Active IQ Unified Manager Discussions
Active IQ Unified Manager Discussions
Hi WFAddicts,
Is there some way to insert array credentials massively into WFA? I mean, to setup a customer environment with dozens of arrays, would be excellent to have some script, or some workflow that insert new array credentials into WFA. Exists any DB table that we can use?
Also for all new arrays, I think it's not optimal to setup array credentials manually, the main goal is to automate everything right?
I had a similar issue when I was setting up WFA 2.0. We have about 60 arrays in our company and I really didn't want to add in credentials manually. What I did was set the Match field to Pattern and then add in the subnet ID portion of the IP subnet we use to manage the filers. So if the subnet was then you would add in 192.168.0.* into the Name/IP field. This will work for all filers as long as their IP address matches the pattern. This might not work for your environment but I've had no problems and only had to create one credential object.
If all your Arrays/Clusters have the same login/password then you can use the Setup wizard to add their credentials all at once.
The approach of have the same user/password for all arrays in a subnet seems to be the best today, despite some customers deny it due security policies.
However, the credentials of an array are also registered in DFM. Could be considered for a future release of WFA to use array credentials from DFM data?
It's true that array account used by DFM normally has restrictions to avoid operations not allowed, but like WFA account should have. I think WFA account should have CLI capabilities disabled, and only API capabilities enabled, among other considerations. DFM array account must have api + snmp + ...others. Could be merged WFA & DFM arrays accounts to be the same? maybe in oncommand core 6?
Summarizing, we're managing array credentials on two sites: Oncommand Core (DFM) and OnCommand WFA.
>>Could be merged WFA & DFM arrays accounts to be the same?
Yes that is there in our roadmap; when WFA integrates with OCUM-core this will be one of the conveniences we will like to provide.