I'm having an issue setting up a 1-1 relationship with OSSV. I've been told the dfm option setpmOSSVDirMaxSvRelsPerSecondaryVol=1,
should create a new volume for each OSSV client but isn't working in my environment, when a 3rd OSSV client is added to dataset it creates a qtree.
I’ve set the following DFM options:
dfm option setpmOSSVDirMaxSvRelsPerSecondaryVol=1
dfm option setpmAutomaticSecondaryVolMaxSizeMb=1048576
The 1st dataset add provisions two volumes for each OSSV client. The next dataset add creates a qtree
C:\Users\sambarnes47> dfpmdataset add ossvdataset1 upvstnmg003:D:\test030, upvstnmg005:D:/test050
Dataset dry run results
Do: Provision flexible volume(backup secondary) of size 1.00 TB
Effect: Provision a newflexible volume of 1.00 TB from aggregate 'NASHE01:nashe01_2tb_aggr0'(134).
Do: Provision flexible volume(backup secondary) of size 1.00 TB
Effect: Provision a newflexible volume of 1.00 TB from aggregate 'NASHE02:nashe02_2tb_aggr0'(275).
Do: Create backuprelationship(s) for dataset 'ossvdataset1' (395) on connection 1.
Effect: Create backuprelationship(s) between 'UPVSTNMG005:D:/test050' and new volume to beprovisioned from resource pool(s) 'ossvpool' (391).
Do: Create backuprelationship(s) for dataset 'ossvdataset1' (395) on connection 1.
Effect: Create backuprelationship(s) between 'UPVSTNMG003:D:/test030' and new volume to beprovisioned from resource pool(s) 'ossvpool' (391).
Added ossv_directoryUPVSTNMG003:D:/test030 (396) to dataset ossvdataset1 (395).
Added ossv_directoryUPVSTNMG005:D:/test050 (397) to dataset ossvdataset1 (395).
PS C:\Users\sambarnes47> dfpmdataset add ossvdataset1 upvstnmg004:D:\test040
Dataset dry run results
Do: Create backuprelationship(s) for dataset 'ossvdataset1' (395) on connection 1.
Effect: Create backuprelationship(s) between 'UPVSTNMG004:D:/test040' and 'NASHE02:/UPVSTNMG005'.
Added ossv_directory UPVSTNMG004:D:/test040(408) to dataset ossvdataset1 (395).
PS C:\Users\sambarnes47>