Data Protection

NETAPP FAS3210 and 2 x Windows 2008R2


Hi All,

I am a new comer to the NetAPP world, I have a FAS3210 and 2 x Windows 2008R2 boxes.

a) Can I create a Single LUN on this NETAPP and map that LUN from both windows boxes (say for e.g. Drive 😧 on both boxes) - though Only one box will be writing / reading from it at any ONE time. The other box would just be sitting online / idle and if the primary goes down, we would shift our services to the backup box and then 2nd one starts reading/writing to the LUN ?

b) So the netapp we have has 2 Controllers / Filers, which means 3 Disks for OS install of each controller and the remaining disks we can setup for our storage usage, or is there any other recommendation of installing operating system (DataONTAP) for these two controllers ?

c) Would we cluster / VIP the two controllers or they run without a cluster and still be able to failover if a controller fails ?

d) Is there a possibility in NETAPP FAS3210 that we can connect it directly to our Servers via SAS cables ? (NO FC) or we would only be able to iSCSI ?

Will look forward to your suggestions - Thanks for reading !!




i. DFM is separate product that is installed on Windows or Linux

ii. Correct – it is Data Fabric Manager

iii. I expect you will, but just try.

iv. SnapManager provides application aware snapshots. For some tasks it is using and requires DFM Protection Manager. I am not aware that DFM has anything to do with reclaiming space. This is meaningless if you have NAS, as removing file automatically “reclaims” its space. And in case of LUN this can be done only from the host which knows filesystem structure and can decide which blocks are actually free.

v. SnapDrive is licensed product, although you better ask your NetApp sales representative – things change too fast.

For Windows 2008 you should use windows_2008 LUN type. You could also download System Manager to configure NetApp, it could make things easier initially as it is wizard based.

View solution in original post



a) It is unrelated to NetApp. Yes, you can map single LUN to two servers, but then you are responsible for arbitrating access to it. Mounting file system from two hosts simultaneously (that is not prevented otherwise) will kill your file system. W2k8R2 is better at preventing unintentional corruption, but still allows you to shoot yourself in the foot.

b) You are not required to have dedicated root aggregate.

c) Two controllers are two independent hosts working in failover cluster. You can create VIF only within single controller. Second controller will take over address if configured correctly – see “partner” option in “ifconfig” command.

d) No, NetApp does not support SAS connection from hosts.


Thank you aborzenkov,

I would refrain from mapping a single LUN from both hosts at the same time now, if my main server goes down, I will simply remap the same LUN again to bring our service back - that sounds ok - doesn't it ?

I will update this post when I have the exact specs of our 3210 this week.

Also, can you provide a step by step on how to re-flash netapp operating system (like a new install) ?

Thank you again for your prompt response - will update this post again within a couple of days

Thanks again


Yes, if you ensure that LUN is mapped to only one server at any given time, it is OK. But do not forget, that it adds human factor and so is more error prone. In general, that is what cluster is for.

NetApp documentation on NOW site provides plenty of documentation including step by step guides. I do not think reproducing them here is necessary.


Thank you aborzenkov for your prompt replies and sorry for the delay in getting back !

I have a couple of more questions 🙂

a) How can I check from command line which OS version this netapp has?

b) Also, does netapp is installed on a flash card or on hard drives (I understand on Hard drives) ; what if there is a latest Data Ontap OS release, how can I install the latest and greatest release if it is not already on it ?

c) Any useful commands you think I should know to start with ?

So, If I have to configure the LUN, I will create an agregate first, then a vol in that aggregate and then create a LUN in that vol ?

I have read on netapp site that One should use (LUN TYPE) windows_gpt if Netapp model has flash cache installed ? How can I check whether it has flash cache ?

Will be grateful for your answers ...


a) How can I check from command line which OS version this netapp has?

  • simply type "version"

b) Also, does netapp is installed on a flash card or on hard drives (I understand on Hard drives) ; what if there is a latest Data Ontap OS release, how can I install the latest and greatest release if it is not already on it ?

  • To perform an ONTAP upgrade you should go to and click the download link.  From there choose Software --> Data ONTAP --> "Your NetApp FAS Model".   I highly recommend reading carefully the system requirements and important notes and checking the "UPGRADE ADVISER" on your NetApp's autosupport page (you can get to this by going to and click "My AutoSupport") .  Once you have done your homework you should be good to go.  If you have any other questions I would recommend looking at additional documentation that will be referenced prior to downloading the ONTAP upgrade for your NetApp filer. 

c) Any useful commands you think I should know to start with ?


a) The command is called “version”. Surprise ☺

b) NetApp binary is installed on internal boot device (CF in the past, UFM in current models). NetApp configuration and “spool area” is on hard disks in root volume. Upgrade procedure is fully documented in Upgrade Guide (and also there is Upgrade Advisor as part of ASUP). But in high overview – you place new version in spool area on root volume, issue command to unpack it and issue command to download new kernel to boot device. All three steps can be combined in single command invocation.

c) I suggest you start with Core Commands – Quick Reference document (part of Data ONTAP documentation package)

You are correct about LUN creation steps.

LUN type is absolutely unrelated to whether you do or do not have flash cache. I suggest you use SnapDrive to manage LUNs, it automatically sets correct LUN parameters.


Jbradley and Aborzenkov,

thank you so much for your prompt responses ;

I am going to update this with my experience within a couple of days from now, another few questions come to mind 🙂

a) Is it good to enable ssh on netapp ? can I change the port of ssh and how ?

b) I have checked this link powershell toolkit, Can I utilize this powershell toolkit remotely, I mean connect to netapp via ssh and then use this powershell toolkit to draw visio diagram ? we are not on the same LAN as our netapp and I don't want to install visio and all on the server connected to it ?

c) Can i setup email alerts to my email account with space reports, snapshot report, volume / lun utilization reports and network traffic reports ? apart from the autosupport ?

d) Considering that this netapp is in another facility of ours and i would be managing it, what type of access you would recommend ? https port open via firewall or ssh and then do port forwarding ?

Installing PS toolkit :

On windows machine (server) download Dataontap.ZIP (4.5MB) from these forums and then run script Install.ps1 ?

The links you have provided are superb and I am already making notes and understanding them - they are great - you both are great !!!!

Can you also shed some light on :

a) When I create a LUN, shall I reserve some space ? I read some where that not to reserve space when creating LUN ?

b) also, any other suggestions you might have in regards to snapshotting a volume / lun ?

I am really grateful for your support - !!
THanks so much !!


a)      Data ONTAP 8.x defaults to SSH with other insecure protocols (telnet, rsh) disabled. You can change port with “options ssh.port”. This is even documented, you know …

b)      I do not have experience with PS Toolkit. Try and report ☺

c)      You really want DFM (OnCommand) Operations Manager for it. My latest information – it is free of charge today, but you still need DFM Server license which is separate zero cost option. Do not forget that LUN is black box for NetApp; there is optional DFM component FSRM, which can generate space utilization reports from host side. I do not think it is free of charge though Correction - it is part of OnCommand Core, not an optional component, and so is immediately available.

d)      You need HTTPS for almost any external management component. CLI (SSH) is indispensable. Also make sure you have configured SP – you will need console for any activity involving controller reboot.

Regarding space management with LUN – read TR-3483. Let it sink for some time and review in case something is unclear. This provides in-depth explanation how NetApp manages space in presence of LUN (be not confused by title, it is applicable beyond thin provisioning).

If you have Windows – use SnapDrive for snapshots.


Hi Aborzenkov,

Thank you again for your detailed replies - I am reading the document you mentioned as well 🙂 | I will definitely update this thread or create a new one with my experiences on PSTOOLKIT.

Now 🙂 Sorry to ask more questions again 🙂 :

a) You really want DFM (OnCommand) Operations Manager for it. My latest information – it is free of charge today, but you still need DFM Server license which is separate zero cost option. Do not forget that LUN is black box for NetApp; there is optional DFM component FSRM, which can generate space utilization reports from host side. I do not think it is free of charge though Correction - it is part of OnCommand Core, not an optional component, and so is immediately available.

i) Do I have to install the above or are you referring to the web interface access via https ?

ii) What does this DFM Stands for, is it Data Fabrication Manager - I read some where so just confirming ?

iii) Would this DFM executable available via NOW login ?

iv) Also, Do you think I should install SNAP Manager or DFM would do ? I have read that DFM also can be used to reclaim space?

v) Can I also freely (If I have the NOW Login) download SNAPDRIVE to manage my netapp filers or do I have to pay for this utility ?

vi) What do you mean when you say it comes on CF (Compact Flash card installed inside the controller somewhere) and what does UFM stands for ? So, basically the operating system core is already on CF or UFM but it installs it on the hard disk attached to the controller for read write operations, so in this case the CF / UFM is like just holding a factory sealed release of ONTAP incase one wants to reset it or reinstall ?

Many thanks - My to-do with this new netapp box is as follows :

a) Will connect to console or https and check upgrade advisor to ensure any new updates are there or not

b) enable ssh either via web interface or command line (

netapp-cli> options ssh

ssh.access *

ssh.enable on

ssh.idle.timeout 0

ssh.passwd_auth.enable on

ssh.port 22

ssh.pubkey_auth.enable on

ssh1.enable off

ssh2.enable on

c) Will create a VOLUME (after assigning disks to both controllers and separating root volumes too)

d) Will create a LUN with type "windows_2008" or "windows_gpt" ?? >>>>>>> Need your re-assurance on this 🙂

e) Will create a igroup and add iscsi initiators IQN to this igroup, I will add all 3 servers of mine - so I can just initiate incase one goes down ? (Right or wrong) ?

f) Will MAP the LUN to Windows server

This is all new to me and I am really really interested in getting good command over these things - so seeking guidance- I hope I haven't disturbed you a lot:-)

Thank you so much !!


i. DFM is separate product that is installed on Windows or Linux

ii. Correct – it is Data Fabric Manager

iii. I expect you will, but just try.

iv. SnapManager provides application aware snapshots. For some tasks it is using and requires DFM Protection Manager. I am not aware that DFM has anything to do with reclaiming space. This is meaningless if you have NAS, as removing file automatically “reclaims” its space. And in case of LUN this can be done only from the host which knows filesystem structure and can decide which blocks are actually free.

v. SnapDrive is licensed product, although you better ask your NetApp sales representative – things change too fast.

For Windows 2008 you should use windows_2008 LUN type. You could also download System Manager to configure NetApp, it could make things easier initially as it is wizard based.


Thank you aborzenkov and Jbradley,

I am really grateful for your support and information provided on this - you will be seeing my questions appear here often 🙂 - I am slow 🙂 lol

I am now creating a new thread with some new questions regarding e0m, and that strange port with a wrench 🙂

Thank You both !
