You can get these reports in DFM as:
For Volumes:
[root@vmlnx161 ~]# dfm report view volumes-capacity
Object ID Volume Aggregate Storage Server Used Total Used (%)
--------- -------------- ------------ ----------------------------------------- ---------- ---------- --------
5340 vm_ds02 aggr1 f3240-208 3286372512 3325663664 98.8
5859 share1_1 aggr1 vsim1.com 22712 27036 84.0
5330 vm_ds01 aggr1 f3240-208-145 2430887832 4882169920 49.8
Totals 5727977792 8986808124 63.7
And for snapshots you can get the report as:
[root@vmlnx161 ~]# dfm report view volumes-snapshot-capacity
Object ID Volume Aggregate Storage Server Used Total Used (%)
--------- ----------------------- ------------ ----------------------------------------- --------- ---------- --------
5369 vol0.snapshot aggr0 vsim11 160904 43592 369.1
5351 vol0.snapshot aggr0 vsim9 160416 43592 368.0
Totals 198438840 1777925008 11.2
You can get the list of the available reports as:
#dfm report list