hello In the process of checking the device, the system prompts: ALERT vifmgr.lifs.noredundancy: No redundancy in the failover configuration for 2 LIFs assigned to node "FAS8200-02". LIFs: SnapVault:SnapVault02, SnapMirror:SnapMirror02. The two LIFs use the following port groups: a0b Run the network interface failover-groups show command to find that a failover group exists on the a0b ports of two nodes. How do I know the cause of a system alarm?
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Hello, My customer noticed a latency spike in their cluster, reaching 40ms in Grafana, and raised a support case. However, the NetApp support observed latency of around 25ms from the performance archive logs they shared. I need help identifying the cause of this discrepancy. - Grafana : v7.5.17 (84411794f3) - ONTAP : 9.12.1P11
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We run several Volumes with Anti Ransomware enabled, all looks good in Ontap/System Manager. In Active IQ however, on the Dashboard -> Security it says: VOLUMES WITH ANTI-RANSOMWARE ENABLED No data to display As if the are not found or monitored? Any hint on this behaviour and how to fix it, if possible, would be appreciated.
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Hi Our main moniroting system is running on icinga. On the other hand i have valuable information avout my clsuter on the site https://activeiq.netapp.com/ but i don't have the man power to daily connect to this site. Is there a way to "export" the risk panel from the activeiq site to my icinga server. tHe perfect worlflow would be to get an altert to the icinga console and then to connect to actiqueiq to get details
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Hi, I'm looking for clarity in regards to true snapshot sizes. Looking in a putty session at snapshots from a couple of years ago, their sizes are larger than what is shown in AQUIM for the restore of that snapshot. Which is the true size? Thanks
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