Data Protection

Problem with Latest SnapDrive - Remote Verification.




We recently upgraded snapdrive and SMSQL to the latest versions: -


  • SnapDrive v7.0.3
  • SnapManager for Microsoft SQL Server v7.1


Since upgrading the versions of these two products (upgraded all our servers) our remote verification is continually failing. Whereas before upgrading it was working fine.


I have searched the Internet for more information on the errors we are receiving, but am having no luck finding an answer or the cause!


Our configuration: -

We have a live site (SiteA) and DR site (SiteB - containing SnapMirror of volumes in SiteA). We perform a remote verification of servers backed up in SiteA, via mounting the SnapMirror snapshots in the DR site to a verification server in SiteB.


Since upgrading, SMSQL is consistently complaining about not being able to use SnapMirror destination volumes for verification as the mirror is not healthy. It then tries to connect to the source volume, but fails as the source is in a different site.


Below is a snippet of the backup / verification log :-


[10:29:08.072]  [SERVER] Collecting verification information...

[10:29:08.072]  [SERVER] Getting database backup information from SnapInfo file...

[10:29:08.075]  [SERVER] Getting Snapmirror Destinations....

[10:29:08.257]  [SERVER] Getting user selected Snapmirror Destinations....

[10:29:08.258]  [SERVER] Snapmirror Relation between the source [FILER01:SERVER_userdb] and the destination [FILER02:dr_SERVER_userdb] is not healthy.

[10:29:08.258]  [SERVER] Destination volume is not selected for source [FILER01:SERVER_txlogs]

[10:29:08.258]  [SERVER] None of the available snapmirror destinations are good for the LUN/Share: D

[10:29:08.258]  [SERVER] None of the available snapmirror destinations are good for the LUN/Share: L

[10:29:08.258]  [SERVER] Running verification from remote/another SQL instance [VERIFICATIONSERVER]...

[10:29:08.258]  [SERVER] Initializing SnapManager server on remote machine [VERIFICATIONSERVER]...

[10:29:08.269]  [SERVER] Remote server [VERIFICATIONSERVER] is connected successfully.

[10:29:08.318]  [VERIFICATIONSERVER] [SDAPI Communication Exception]: There are no initiators connected to the storage system "192.168.X.X".                                    <----ip is from SiteA


[VERIFICATIONSERVER] [SDAPI mount snapshot exception]: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.

[VERIFICATIONSERVER] SDAPI failed to mount snapshot.

[VERIFICATIONSERVER] [SDAPI mount snapshot exception]: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.

[VERIFICATIONSERVER] Checking SQL Server status...

[10:29:14.498]  [VERIFICATIONSERVER] SnapManager will not mount the LUN in the Snapshot of the mount point D because the database has invalid destination volumes.

[VERIFICATIONSERVER] Mounting Snapshot [sqlsnap__SERVER__daily__recent] for [D] of Computer [SERVER]

[VERIFICATIONSERVER] SnapManager will use directory [z:\mssql\verification\SERVER] to mount snapshot [sqlsnap__SERVER__daily__recent]

[VERIFICATIONSERVER] Mount point directory [z:\mssql\verification\SERVER]

[VERIFICATIONSERVER] Snapshot will be mounted on directory [z:\mssql\verification\SERVER\MPDisk001]


[VERIFICATIONSERVER] Starting SDAPI mount snapshot...

[VERIFICATIONSERVER] Preparing LUN 'D:\', for SDAPI operation...

[VERIFICATIONSERVER] Mounting snapshot: sqlsnap__SERVER__daily__recent

[VERIFICATIONSERVER] Snapshot mount failed.

[10:29:14.523]  [SERVER] Remote verification failed with an error, Error code: 0x80004005


[10:29:14.523]  [SERVER] Error Code: 0x80004005


We are getting identical errors for all servers that perform a remote verification to the remote verification server in SiteB. I am struggling to troubleshoot where the issue lies. The SnapMirrors are in a healthy state as far as I can tell. I do not see why SMSQL cannot mount the snapshots from the snapmirror volumes.


Any help or advice on this matter would be greatly appreciated.




Scott S.



NetApp Alumni

Is the relation healthy? can you send the output of snapmirror show?


[FILER01:smileyfrustrated:ERVER_userdb] and the destination [FILER02:dr_SERVER_userdb]


For this error, the snapdrvdbg lg has to be analyzed at the moment of this error:


[10:29:08.318]  [VERIFICATIONSERVER] [SDAPI Communication Exception]: There are no initiators connected to the storage system "192.168.X.X".                                    <----ip is from SiteA
