Data Backup and Recovery
Data Backup and Recovery
Is there a way to output a list of files that have failed to be copied, synced, or verified?
I can't create an environment that actually fails, but if "-v" is added, the standard output or standard error output will be displayed.
Will it be output?
Solved! See The Solution
The -v increase debug verbosity, check the link below for each operation with some example.
scan -v P.81 for example
command increases debug verbosity. This provides detailed logging information to
troubleshoot or debug in case an error or warning is reported
copy -v P.89 for example
Increase debug verbosity
sync -v P.92 for example
Increase debug verbosity
The -v increase debug verbosity, check the link below for each operation with some example.
scan -v P.81 for example
command increases debug verbosity. This provides detailed logging information to
troubleshoot or debug in case an error or warning is reported
copy -v P.89 for example
Increase debug verbosity
sync -v P.92 for example
Increase debug verbosity
I ran "xcp verify -v" with the sync not completed so that I get an error.
However, the file targeted for the error was not displayed.
When "-l" was added to the option, an error file was displayed.
Isn't it necessary to have "-l"?
Each arguments has a different purpose:
-v : increase debug verbosity
-l : Detailed file listing output
You can always verify each attribute functionality by adding the --help at the end of the command:
Ex: C:\NetApp\XCP>xcp verify --help
Hello hmoubara
Thank you for your reply
I saw an example.
By using "-V", it seems that the file with the error is displayed.