I'm trying to use perfstat with Windows 7 and plink but I can only get to the RLM prompt and then I receive "command not found".
This is what I receive:
C:\>plink -ssh -l <user.name> -pw <> <ip>
Using user.name "<user.name>"
Lastlogin: Blah blah blah
RLM <host name>> perfstat -f <hostname> -t 5 -i 12 -l user.name -S pw: <> > report.out
command contains an illegal sequence beginning at ">"
I then try it without ">"
RLM <host name>> perfstat -f <hostname> -t 5 -i 12 -l user.name -S pw: <>
command not found. Type '?' for a list of available commands.
When I need to get into dataONTAP I also have to enter "system console" and then login with username and pw again. I know I'm not in the correct area for the perfstat command but I don't know where I should be... can anyone help?