Our Exchange environment was not created or configured correctly and I'm finally able to take steps to correct it.
I'm moving some of my Exchange 2010 databases around and I want to make sure that there won't be any issues with SnapManager for Exchange.
Here's the Exchange environment (it's a little confusing which is why I'm in the process of cleaning things up)
Mailbox Server 01
Database "DB01" is stored in a volume mount point at C:\Exchange2010\DB02
** This is stored at /vol/exch2010_mbox01_db/qtree01/mbox01_db02
This same volume hosts another database LUN (not mentioned here) and is what I'm also attempting to correct
Mailbox Server 02 (Essentially the same config at Server01)
Database "DB01" is stored in a volume mount point at C:\Exchange2010\DB02
** This is stored at /vol/exch2010_mbox02_db/qtree01/mbox02_db02
This same volume hosts another database LUN and is what I'm also attempting to correct
Mailbox Server 03 (this is the server I'm fixing first)
I removed this server from the DAG for DB01.
I removed "DB01" from this server and created a more appropriately named database, "DB02" (Ironically, a DB02 database did not exist even though there is a DB02 file path.)
Database "DB02" is stored in a volume mount point at C:\Exchange2010\DB02
** This is stored at /vol/exch2010_mbox03_db02/qtree01/mbox03_db02
This is the only LUN in this volume
Notice that the volume for DB02 on the Mailbox03 server is more appropriately named.
Here is where my question comes in.
I am actively moving mailboxes from DB01 to DB02 on Server03.
The file paths for the three servers are exactly the same: C:\Exchange2010\DB02 .... but contain two different mailbox databases:
Server01 is C:\Exchange2010\DB02\db01.edb
Server02 is C:\Exchange2010\DB02\db01.edb <-- Same as Server01
Server03 is C:\Exchange2010\DB02\db02.edb <-- A new database that mailboxes from database DB01 are being moved into
If I let SME run the backup tonight, does it have the possibility of corrupting either my DB01 or DB02 databases?