify -vserver vsnfsbbl -volume wfa_opsmart_test1 -files 1883319
(volume modify)
Error: command failed: Unable to set volume attributes for volume "wfa_opsmart_test1" on Vserver "vsnfsbbl". Reason: Unable to set attribute
files-total for volume. Reason: current value (1712109) is over the maximum allowable limit (595827) and cannot
be increased. Maxfiles remains at 1712109.
Thanks in advanced.
Solved! See The Solution
Hi Todd,
Try the last cmd-let with "-ErrroAction stop" instead of "-ErrorAction SilentlyContinue"
Set-NcVolTotalFiles -name $VolumeName -totalfiles $newfilestotal -vserver $VserverName -ErrorAction stop
Warm Regards
Sivaprasad K
Hi Todd,
Try the last cmd-let with "-ErrroAction stop" instead of "-ErrorAction SilentlyContinue"
Set-NcVolTotalFiles -name $VolumeName -totalfiles $newfilestotal -vserver $VserverName -ErrorAction stop
Warm Regards
Sivaprasad K
That did it. Thanks.
Do you mind sharing this WFA work flow? I am looking for a similiar workflow.