Receiving the following error when attempting to add a host to Operations Manager 4.0.
Config: 3040 single head, 7.3.2P7, not added to a domain
Operations Manager 4.0 Networking credentials set to snmpv3 with an account and password.
Network Connectivity
IP Address
Network (discovery disabled)
DNS Aliases uslzuil700sto
DNS Addresses
SNMP Version in Use SNMPv3
SNMPv1 Failed: Timeout
SNMP Community Ac13v#rP@$$w0rd
SNMPv3 Failed: Timeout (plaintext scopedPDU header type 00: s/b 30)
SNMPv3 Auth Protocol MD5
SNMPv3 Privacy Enabled No
SNMPv3 Username OpsMgr
ICMP Echo Passed (0 ms)
HTTP Passed (0 ms)
Host Agent Connect Failed (transport http; port 4092)
Thank you.