Data Backup and Recovery

Am I facing BURT 357965?

Dear  all,
I am preparing a  SMO/SDU install on Linux RHEL 5.3 with FCP and dm-multipath. I have read and  taken into account the ext3 on raw partition limitations of SDU 4.1, resulting  in the following setup:
root@oralinux:~root@oralinux ~]#  df -k
Filesystem           1K-blocks      Used Available Use% Mounted  on
                      71609640   35685896  32227516  53% /
/dev/hdb1               101086     20999     74868   22% /boot
tmpfs                  2097152         0   2097152   0%  /dev/shm
                       10317112   1721932   8071100  18%  /u02
                      10317112     182852   9610180   2%  /u03
                      10317112     308024   9485008   4%  /u04
                      10317112     456512   9336520   5%  /u05
                      10317112     154248   9638784   2% /u06
/dev/mapper/oradata    8388608     269056   8119552   4% /u08
/dev/mapper/oralog     8388608    269056    8119552   4% /u09
/dev/mapper/oractl     8388608    269056   8119552   4%  /u10
/dev/mapper/recovery   8388608    269056   8119552   4%  /u11
The Oracle DB files  have been put on /u02 to /u06, and those filesystems were successfully created  using snapdrive itself.
The connectivity is  FCP (qla2342) and dm-multipath is in use:
root@oralinux:~root@oralinux ~]#  multipath -ll
mpath2 (360a9800056724776566f515a57616a65)  dm-2 NETAPP,LUN
[size=10G][features=1  queue_if_no_path][hwhandler=0][rw]
\_ round-robin 0 [prio=8][active]
\_  1:0:0:1  sdaa 65:160 [active][ready]
\_ 0:0:0:1  sdb  8:16    [active][ready]
asm6 (360a9800056724776566f51634e544749) dm-21  NETAPP,LUN
[size=8.0G][features=1 queue_if_no_path][hwhandler=0][rw]
\_  round-robin 0 [prio=8][active]
\_ 1:0:0:20 sdat 66:208  [active][ready]
\_ 0:0:0:20 sdu  65:64  [active][ready]
mpath1 (360a9800056724776566f515a5758397a) dm-26  NETAPP,LUN
[size=10G][features=1 queue_if_no_path][hwhandler=0][rw]
\_  round-robin 0 [prio=8][active]
\_ 0:0:0:0  sda  8:0     [active][ready]
\_ 1:0:0:0  sdz  65:144 [active][ready]
asm5  (360a9800056724776566f51634e544349) dm-18 NETAPP,LUN
[size=8.0G][features=1  queue_if_no_path][hwhandler=0][rw]
\_ round-robin 0 [prio=8][active]
\_  1:0:0:17 sdaq 66:160 [active][ready]
\_ 0:0:0:17 sdr  65:16   [active][ready]
asm4 (360a9800056724776566f51634e544464) dm-19  NETAPP,LUN
[size=8.0G][features=1 queue_if_no_path][hwhandler=0][rw]
\_  round-robin 0 [prio=8][active]
\_ 1:0:0:18 sdar 66:176  [active][ready]
\_ 0:0:0:18 sds  65:32  [active][ready]
asm10  (360a9800056724776566f51634e544d69) dm-25 NETAPP,LUN
[size=8.0G][features=1  queue_if_no_path][hwhandler=0][rw]
\_ round-robin 0 [prio=8][active]
\_  1:0:0:24 sdax 67:16  [active][ready]
\_ 0:0:0:24 sdy  65:128  [active][ready]
asm3 (360a9800056724776566f51634e544579) dm-20  NETAPP,LUN
[size=8.0G][features=1 queue_if_no_path][hwhandler=0][rw]
\_  round-robin 0 [prio=8][active]
\_ 1:0:0:19 sdas 66:192  [active][ready]
\_ 0:0:0:19 sdt  65:48  [active][ready]
ocr2  (360a9800056724776566f5162762d6577) dm-11 NETAPP,LUN
[size=8.0G][features=1  queue_if_no_path][hwhandler=0][rw]
\_ round-robin 0 [prio=8][active]
\_  1:0:0:10 sdaj 66:48  [active][ready]
\_ 0:0:0:10 sdk  8:160   [active][ready]
asm2 (360a9800056724776566f51634e544179) dm-17  NETAPP,LUN
[size=8.0G][features=1 queue_if_no_path][hwhandler=0][rw]
\_  round-robin 0 [prio=8][active]
\_ 1:0:0:16 sdap 66:144  [active][ready]
\_ 0:0:0:16 sdq  65:0   [active][ready]
ocr1  (360a9800056724776566f5162762d6b47) dm-15 NETAPP,LUN
[size=8.0G][features=1  queue_if_no_path][hwhandler=0][rw]
\_ round-robin 0 [prio=8][active]
\_  1:0:0:14 sdan 66:112 [active][ready]
\_ 0:0:0:14 sdo  8:224   [active][ready]
voting3 (360a9800056724776566f5162762d6977) dm-14  NETAPP,LUN
[size=8.0G][features=1 queue_if_no_path][hwhandler=0][rw]
\_  round-robin 0 [prio=8][active]
\_ 1:0:0:13 sdam 66:96   [active][ready]
\_ 0:0:0:13 sdn  8:208  [active][ready]
asm1  (360a9800056724776566f51634e542d64) dm-16 NETAPP,LUN
[size=8.0G][features=1  queue_if_no_path][hwhandler=0][rw]
\_ round-robin 0 [prio=8][active]
\_  1:0:0:15 sdao 66:128 [active][ready]
\_ 0:0:0:15 sdp  8:240   [active][ready]
oraclehome (360a9800056724776566f5162762d6461) dm-10  NETAPP,LUN
[size=8.0G][features=1 queue_if_no_path][hwhandler=0][rw]
\_  round-robin 0 [prio=8][active]
\_ 1:0:0:9  sdai 66:32   [active][ready]
\_ 0:0:0:9  sdj  8:144  [active][ready]
voting2  (360a9800056724776566f5162762d6861) dm-13 NETAPP,LUN
[size=8.0G][features=1  queue_if_no_path][hwhandler=0][rw]
\_ round-robin 0 [prio=8][active]
\_  1:0:0:12 sdal 66:80  [active][ready]
\_ 0:0:0:12 sdm  8:192   [active][ready]
oradata (360a9800056724776566f5162762d5a43) dm-6  NETAPP,LUN
[size=8.0G][features=1 queue_if_no_path][hwhandler=0][rw]
\_  round-robin 0 [prio=8][active]
\_ 1:0:0:5  sdae 65:224  [active][ready]
\_ 0:0:0:5  sdf  8:80   [active][ready]
voting1  (360a9800056724776566f5162762d6747) dm-12 NETAPP,LUN
[size=8.0G][features=1  queue_if_no_path][hwhandler=0][rw]
\_ round-robin 0 [prio=8][active]
\_  1:0:0:11 sdak 66:64  [active][ready]
\_ 0:0:0:11 sdl  8:176   [active][ready]
mpath5  (360a9800056724776566f515a576c6d6f) dm-5 NETAPP,LUN
[size=10G][features=1  queue_if_no_path][hwhandler=0][rw]
\_ round-robin 0 [prio=8][active]
\_  1:0:0:4  sdad 65:208 [active][ready]
\_ 0:0:0:4  sde  8:64    [active][ready]
asm9 (360a9800056724776566f51634e544b4a) dm-24  NETAPP,LUN
[size=8.0G][features=1 queue_if_no_path][hwhandler=0][rw]
\_  round-robin 0 [prio=8][active]
\_ 1:0:0:23 sdaw 67:0    [active][ready]
\_ 0:0:0:23 sdx  65:112 [active][ready]
oralog  (360a9800056724776566f5162762d2f2f) dm-7 NETAPP,LUN
[size=8.0G][features=1  queue_if_no_path][hwhandler=0][rw]
\_ round-robin 0 [prio=8][active]
\_  1:0:0:6  sdaf 65:240 [active][ready]
\_ 0:0:0:6  sdg  8:96    [active][ready]
mpath4  (360a9800056724776566f515a57696a57) dm-4 NETAPP,LUN
[size=10G][features=1  queue_if_no_path][hwhandler=0][rw]
\_ round-robin 0 [prio=8][active]
\_  1:0:0:3  sdac 65:192 [active][ready]
\_ 0:0:0:3  sdd  8:48    [active][ready]
asm8 (360a9800056724776566f51634e54497a) dm-23  NETAPP,LUN
[size=8.0G][features=1 queue_if_no_path][hwhandler=0][rw]
\_  round-robin 0 [prio=8][active]
\_ 1:0:0:22 sdav 66:240  [active][ready]
\_ 0:0:0:22 sdw  65:96  [active][ready]
recovery  (360a9800056724776566f5162762d6347) dm-9 NETAPP,LUN
[size=8.0G][features=1  queue_if_no_path][hwhandler=0][rw]
\_ round-robin 0 [prio=8][active]
\_  1:0:0:8  sdah 66:16  [active][ready]
\_ 0:0:0:8  sdi  8:128   [active][ready]
mpath3  (360a9800056724776566f515a57635a46) dm-3 NETAPP,LUN
[size=10G][features=1  queue_if_no_path][hwhandler=0][rw]
\_ round-robin 0 [prio=8][active]
\_  1:0:0:2  sdab 65:176 [active][ready]
\_ 0:0:0:2  sdc  8:32    [active][ready]
asm7 (360a9800056724776566f51634e544864) dm-22  NETAPP,LUN
[size=8.0G][features=1 queue_if_no_path][hwhandler=0][rw]
\_  round-robin 0 [prio=8][active]
\_ 1:0:0:21 sdau 66:224  [active][ready]
\_ 0:0:0:21 sdv  65:80  [active][ready]
oractl  (360a9800056724776566f5162762d6177) dm-8 NETAPP,LUN
[size=8.0G][features=1  queue_if_no_path][hwhandler=0][rw]
\_ round-robin 0 [prio=8][active]
\_  1:0:0:7  sdag 66:0   [active][ready]
\_ 0:0:0:7  sdh  8:112   [active][ready]
Device static  mapping is made in /etc/multipath.conf:
multipaths {

multipath {

wwid  360a9800056724776566f515a5758397a

alias mpath1


So all seems ok, and  when using snapdrive to show the devices, I have the following  output:
root@oralinux:/dev/mapper/root@oralinux mapper]# snapdrive storage show -dev
Connected LUNs and devices:
device filename    adapter path size proto state clone       lun path   backing snapshot
----------------     ------- ---- ---- ----- ----- -----      --------   ----------------
/dev/mpath/mpath2         -   P     10g      fcp online No         fas920:/vol/oracle2/qtree1/lun1.lun    -   
/dev/mpath/asm6           -   P     8g      fcp online No          fas920:/vol/asm_on_sata_6/qtree/lun6.lun    -  
/dev/mpath/mpath1         -   P     10g     fcp online No          fas920:/vol/oracle1/qtree1/lun1.lun    -   
/dev/mpath/asm5           -   P     8g      fcp online No          fas920:/vol/asm_on_sata_3/qtree/lun3.lun    -  
/dev/mpath/asm4           -    P     8g      fcp online No         fas920:/vol/asm_on_sata_4/qtree/lun4.lun     -  
/dev/mpath/asm10          -   P     8g      fcp online No          fas920:/vol/asm_on_sata_10/qtree/lun10.lun    -  
/dev/mpath/asm3            -   P     8g      fcp online No          fas920:/vol/asm_on_sata_5/qtree/lun5.lun    -  
/dev/mpath/ocr2           -    P     8g      fcp online No         fas920:/vol/oracle_on_sata_6/lun6.lun     -  
/dev/mpath/asm2           -   P     8g      fcp online No          fas920:/vol/asm_on_sata_2/qtree/lun2.lun    -  
/dev/mpath/ocr1           -    P     8g      fcp online No         fas920:/vol/oracle_on_sata_10/lun10.lun     -  
/dev/mpath/voting3        -   P     8g      fcp online No          fas920:/vol/oracle_on_sata_9/lun9.lun    -  
/dev/mpath/asm1           -    P     8g      fcp online No         fas920:/vol/asm_on_sata_1/qtree/lun1.lun     -  
/dev/mpath/oraclehome     -   P     8g      fcp online No          fas920:/vol/oracle_on_sata_5/lun5.lun    -  
/dev/mpath/voting2        -    P     8g      fcp online No         fas920:/vol/oracle_on_sata_8/lun8.lun     -  
/dev/mpath/oradata        -   P     8g      fcp online No          fas920:/vol/oracle_on_sata_1/lun1.lun    -  
/dev/mpath/voting1        -    P     8g      fcp online No         fas920:/vol/oracle_on_sata_7/lun7.lun     -  
/dev/mpath/mpath5         -   P     10g      fcp online No         fas920:/vol/oracle5/qtree1/lun1.lun    -   
/dev/mpath/asm9           -   P     8g      fcp online No          fas920:/vol/asm_on_sata_9/qtree/lun9.lun    -  
/dev/mpath/oralog         -    P     8g      fcp online No         fas920:/vol/oracle_on_sata_2/lun2.lun     -  
/dev/mpath/mpath4         -   P     10g      fcp online No         fas920:/vol/oracle4/qtree1/lun1.lun    -   
/dev/mpath/asm8           -   P     8g      fcp online No          fas920:/vol/asm_on_sata_8/qtree/lun8.lun    -  
/dev/mpath/recovery       -    P     8g      fcp online No         fas920:/vol/oracle_on_sata_4/lun4.lun     -  
/dev/mpath/mpath3         -   P     10g      fcp online No         fas920:/vol/oracle3/qtree1/lun1.lun    -   
/dev/mpath/asm7           -   P     8g      fcp online No          fas920:/vol/asm_on_sata_7/qtree/lun7.lun    -  
/dev/mpath/oractl         -    P     8g      fcp online No         fas920:/vol/oracle_on_sata_3/lun3.lun     -  
But when launching  SMO to create a profile, the command hangs forever waiting for snapdrive to  return on the following command:
snapdrive storage show -fs /u02
Also, I launched  manually, I have the same behaviour, the command never returns. The same is true  if launching
snapdrive storage show  -all
Looking at the  sd-trace.log for this command, it seems to execute correctly and return (I  think) the expected result, except that there is this strange message  (leaked on vgdisplay invocation.):
13:06:25 07/16/09 [2300b90]?,2,2,Job tag:  Bzxl8vU6rY
13:06:25 07/16/09 [2300b90]?,2,2,snapdrive  storage show -fs /u02
13:06:25 07/16/09  [2300b90]v,2,6,FileSpecOperation::FileSpecOperation: 8
13:06:25 07/16/09  [2300b90]v,2,6,StorageOperation::StorageOperation: 8
13:06:25 07/16/09  [2300b90]i,2,2,Job tag Bzxl8vU6rY
13:06:25 07/16/09  [2300b90]i,2,6,Operation::setUserCred user id from soap context:  root
13:06:25 07/16/09 [2300b90]i,2,6,Operation::setUserCred uid:0 gid:0  userName:root
13:06:25 07/16/09 [2300b90]v,2,6,Operation::getUserCred uid:0  gid:0 userName:root
13:06:25 07/16/09  [2300b90]v,2,6,Operation::isNonRootAllowed Exit ret:1
13:06:25 07/16/09  [2300b90]v,2,6,FileSpecOperation::init: starting
13:06:25 07/16/09  [2300b90]i,2,6,Operation::initParallelOps: started
13:06:25 07/16/09  [2300b90]i,2,6,Operation::initParallelOps: succeeded
13:06:25 07/16/09  [2300b90]v,2,6,StorageStack::StorageStack
13:06:25 07/16/09  [2300b90]v,2,6,StorageStack::init Transport type selected: fcp
13:06:25  07/16/09 [2300b90]i,2,6,g_vmtype:linuxlvm, g_fstype:ext3,  g_mptype:linuxmpio.
13:06:25 07/16/09 [2300b90]i,2,6,Adding vmtype:linuxlvm  and mptype:linuxmpio to g_mptype
13:06:25 07/16/09 [2300b90]i,2,6,Adding  vmtype: and mptype:linuxmpio to g_mptype
13:06:25 07/16/09  [2300b90]v,2,6,StorageStack::~StorageStack
13:06:25 07/16/09  [2300b90]i,2,6,FileSpecOperation::initFileSpecList: create 1 filespec 
13:06:25 07/16/09  [343cb90]d,2,34,ScaleableExecutionPort::initScaleableExecutionPort: successful 
13:06:25 07/16/09  [343cb90]d,2,34,ScaleableExecutionPort::startScaleableExecution: successful 
13:06:25 07/16/09 [2300b90]d,2,5,SoftPointer:: FileSystem:/u02
13:06:25  07/16/09 [2300b90]d,2,4,Memorizable:: FileSystem:/u02
13:06:25 07/16/09  [2300b90]d,2,5,SblCommon:: FileSystem:/u02
13:06:25 07/16/09  [2300b90]d,2,8,FileSpec::FileSpec: FileSystem:/u02
13:06:25 07/16/09  [2300b90]d,2,10,FileSystem::FileSystem: /u02
13:06:25 07/16/09  [2300b90]d,2,5,SblCommon::initialize:   FileSystem: /u02
13:06:25 07/16/09  [2300b90]v,2,3,SblDataBank::SblDataBank
13:06:25 07/16/09  [2300b90]v,2,10,FileSystem::init: /u02 - type: ext3 mount options:  rw
13:06:25 07/16/09 [2300b90]v,2,10,FileSystem::isTypeSupported: /u02 file  system assistant ext3 (type: 'ext3')
13:06:25 07/16/09  [2300b90]i,2,10,FileSystem::getPersistentMountStatusFromMountEntry:  PersistentlyMounted = yes
13:06:25 07/16/09  [2300b90]d,2,5,SblCommon::initialize: memorize FileSystem: /u02
13:06:25  07/16/09 [2300b90]d,2,3,SblDataBank::save: object FileSystem:/u02 has been  memorized
13:06:25 07/16/09 [2300b90]v,2,6,Operation::saveErrorReportList:  saved 0 ErrorReports
13:06:25 07/16/09  [2300b90]v,2,6,ErrorReport::cleanErrorReportList: 0 Error Report  objects
13:06:25 07/16/09 [2300b90]v,2,6,Operation::restoreErrorReportList:  (0) restored 0, skipped: 0
13:06:25 07/16/09 [2300b90]d,2,5,SoftPointer::  FileSystem:/u02
13:06:25 07/16/09 [2300b90]i,2,6,Operation::saveObjectName:  saved FileSystem:/u02
13:06:25 07/16/09 [2300b90]d,2,5,SblCommon::initialize:  FileSystem: /u02 (1) +
13:06:25 07/16/09 [2300b90]v,2,10,FileSystem::acquire:  /u02
13:06:25 07/16/09 [2300b90]d,2,5,SoftPointer::~SoftPointer:  FileSystem:/u02
13:06:25 07/16/09  [2300b90]v,2,6,FileSpecOperation::createFileSpec: /u02 does exist, notexisting:  0
13:06:25 07/16/09 [2300b90]d,2,5,SoftPointer:: FileSystem:/u02
13:06:25  07/16/09 [2300b90]v,2,10,FileSystem::release: /u02
13:06:25 07/16/09  [2300b90]d,2,5,SblCommon::deinitialize: FileSystem: /u02 (ref=0)
13:06:25  07/16/09 [2300b90]v,2,6,FileSpecOperation::initFileSpecList: /u02
13:06:25  07/16/09 [2300b90]v,2,6,FileSpecOperation::initFileSpecList: success
13:06:25  07/16/09 [2300b90]d,2,4,Memorizable:: FileSystem:/u02
13:06:25 07/16/09  [2300b90]d,2,5,SblCommon:: FileSystem:/u02
13:06:25 07/16/09  [2300b90]d,2,8,FileSpec::FileSpec: FileSystem:/u02
13:06:25 07/16/09  [2300b90]d,2,10,FileSystem::FileSystem: /u02
13:06:25 07/16/09  [2300b90]d,2,5,SblCommon::initialize:   FileSystem: /u02
13:06:25 07/16/09  [2300b90]d,2,3,SblDataBank::find: found FileSystem:/u02
13:06:25 07/16/09  [2300b90]d,2,17,SblCommon::initialize: /u02 memorized already
13:06:25  07/16/09 [2300b90]d,2,3,SblDataBank::find: found FileSystem:/u02
13:06:25  07/16/09 [2300b90]d,2,10,FileSystem::~FileSystem: /u02
13:06:25 07/16/09  [2300b90]d,2,8,FilerSpec::~FileSpec FileSystem:/u02
13:06:25 07/16/09  [2300b90]d,2,5,SblCommon::~SblCommon: FileSystem:/u02
13:06:25 07/16/09  [2300b90]d,2,4,Memorizable::~Memorizable: FileSystem:/u02
13:06:25 07/16/09  [2300b90]d,2,5,SblCommon::initialize: FileSystem: /u02 (1) +
13:06:25  07/16/09 [2300b90]v,2,10,FileSystem::acquire: /u02
13:06:26 07/16/09  [2300b90]d,2,5,SoftPointer::  HostVolume:/dev/mapper/VolGroup01-LogVol01
13:06:26 07/16/09  [2300b90]d,2,4,Memorizable::  HostVolume:/dev/mapper/VolGroup01-LogVol01
13:06:26 07/16/09  [2300b90]d,2,5,SblCommon::  HostVolume:/dev/mapper/VolGroup01-LogVol01
13:06:26 07/16/09  [2300b90]d,2,8,FileSpec::FileSpec:  HostVolume:/dev/mapper/VolGroup01-LogVol01
13:06:26 07/16/09  [2300b90]d,2,11,HostVolume::HostVolume: /dev/mapper/VolGroup01-LogVol01  "linuxlvm"
13:06:26 07/16/09 [2300b90]d,2,5,SblCommon::initialize:    HostVolume: /dev/mapper/VolGroup01-LogVol01
13:06:26 07/16/09  [2300b90]v,9,0,ASSISTANT EXECUTION (at 141.799183): ls  /dev/VolGroup01/LogVol01
13:06:26 07/16/09 [2300b90]v,9,0,ASSISTANT EXECUTION  (at 141.805393): Output:
13:06:26 07/16/09  [2300b90]d,2,5,SblCommon::initialize: memorize HostVolume:  /dev/mapper/VolGroup01-LogVol01
13:06:26 07/16/09  [2300b90]d,2,3,SblDataBank::save: object  HostVolume:/dev/mapper/VolGroup01-LogVol01 has been memorized
13:06:26  07/16/09 [2300b90]v,2,6,Operation::saveErrorReportList: saved 0  ErrorReports
13:06:26 07/16/09  [2300b90]v,2,6,ErrorReport::cleanErrorReportList: 0 Error Report  objects
13:06:26 07/16/09 [2300b90]v,2,6,Operation::restoreErrorReportList:  (0) restored 0, skipped: 0
13:06:26 07/16/09 [2300b90]d,2,5,SoftPointer::  HostVolume:/dev/mapper/VolGroup01-LogVol01
13:06:26 07/16/09  [2300b90]i,2,6,Operation::saveObjectName: saved  HostVolume:/dev/mapper/VolGroup01-LogVol01
13:06:26 07/16/09  [2300b90]d,2,5,SblCommon::initialize: HostVolume:  /dev/mapper/VolGroup01-LogVol01 (1) +
13:06:26 07/16/09  [2300b90]v,2,11,HostVolume::acquire: /dev/mapper/VolGroup01-LogVol01
13:06:26  07/16/09 [2300b90]d,2,5,SoftPointer::  DiskGroup:/dev/mapper/VolGroup01
13:06:26 07/16/09  [2300b90]d,2,4,Memorizable:: DiskGroup:/dev/mapper/VolGroup01
13:06:26  07/16/09 [2300b90]d,2,5,SblCommon:: DiskGroup:/dev/mapper/VolGroup01
13:06:26  07/16/09 [2300b90]d,2,8,FileSpec::FileSpec:  DiskGroup:/dev/mapper/VolGroup01
13:06:26 07/16/09  [2300b90]d,2,12,DiskGroup::DiskGroup: /dev/mapper/VolGroup01  "linuxlvm"
13:06:26 07/16/09 [2300b90]d,2,5,SblCommon::initialize:    DiskGroup: /dev/mapper/VolGroup01
13:06:26 07/16/09 [2300b90]v,9,0,ASSISTANT  EXECUTION (at 141.806899): vgdisplay VolGroup01
13:06:26 07/16/09  [2300b90]v,9,0,ASSISTANT EXECUTION (at 141.888522): Output:
File descriptor 3 (/var/log/sd-daemon-trace.log) leaked on  vgdisplay invocation. Parent PID 15104: /opt/NetApp/snapdrive/bin/snapd
File  descriptor 4 (/opt/NetApp/snapdrive/ leaked on vgdisplay  invocation. Parent PID 15104: /opt/NetApp/snapdrive/bin/snapd
File descriptor  5 (/opt/NetApp/snapdrive/ leaked on vgdisplay invocation. Parent  PID 15104: /opt/NetApp/snapdrive/bin/snapd
File descriptor 6  (/var/log/sd-trace.log) leaked on vgdisplay invocation. Parent PID 15104:  /opt/NetApp/snapdrive/bin/snapd
File descriptor 9 (/etc/hba.conf) leaked on  vgdisplay invocation. Parent PID 15104: /opt/NetApp/snapdrive/bin/snapd
File  descriptor 10 (/tmp/qlsdm.dat) leaked on vgdisplay invocation. Parent PID 15104:  /opt/NetApp/snapdrive/bin/snapd
File descriptor 11 (/var/log/sd-audit.log)  leaked on vgdisplay invocation. Parent PID 15104:  /opt/NetApp/snapdrive/bin/snapd
  --- Volume group ---
  VG  Name               VolGroup01
  System ID            
   Format                lvm2
  Metadata Areas        1
  Metadata Sequence  No  2
  VG Access             read/write
  VG Status              resizable
  MAX LV                0
  Cur LV                1
  Open  LV               1
  Max PV                0
  Cur PV                 1
  Act PV                1
  VG Size               10.00 GB
  PE  Size               4.00 MB
  Total PE              2559
  Alloc PE /  Size       2559 / 10.00 GB
  Free  PE / Size       0 / 0  
  VG  UUID               NbvPH2-Xsjd-3p80-cxk8-HyRv-eL3k-gZPgoE
13:06:26  07/16/09 [2300b90]d,2,5,SblCommon::initialize: memorize DiskGroup:  /dev/mapper/VolGroup01
13:06:26 07/16/09 [2300b90]d,2,3,SblDataBank::save:  object DiskGroup:/dev/mapper/VolGroup01 has been memorized
13:06:26 07/16/09  [2300b90]v,2,6,Operation::saveErrorReportList: saved 0 ErrorReports
13:06:26  07/16/09 [2300b90]v,2,6,ErrorReport::cleanErrorReportList: 0 Error Report  objects
13:06:26 07/16/09 [2300b90]v,2,6,Operation::restoreErrorReportList:  (0) restored 0, skipped: 0
13:06:26 07/16/09 [2300b90]d,2,5,SoftPointer::  DiskGroup:/dev/mapper/VolGroup01
13:06:26 07/16/09  [2300b90]i,2,6,Operation::saveObjectName: saved  DiskGroup:/dev/mapper/VolGroup01
13:06:26 07/16/09  [2300b90]d,2,5,SblCommon::initialize: DiskGroup: /dev/mapper/VolGroup01 (1)  +
13:06:26 07/16/09 [2300b90]v,2,12,DiskGroup::acquire:  dgCname=/dev/mapper/VolGroup01
13:06:26 07/16/09  [2300b90]v,2,12,DiskGroup::translate: /dev/mapper/VolGroup01
13:06:26  07/16/09 [2300b90]v,2,12,DiskGroup::clean: /dev/mapper/VolGroup01 removed md: 0,  hostvol: 0, pd: 0
13:06:26 07/16/09 [2300b90]v,9,0,ASSISTANT EXECUTION (at  141.889783): vgdisplay -D -v VolGroup01
13:06:26 07/16/09  [2300b90]v,9,0,ASSISTANT EXECUTION (at 141.953977): Output:
File descriptor 3 (/var/log/sd-daemon-trace.log) leaked on  vgdisplay invocation. Parent PID 15104: /opt/NetApp/snapdrive/bin/snapd
File  descriptor 4 (/opt/NetApp/snapdrive/ leaked on vgdisplay  invocation. Parent PID 15104: /opt/NetApp/snapdrive/bin/snapd
File descriptor  5 (/opt/NetApp/snapdrive/ leaked on vgdisplay invocation. Parent  PID 15104: /opt/NetApp/snapdrive/bin/snapd
File descriptor 6  (/var/log/sd-trace.log) leaked on vgdisplay invocation. Parent PID 15104:  /opt/NetApp/snapdrive/bin/snapd
File descriptor 9 (/etc/hba.conf) leaked on  vgdisplay invocation. Parent PID 15104: /opt/NetApp/snapdrive/bin/snapd
File  descriptor 10 (/tmp/qlsdm.dat) leaked on vgdisplay invocation. Parent PID 15104:  /opt/NetApp/snapdrive/bin/snapd
File descriptor 11 (/var/log/sd-audit.log)  leaked on vgdisplay invocation. Parent PID 15104:  /opt/NetApp/snapdrive/bin/snapd
    Using volume group(s) on command  line
    Finding volume group "VolGroup01"
  --- Volume group ---
  VG  Name               VolGroup01
  System ID            
   Format                lvm2
  Metadata Areas        1
  Metadata Sequence  No  2
  VG Access             read/write
  VG Status              resizable
  MAX LV                0
  Cur LV                1
  Open  LV               1
  Max PV                0
  Cur PV                 1
  Act PV                1
  VG Size               10.00 GB
  PE  Size               4.00 MB
  Total PE              2559
  Alloc PE /  Size       2559 / 10.00 GB
  Free  PE / Size       0 / 0  
  VG  UUID               NbvPH2-Xsjd-3p80-cxk8-HyRv-eL3k-gZPgoE
  ---  Logical volume ---
  LV Name                /dev/VolGroup01/LogVol01
  VG  Name                VolGroup01
  LV UUID                 ca3cLu-L3IN-k5nm-zPfm-XQNW-YJMm-lHhd2B
  LV Write Access         read/write
  LV Status              available
  # open                  1
  LV Size                10.00 GB
  Current LE             2559
   Segments               1
  Allocation             inherit
  Read ahead  sectors     auto
  - currently set to     256
  Block device            253:27
  --- Physical volumes ---
  PV Name                /dev/mpath/mpath1    
  PV UUID                f7AkJM-TKqD-u5sj-9FoD-7A2Z-mI0E-u0H5g0
  PV Status              allocatable
  Total PE / Free PE    2559 / 0
13:06:26 07/16/09  [343cb90]d,2,34,ScaleableExecutionPort::initScaleableExecutionPort: successful 
13:06:26 07/16/09  [343cb90]d,2,34,ScaleableExecutionPort::startScaleableExecution: successful 
13:06:27 07/16/09  [343cb90]d,2,34,ScaleableExecutionPort::initScaleableExecutionPort: successful 
13:06:27 07/16/09  [343cb90]d,2,34,ScaleableExecutionPort::startScaleableExecution: successful 
13:06:28 07/16/09  [343cb90]d,2,34,ScaleableExecutionPort::initScaleableExecutionPort: successful 
13:06:28 07/16/09  [343cb90]d,2,34,ScaleableExecutionPort::startScaleableExecution: successful 
13:06:29 07/16/09  [343cb90]d,2,34,ScaleableExecutionPort::initScaleableExecutionPort: successful 
13:06:29 07/16/09  [343cb90]d,2,34,ScaleableExecutionPort::startScaleableExecution: successful
The only related  BURT I found on burtweb is BURT 357965 that seems to be fixed  in SDU 4.1.1.
Is there a way to  confirm I am facing this specific BURT? How can I download SDU 4.1.1 to verify  my setup works with the latest version?
Thanks in advance  for your help.


There is a workaround for this problem, using SDU 4.1:

-> in /etc/multipath.conf, remove all multipaths entries (the ones you use to set aliases on device names)

-> move all those aliases to the file /var/lib/multipath/bindings

-> leave the use_friendly_names to yes


Otherwise, SDU 4.1.1 officially supports dm-multipath.



Thanks for the workaround Pierre..  But is this configuration supported?
