Hi Craig,
Most distros use the same tools with slightly different settings.
For the Guest VM's SCSI Disks, you are required to increased the timeout values. That's what the script in the kB does.
#Purpose: This script will create a udev rule on a RHEL 5 Guest OS
#which will set the required SCSI I/O timeout (190s) for
#connectivity to NetApp storage systems.
Looking at the comments, all you need to do is increase the timeout value to 190 seconds.
1) You could write a udev rule where you trap SCSI Disk's Add events and then run a command to update the timeout to 190 seconds. Like: ACTION=="add", SUBSYSTEM=="scsi" , SYSFS{type}=="0|7|14", RUN+="/bin/sh -c 'echo 190 > /sys\$\$DEVPATH/timeout'"
2) Other option would be to add the similar lines in /etc/rc.local
for dev in /dev/sd?; do echo 190 > /sys/block/`basename $dev`/device/timeout
The benefit of Option 1 is that the settings are applied as soon as the device is created, where as in Option 2, the settings will be applied once the OS has booted.
Disclaimer: Please note that this is not tested.