Data Backup and Recovery
Data Backup and Recovery
Dear friends,
I have the following issue related to SanpDrive and snapdrived daemon.
I have an AIX 5.3 server with snapdrive v4.2. I need to make a Snapshot from the server using snapdrive utility, but the "snapdrive snap create" command failed. The log says that daemon is not running. When I try to start the daemon, I get the following error in the sd-trace.log file:
10:54:24 08/05/15 [1]E,2,18,FilerZephyr:: (bm-apoq-ctrl1) system-get-ontapi-version failed, error: 13002: HTTP POST - Authorization failed
10:54:24 08/05/15 [1]E,2,17,Filer::connect: error: 218019, user/password is bad for filer bm-apoq-ctrl1
10:54:24 08/05/15 [1]F,2,2,swzl_send_asup: Asup sending failed 218019 for storage controller bm-apoq-ctrl1
How can I configure the user/password to connect a filer (in this case bm-apoq-ctrl1)???
I've tried to use the command "snapdrive config set" but I get the error that snapdrived is not running.
Hope you can help me.
This error might be due to Storage system and credentials were not listed in the SnapDrive Transport Protocol settings.
Perform the following steps:
1. Verify forward and reverse DNS resolution for storage system host name.
2. Add the storage system and credentials to Transport Protocol Settings in SnapDrive under the Storage Systems tab or under the Default tab.
3. Select the appropriate/relevant/required protocol, and enter the storage system credentials (that is, Username = root and Password).
Note: If storage systems are listed under the Storage Systems tab, disable the Enable option underneath the Default tab.
In clustered Data ONTAP the username is vsadmin but any account with root/administrator access rights will work.
Note: If you disable default then ALL storage system must be entered including SnapMirror or SnapVault destinations.
4. Click OK.
5. Refresh the disks in SnapDrive.
Where can I configure SnapDrive Transfer Protocol Settings for Storage system on an AIX 5.3 server?
I've tested DNS resolution and it's working.
Step 2 in hariprak's answer mate
Dear Friend, I'm using Snap Drive through console. It's installed on an AIX server and I can't use graphic mode.
That's why I can't find any Tab or something like that. I've installed SnapDrive on Windows and I can see the mentioned tab and Transport Protocol Settings.
How can I do it, using console commands?
Best regards and thanks for all your help.
I've reinstalled SnapDrive on AIX server and everything works OK.
Thanks for all your help.