Getting error while trying to install trident with backend volume as ontap cloud(AWS).
- Create a volume on ontap-cloud cluster
- added info to setup/backend.json
- executed installer's dry run
ATA Install failed; could not start the storage backend driver;
problem initializing storage driver 'ontap-nas':
error initializing ontap-nas driver: could not create Data ONTAP API client:
error reading SVM details: API status: failed, Reason: Specified vserver not found, Code: 15698.
My backend.json looks like this
"version": 1,
"storageDriverName": "ontap-nas",
"backendName": "trident_ontap_vol",#gave a unique name
"managementLIF": "x.x.x.x",# cluster management ip
"dataLIF": "x.x.x.x",#data node ip which is the same as the mount ip for volume
"svm": "trident_svm", # left the default, what should be the value here?
"username": "xxxx",
"password": "xxxx"