Data Backup and Recovery

Problem with snapmanager for sharepoint 6



Plan: Daily

Job: FB20110213213858

Control Agent: hlmmoss02


SharePoint Version: SharePoint 2007

Components: 63

Start Time: 2011-02-13 21:38:58

Finish Time: 2011-02-13 21:45:51

Exceptions: 6

Exception Details: Error During Backup Raw DB: Backup DB Error :SharePoint_Config

Error During Backup Raw DB: Backup DB Error :WSS_Content_80

Error During Backup Raw DB: Backup DB Error :SharePoint_AdminContent_3deb0028-d564-4417-b37f-c5ee53acd6c0

Error During Backup Raw DB: Backup DB Error :SharedServices1_DB

Error During Backup Raw DB: Backup DB Error :WSS_Content_SSP

Error During Backup Raw DB: Backup DB Error :SharedServices1_Search_DB

Statistical Result: 632 MB data, 0(0) site collections, 0(0) sites, 0(0) lists, 0(0) items.


smsp,0.0 [agent version=]

[fb20110213213858] [ntrolbackup00915]

error during backup raw db: backup db error :sharedservices1_search_db



smsp,0.0 [agent version=]

[fb20110213213858] [pr_ntrolbackup00433]

backup node fullpath: farm(farm)\sharedservices1\shared search index ,exception: smmoss.common.apexception: error during backup raw db: backup db error :sharedservices1_search_db

at smmoss.vcspfarm.controlbackupworker.backuprawdbsupportgroup(backupnode node)

at smmoss.vcspfarm.controlbackupworker.backuposearchindex(backupnode node)

at smmoss.vcspfarm.controlbackupworker.startbackupnode(backupnode node) : error during backup raw db: backup db error :sharedservices1_search_db. at smmoss.vcspfarm.controlbackupworker.backuprawdbsupportgroup(backupnode node)

at smmoss.vcspfarm.controlbackupworker.backuposearchindex(backupnode node)

at smmoss.vcspfarm.controlbackupworker.startbackupnode(backupnode node)




Databases that reside on this LUN are:





Thats all, logs are on a seperate LUN.

I have escalated the case with NetApp support and I believe it is being passed development so hopefully they can resolve it. Thanks for your assistance Pratt, let me know if you have any more ideas.


We had multiple problems getting SMSP working (it took us about 6 months before it was working 100%).  One of the biggest stumbling blocks was that we had DB files and Log files on seperate disks.  We finally overcame this big hurdle by figuring out that DB files and Log files, for SP, need to be on the same disk.  Our DBAs, as a best practice, seperate DB files from Log files - however this is not accepted by SMSP; they need to be on the same disk.

Maybe this is your problem?  Here is our setup, that works:

OS - C: drive

Page File - P: dirve

SP Data and Logs - 😧 drive

SQL System DBs and Logs - S: drive

Hope this helps.



That's interesting, currently I have the DB's and logs on seperate LUNs, I will see if moving them to the same LUN resolves the issue and let you both know the result.


Don't forget to run the SMSQL wizard after making changes to the DB/Disk layout.



I always recommend to my customers to break out the DBs and Logs.  I even go a few steps further, as this will give the environment more flexibility and better recoverability, and SMSP will work in this scenario.  However, the storage layout/architecture does come down to the customer's business requirements, DR process, data retention values, etc.

Also, some the most common issues I find in this type of implementation is authentication or proper role assignment.


Same error

Error During Backup Raw DB: Backup DB Error :SP2010_Config
Path:Farm(Farm)\SharePoint Server State Service,Status:Successful;
Path:Farm(Farm)\Microsoft SharePoint Foundation Web Application,Status:Successful;
Path:Farm(Farm)\Microsoft SharePoint Foundation Web Application\SharePoint - sharepoint.bloorhomes.local80,Status:Successful;
Path:Farm(Farm)\Microsoft SharePoint Foundation Web Application\SharePoint - sharepoint.bloorhomes.local80\SP2010_SharePoint_BloorHomes_Local_S-HO-SPDB01,Status:Failed;
Error During Backup Raw DB: Backup DB Error :SP2010_SharePoint_BloorHomes_Local
Path:Farm(Farm)\Microsoft SharePoint Foundation Web Application\SharePoint - sharepoint.bloorhomes.local80\[Timer Jobs Group],Status:Successful;
Path:Farm(Farm)\WSS_Administration\SharePoint Central Administration v4,Status:Successful;
Path:Farm(Farm)\WSS_Administration\SharePoint Central Administration v4\SP2010_AdminContent_S-HO-SPDB01,Status:Failed;
Error During Backup Raw DB: Backup DB Error :SP2010_AdminContent
Path:Farm(Farm)\SharePoint Server State Service Proxy,Status:Successful;
Path:Farm(Farm)\Microsoft SharePoint Server Diagnostics Service,Status:Successful;
Path:Farm(Farm)\Global Search Settings,Status:Successful;
Path:Farm(Farm)\Application Registry Service,Status:Successful;
Path:Farm(Farm)\Microsoft SharePoint Foundation Diagnostics Service,Status:Successful;
Path:Farm(Farm)\Shared Services,Status:Skipped;
Path:Farm(Farm)\Shared Services\Shared Services Applications,Status:Skipped;
Path:Farm(Farm)\Shared Services\Shared Services Applications\SecurityTokenServiceApplication,Status:Successful;
Path:Farm(Farm)\Shared Services\Shared Services Applications\SecurityTokenServiceApplication\ClaimEncodingManager,Status:Successful;
Path:Farm(Farm)\Shared Services\Shared Services Applications\SecurityTokenServiceApplication\SecurityTokenServiceManager,Status:Successful;
Path:Farm(Farm)\Shared Services\Shared Services Applications\SecurityTokenServiceApplication\ClaimProviderManager,Status:Successful;
Path:Farm(Farm)\InfoPath\InfoPath Form Services,Status:Skipped;
Path:Farm(Farm)\InfoPath\InfoPath Form Services\FormService\InfoPath Forms Services Settings,Status:Successful;
Path:Farm(Farm)\InfoPath\InfoPath Form Services\DataConnectionFiles\Data Connection Files,Status:Skipped;
Path:Farm(Farm)\InfoPath\InfoPath Form Services\InfoPathFormTemplates\InfoPath Form Templates,Status:Skipped;
Path:Farm(Farm)\InfoPath\InfoPath Form Services\ExemptUserAgents\Exempt User Agents,Status:Skipped;
Path:Farm(Farm)\InfoPath\InfoPath Form Services\ExemptUserAgents\Exempt User Agents\crawler\crawler,Status:Successful;
Path:Farm(Farm)\InfoPath\InfoPath Form Services\ExemptUserAgents\Exempt User Agents\Googlebot\Googlebot,Status:Successful;
Path:Farm(Farm)\InfoPath\InfoPath Form Services\ExemptUserAgents\Exempt User Agents\MS Search\MS Search,Status:Successful;
Path:Farm(Farm)\InfoPath\InfoPath Form Services\ExemptUserAgents\Exempt User Agents\msnbot\msnbot,Status:Successful;
Path:Farm(Farm)\InfoPath\InfoPath Form Services\ExemptUserAgents\Exempt User Agents\MSOffice \MSOffice ,Status:Successful;
Path:Farm(Farm)\InfoPath\InfoPath Form Services\ExemptUserAgents\Exempt User Agents\Slurp\Slurp,Status:Successful;
Path:Farm(Farm)\Front-End-Web Servers,Status:Skipped;
Path:Farm(Farm)\Front-End-Web Servers\S-HO-SP,Status:Successful;
Path:Farm(Farm)\Front-End-Web Servers\S-HO-SP\IISSettings\IISGlobal,Status:Successful;
Path:Farm(Farm)\Front-End-Web Servers\S-HO-SP\IISSettings\IISTemplatesWeb Application\SharePoint - sharepoint.bloorhomes.local80\725897816,Status:Successful;
Path:Farm(Farm)\Front-End-Web Servers\S-HO-SP\IISSettings\IISTemplatesWeb Application\SharePoint - sharepoint.bloorhomes.local80\725897816\E:\inetpub\wwwroot\wss\VirtualDirectories\sharepoint.bloorhomes.local80,Status:Successful;
Path:Farm(Farm)\Front-End-Web Servers\S-HO-SP\IISSettings\IISTemplatesWeb Application\SharePoint Central Administration\1261156648,Status:Successful;
Path:Farm(Farm)\Front-End-Web Servers\S-HO-SP\IISSettings\IISTemplatesWeb Application\SharePoint Central Administration\1261156648\E:\inetpub\wwwroot\wss\VirtualDirectories\60000,Status:Successful;
Path:Farm(Farm)\Front-End-Web Servers\S-HO-SP\IISSettings\IISTemplatesDefault Site\1,Status:Successful;
Path:Farm(Farm)\Front-End-Web Servers\S-HO-SP\IISSettings\IISTemplatesDefault Site\1\C:\inetpub\wwwroot,Status:Successful;
Path:Farm(Farm)\Front-End-Web Servers\S-HO-SP\IISSettings\IISTemplatesOther non-SharePoint sites\2,Status:Successful;
Path:Farm(Farm)\Front-End-Web Servers\S-HO-SP\IISSettings\IISTemplatesOther non-SharePoint sites\2\C:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\Web Server Extensions\14\WebServices\Root,Status:Successful;
Path:C:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\Web Server Extensions\14\WebServices\Root\web.config,Status:Successful;
Path:Farm(Farm)\Front-End-Web Servers\S-HO-SP\SharePoint Hive,Status:Successful;
Path:Farm(Farm)\Front-End-Web Servers\S-HO-SP\SharePoint Hive,Status:Successful;
Path:Farm(Farm)\Front-End-Web Servers\S-HO-SP\SharePoint Hive\ADMISAPI,Status:Successful;
Path:Farm(Farm)\Front-End-Web Servers\S-HO-SP\SharePoint Hive\BIN,Status:Successful;
Path:Farm(Farm)\Front-End-Web Servers\S-HO-SP\SharePoint Hive\CONFIG,Status:Successful;
Path:Farm(Farm)\Front-End-Web Servers\S-HO-SP\SharePoint Hive\HCCab,Status:Successful;
Path:Farm(Farm)\Front-End-Web Servers\S-HO-SP\SharePoint Hive\Help,Status:Successful;
Path:Farm(Farm)\Front-End-Web Servers\S-HO-SP\SharePoint Hive\ISAPI,Status:Successful;
Path:Farm(Farm)\Front-End-Web Servers\S-HO-SP\SharePoint Hive\Policy,Status:Successful;
Path:Farm(Farm)\Front-End-Web Servers\S-HO-SP\SharePoint Hive\Resources,Status:Successful;
Path:Farm(Farm)\Front-End-Web Servers\S-HO-SP\SharePoint Hive\TEMPLATE,Status:Successful;
Path:Farm(Farm)\Front-End-Web Servers\S-HO-SP\SharePoint Hive\UserCode,Status:Successful;
Path:Farm(Farm)\Front-End-Web Servers\S-HO-SP\SharePoint Hive\WebClients,Status:Successful;
Path:Farm(Farm)\Front-End-Web Servers\S-HO-SP\SharePoint Hive\WebServices,Status:Successful;
Path:Farm(Farm)\Front-End-Web Servers\S-HO-SP\Global Assembly Cache\.NET Framework 2.0+\Microsoft.ReportingServices.SharePoint.UI.DataVisualization.resources_10.0.0.0_89845dcd8080cc91,Status:Successful;
Path:Farm(Farm)\Front-End-Web Servers\S-HO-SP\Global Assembly Cache\.NET Framework 2.0+\Microsoft.ReportingServices.SharePoint.UI.DataVisualization.resources_10.0.0.0_89845dcd8080cc91,Status:Successful;
Path:Farm(Farm)\Front-End-Web Servers\S-HO-SP\Global Assembly Cache\.NET Framework 2.0+\DevExpress.XtraLayout.v7.2_7.2.7.0_9b171c9fd64da1d1,Status:Successful;
Path:Farm(Farm)\Front-End-Web Servers\S-HO-SP\Global Assembly Cache\.NET Framework 2.0+\DevExpress.XtraBars.v7.2_7.2.7.0_9b171c9fd64da1d1,Status:Successful;
Path:Farm(Farm)\Front-End-Web Servers\S-HO-SP\Global Assembly Cache\.NET Framework 2.0+\SMSP2010StorageRBSProvider_1.0.0.0_fffb45e56dd478e3,Status:Successful;
Path:Farm(Farm)\Front-End-Web Servers\S-HO-SP\Global Assembly Cache\.NET Framework 2.0+\Policy.10.0.Microsoft.Data.SqlRemoteBlobs_10.0.0.0_89845dcd8080cc91,Status:Successful;
Path:Farm(Farm)\Front-End-Web Servers\S-HO-SP\Global Assembly Cache\.NET Framework 2.0+\DevExpress.Utils.v7.2_7.2.7.0_9b171c9fd64da1d1,Status:Successful;
Path:Farm(Farm)\Front-End-Web Servers\S-HO-SP\Global Assembly Cache\.NET Framework 2.0+\DevExpress.XtraTreeList.v7.2_7.2.7.0_9b171c9fd64da1d1,Status:Successful;
Path:Farm(Farm)\Front-End-Web Servers\S-HO-SP\Global Assembly Cache\.NET Framework 2.0+\DevExpress.Data.v7.2_7.2.7.0_9b171c9fd64da1d1,Status:Successful;
Path:Farm(Farm)\Front-End-Web Servers\S-HO-SP\Global Assembly Cache\.NET Framework 2.0+\DevExpress.BonusSkins.v7.2_7.2.7.0_95fc6c5621878f0a,Status:Successful;
Path:Farm(Farm)\Front-End-Web Servers\S-HO-SP\Global Assembly Cache\.NET Framework 2.0+\Microsoft.ReportingServices.SharePoint.Common.resources_10.0.0.0_89845dcd8080cc91,Status:Successful;
Path:Farm(Farm)\Front-End-Web Servers\S-HO-SP\Global Assembly Cache\.NET Framework 2.0+\Microsoft.SqlServer.Types.resources_10.0.0.0_89845dcd8080cc91,Status:Successful;
Path:Farm(Farm)\Front-End-Web Servers\S-HO-SP\Global Assembly Cache\.NET Framework 2.0+\Microsoft.SqlServer.Types.resources_10.0.0.0_89845dcd8080cc91,Status:Successful;
Path:Farm(Farm)\Front-End-Web Servers\S-HO-SP\Global Assembly Cache\.NET Framework 2.0+\Microsoft.AnalysisServices.AdomdClient.resources_10.0.0.0_89845dcd8080cc91,Status:Successful;
Path:Farm(Farm)\Front-End-Web Servers\S-HO-SP\Global Assembly Cache\.NET Framework 2.0+\RSSharePointSoapProxy.resources_10.0.0.0_89845dcd8080cc91,Status:Successful;
Path:Farm(Farm)\Front-End-Web Servers\S-HO-SP\Global Assembly Cache\.NET Framework 2.0+\RSSharePointSoapProxy.resources_10.0.0.0_89845dcd8080cc91,Status:Successful;
Path:Farm(Farm)\Front-End-Web Servers\S-HO-SP\Global Assembly Cache\.NET Framework 2.0+\Ridgian.SharePoint2010.Core.Workflow.ActivityLibrary_1.0.0.0_cb18d23ff8dc64c4,Status:Successful;
Path:Farm(Farm)\Front-End-Web Servers\S-HO-SP\Global Assembly Cache\.NET Framework 2.0+\DevExpress.XtraGrid.v7.2_7.2.7.0_9b171c9fd64da1d1,Status:Successful;
Path:Farm(Farm)\Front-End-Web Servers\S-HO-SP\Global Assembly Cache\.NET Framework 2.0+\SMSP2010StorageExternStoreWrapper_1.0.0.0_322856d2a2e2d666,Status:Successful;
Path:Farm(Farm)\Front-End-Web Servers\S-HO-SP\Global Assembly Cache\.NET Framework 2.0+\DevExpress.XtraEditors.v7.2_7.2.7.0_9b171c9fd64da1d1,Status:Successful;
Path:Farm(Farm)\Front-End-Web Servers\S-HO-SP\Global Assembly Cache\.NET Framework 2.0+\Microsoft.ReportingServices.SharePoint.UI.ServerPages.resources_10.50.0.0_89845dcd8080cc91,Status:Successful;
Path:Farm(Farm)\Front-End-Web Servers\S-HO-SP\Global Assembly Cache\.NET Framework 2.0+\Microsoft.ReportingServices.SharePoint.UI.ServerPages.resources_10.50.0.0_89845dcd8080cc91,Status:Successful;
Path:Farm(Farm)\Front-End-Web Servers\S-HO-SP\Global Assembly Cache\.NET Framework 2.0+\PresentationCFFRasterizer_3.0.0.0_31bf3856ad364e35,Status:Successful;
Path:Farm(Farm)\Front-End-Web Servers\S-HO-SP\Global Assembly Cache\.NET Framework 2.0+\Microsoft.ReportingServices.SharePoint.UI.WebParts.resources_10.0.0.0_89845dcd8080cc91,Status:Successful;
Path:Farm(Farm)\Front-End-Web Servers\S-HO-SP\Global Assembly Cache\.NET Framework 2.0+\Microsoft.ReportingServices.SharePoint.UI.WebParts.resources_10.0.0.0_89845dcd8080cc91,Status:Successful;
Path:Farm(Farm)\Front-End-Web Servers\S-HO-SP\Global Assembly Cache\.NET Framework 2.0+\DevExpress.XtraNavBar.v7.2_7.2.7.0_9b171c9fd64da1d1,Status:Successful;

Statistical Result: 1403 MB data, 0(0) site collections, 0(0) sites, 0(0) lists, 0(0) items.


I know we had this exact problem - but we had various fixes and patches over the course of the 6 months, that I don't remember know what fixed it.  I was hoping it was the DB/Logs co-location problem but perhaps that was a fix for a different issue.  Sorry it did not work out for you.

We had a set of hotfixes from Avepoint themselves that addressed some problems too - perhaps that was this problem.  The problem was so bad, that NetApp had to pass it on to the AvePoint developers.  Looking through my downloads, I see a "smsp-media.jar" file patch - but none of the patches I recieved from them were labled (for example, hotfix-1200 or something like that) - they were just files they sent me.  So I have nothing to reference them to.

I would suggest you ask support to escalate this to AvePoint engineers for help.


The NetApp support engineer I have the call logged with has already collated relevant logs to escalate this to development. Who are AvePoint?


Avepoint is the developer of the SMSP.  My understanding is they wrote it for NetApp (and I am sure with heavy NetApp developer involvement) to work with the snapshot technology.


Thanks for the info.


No problem.  Will do.  Keep us in the loop if possible. Thanks Andrew.


MB data, 0(0) site collections, 0(0) sites, 0(0) lists, 0(0) items. Error
During Backup Raw DB: Backup DB Error :SP2010_Config Error During Backup Raw
DB: Backup DB Error :SP2010_SharePoint_BloorHomes_Local Error During Backup Raw
DB: Backup DB Error :SP2010_AdminContent


When you see that database backups are failing in SMSP, the troubleshooting methodology is the same as for SMSQL.

SMSP will show you which database backups are failing. After that, you need to look at the SMSQL backup report in SMSQL to see what is causing the database backups to fail.

SMSQL has certain configuration rules that you need to adhere to. This is a requirement is based on MS requirements to backup the SQL databases via snapshot.

SMSP doesn't really know about database layout aside from knowing if a database is on a NetApp LUN or not.

If you have the database files and log files on separate LUNs, you need to preserve this layout for any new databases that will use these LUNs.

For example:

G:\ - Content A DB files

H:\ - Content A Log files

will allow for backups to work

If you add a second database, and don't follow the layout:

G:\ - Content A DB files, Content B DB files, Content B Log files

H:\ - Content A Log files

Backups will fail for the Content B database and possibly the Content A database as well.

As a practice, when you add a new database, that you verifiy the locations of the databases.

New versions of SMSQL will detect new databases and running the configuration wizard is not really required. However, running the SMSQL configration wizard can help detect configuration issues and can ensure that SMSQL is aware of new databases added.

Also, when you add a database, you need to update the backup plan by checking the Verify Storage Layout checkbox and then checking any new databases and then clicking on the Sync Farm Backup button.



The strange thing is that all SMSQL logs are fine, and this is is including verification of the databases, see SMSQL logs below from the backup I just ran.

[16:11:20.929]  *** SnapManager for SQL Server Report

[16:11:20.932]  Backup Time Stamp: 02-08-2012_16.11.20

[16:11:20.934]  Getting SQL Server Database Information, please wait...

[16:11:20.934]  Getting virtual disks information...

[16:11:23.918]  Querying SQL Server instances installed...

[16:11:23.920]  Querying installed SQL Server instances on [S-HO-SPDB]...

[16:11:23.920]  Allocating ODBC environment handle...

[16:11:23.920]  Setting environment attribute...

[16:11:23.920]  Setting SQLBrowseConnect option...

[16:11:23.920]  SQLBrowseConnect...

[16:11:23.922]  Parsing SQLBrowseConnect server string...

[16:11:23.933]  Creating threads for enumerating databases of different SQL Server instances.

[16:11:23.933]  Waiting for the threads to finish enumerating databases.

[16:11:23.934]  Connecting to SQL Server instance - S-HO-SPDB...

[16:11:23.944]  Getting SQL Server version information...

[16:11:23.953]  Querying database information...

[16:11:24.025]  All threads finished enumerating databases.

[16:11:24.026]  Validating database configuration...

[16:11:24.027]  Setting database disk configuration...

[16:11:24.027]  Setting database locating on SQLRoot path...

[16:11:24.028]  Querying database disk volume configuration...

[16:11:24.028]  Getting SnapInfo directories configuration...

[16:11:24.030]  Checking dataset availability, connecting to SnapDrive...

[16:11:24.036]  Dataset feature is currently unavailable.

[16:11:24.036]  Getting SnapManager dataset info from...

[16:11:24.037]  Dataset info file has not yet created.

[16:11:24.037]  Getting SnapMirror Destinations Volumes...

[16:11:27.036]  Update selected destination volumes information for SQL Server S-HO-SPDB succeeded.

[16:11:27.037]  Get all destination volumes state successfully.

[16:11:27.102]  Getting current backup set groups...

[16:11:27.338]  Full database backup

[16:11:27.340]  Maximum databases of concurrent backup: 255

[16:11:27.341]  Minimum databases per backupset: 35

[16:11:27.341]  Naming convention: Unique

[16:11:27.341]  Run transaction log backup after full database backup: Yes

[16:11:27.341]  Transaction logs will be truncated after backup: Yes

[16:11:27.341]  Archive backup to SnapVault secondary: No

[16:11:27.341]  Delete older full backup: Yes

[16:11:27.343]  The snapshot older than 7 days 0 hours will be deleted.

[16:11:27.343]  Delete older SnapInfo snapshots: Yes

[16:11:27.343]  The SnapInfo snapshot older than 7 days 0 hours will be deleted. (same as full)

[16:11:27.343]  Retain up-to-the-minute restore ability for older backups in other management groups: Yes

[16:11:27.343]  Create snapshot of SnapInfo drive after backup: Yes (always done on full backups)

[16:11:27.343]  Verify database after backup (run DBCC) on S-HO-SQL: Yes

[16:11:27.343]  Verify on selected SnapMirror destination volumes: No

[16:11:27.343]  Leave database attached after DBCC: No

[16:11:27.343]  Run DBCC CHECKDB with Live Database Before Backup: No

[16:11:27.343]  Run DBCC CHECKDB with Live Database After Backup: No

[16:11:27.343]  Backup Management Group: Standard

[16:11:27.343]  Update SnapMirror after operation: Yes

[16:11:27.343]  Run Command before the operation: No

[16:11:27.343]  Run Command after the operation: No


[16:11:27.344]  Backup Database 1: S-HO-SPDB : SP2010_Config

[16:11:27.344]  Backup Database 2: S-HO-SPDB : SP2010_SharePoint_BloorHomes_Local

[16:11:27.344]  Backup Database 3: S-HO-SPDB : SP2010_AdminContent

[16:11:27.456]  Backup Database Group #1:

[16:11:27.456]        S-HO-SPDB : SP2010_Config

[16:11:27.456]        S-HO-SPDB : SP2010_SharePoint_BloorHomes_Local

[16:11:27.456]        S-HO-SPDB : SP2010_AdminContent


[16:11:27.481]  Backup job based on shared volume(s): #1

[16:11:27.486]  Sub Job: #1 of Job#1

[16:11:27.487]       1 - S-HO-SPDB : SP2010_Config

[16:11:27.487]       2 - S-HO-SPDB : SP2010_SharePoint_BloorHomes_Local

[16:11:27.487]       3 - S-HO-SPDB : SP2010_AdminContent

[16:11:27.488]  **** BACKUP JOB **** #1

[16:11:27.491]  Backup Time Stamp: 02-08-2012_16.11.20

[16:11:27.505]  **** Backup Group [#1] of Job#1

[16:11:27.505]  Backup Database List:

[16:11:27.505]  1 - S-HO-SPDB : SP2010_Config

[16:11:27.509]  2 - S-HO-SPDB : SP2010_SharePoint_BloorHomes_Local

[16:11:27.509]  3 - S-HO-SPDB : SP2010_AdminContent

[16:11:27.514]  Maximum worker threads setting for [S-HO-SPDB] = 0

[16:11:27.515]  Current worker threads number for [S-HO-SPDB] = 37



[16:11:27.700]  Querying LUN license: I...

[16:11:27.790]  Querying LUN license: E...


[16:11:27.885]  RENAME MOST RECENT SNAPINFO BEFORE NEW BACKUP : S-HO-SPDB : SP2010_AdminContent - [#1]

[16:11:27.907]  The recent backup snapinfo directory has already been renamed, it is sharing with other datatabases.

[16:11:27.928]  SnapManager finds an alternative snapinfo directory for database [SP2010_AdminContent] of [S-HO-SPDB] at:

[16:11:27.929]  I:\SMSQL_SnapInfo\SQL__S-HO-SPDB\DB__SP2010_AdminContent



[16:11:27.929]  The recent backup snapinfo directory has already been renamed, it is sharing with other datatabases.

[16:11:27.929]  SnapManager finds an alternative snapinfo directory for database [SP2010_Config] of [S-HO-SPDB] at:

[16:11:27.929]  I:\SMSQL_SnapInfo\SQL__S-HO-SPDB\DB__SP2010_Config


[16:11:27.929]  RENAME MOST RECENT SNAPINFO BEFORE NEW BACKUP : S-HO-SPDB : SP2010_SharePoint_BloorHomes_Local - [#3]

[16:11:27.929]  The recent backup snapinfo directory has already been renamed, it is sharing with other datatabases.

[16:11:27.929]  SnapManager finds an alternative snapinfo directory for database [SP2010_SharePoint_BloorHomes_Local] of [S-HO-SPDB] at:

[16:11:27.929]  I:\SMSQL_SnapInfo\SQL__S-HO-SPDB\DB__SP2010_SharePoint_BloorHomes_Local


[16:11:27.929]  RENAME MOST RECENT SNAPINFO BEFORE NEW BACKUP : S-HO-SPDB : WSS_UsageApplication - [#4]

[16:11:27.929]  The recent backup snapinfo directory has already been renamed, it is sharing with other datatabases.

[16:11:27.929]  SnapManager finds an alternative snapinfo directory for database [WSS_UsageApplication] of [S-HO-SPDB] at:

[16:11:27.929]  I:\SMSQL_SnapInfo\SQL__S-HO-SPDB\DB__WSS_UsageApplication


[16:11:27.945]  CREATE NEW RECENT SNAPINFO DIRECTORY : SP2010_Config - [#1]

[16:11:27.946]  SnapInfo file Name:

[16:11:27.946]  I:\SMSQL_SnapInfo\VDISK__E\FG__\02-08-2012_16.11.20\SnapInfo__02-08-2012_16.11.20.sml


[16:11:27.946]  CREATE NEW RECENT SNAPINFO DIRECTORY : SP2010_SharePoint_BloorHomes_Local - [#2]

[16:11:27.946]  SnapInfo file Name:

[16:11:27.946]  I:\SMSQL_SnapInfo\VDISK__E\FG__\02-08-2012_16.11.20\SnapInfo__02-08-2012_16.11.20.sml


[16:11:27.946]  CREATE NEW RECENT SNAPINFO DIRECTORY : SP2010_AdminContent - [#3]

[16:11:27.946]  SnapInfo file Name:

[16:11:27.946]  I:\SMSQL_SnapInfo\VDISK__E\FG__\02-08-2012_16.11.20\SnapInfo__02-08-2012_16.11.20.sml


[16:11:27.981]  Getting backup groups based on storage system volume layout...


[16:11:28.086]  Cobackup group #1 has 3 of 4 selected databases

[16:11:28.087]     [1] S-HO-SPDB        : SP2010_Config  

[16:11:28.087]     [1] S-HO-SPDB        : SP2010_SharePoint_BloorHomes_Local

[16:11:28.087]     [1] S-HO-SPDB        : SP2010_AdminContent

[16:11:28.129]  Updating SnapInfo file for databases sharing same drive letter - [#1 of 1]

[16:11:28.130]  Updating SnapInfo file for database - #1 : SP2010_Config

[16:11:28.191]  Updating SnapInfo file for database - #2 : SP2010_SharePoint_BloorHomes_Local

[16:11:28.194]  Updating SnapInfo file for database - #3 : SP2010_AdminContent

[16:11:28.206]  Performing VDI backup



[16:11:28.292]  Starting VDI backup thread for database #1: [S-HO-SPDB : SP2010_Config]...

[16:11:28.294]  Starting VDI backup thread for database #2: [S-HO-SPDB : SP2010_SharePoint_BloorHomes_Local]...

[16:11:28.294]  Starting VDI backup thread for database #3: [S-HO-SPDB : SP2010_AdminContent]...

[16:11:28.391]  Sending SQL command to instance S-HO-SPDB for database SP2010_Config : device NTAPDEV__S-HO-SPDB_SP2010_Config...

[16:11:28.391]  Receiving by server [S-HO-SPDB]...


[16:11:28.393]  Sending SQL command to instance S-HO-SPDB for database SP2010_SharePoint_BloorHomes_Local : device NTAPDEV__S-HO-SPDB_SP2010_SharePoint_BloorHomes_Local...

[16:11:28.393]  Receiving by server [S-HO-SPDB]...

[16:11:28.393]  BACKUP DATABASE [SP2010_SharePoint_BloorHomes_Local] TO VIRTUAL_DEVICE='NTAPDEV__S-HO-SPDB_SP2010_SharePoint_BloorHomes_Local' WITH SNAPSHOT

[16:11:28.393]  Sending SQL command to instance S-HO-SPDB for database SP2010_AdminContent : device NTAPDEV__S-HO-SPDB_SP2010_AdminContent...

[16:11:28.393]  Receiving by server [S-HO-SPDB]...

[16:11:28.393]  BACKUP DATABASE [SP2010_AdminContent] TO VIRTUAL_DEVICE='NTAPDEV__S-HO-SPDB_SP2010_AdminContent' WITH SNAPSHOT

[16:11:28.393]  Waiting for SQLServer to respond...

[16:11:28.393]  Waiting for SQLServer to respond...

[16:11:28.393]  Waiting for SQLServer to respond...

[16:11:28.471]  Performing data transfer of [S-HO-SPDB : SP2010_SharePoint_BloorHomes_Local]...

[16:11:28.521]  Performing data transfer of [S-HO-SPDB : SP2010_Config]...

[16:11:28.523]  Performing data transfer of [S-HO-SPDB : SP2010_AdminContent]...

[16:11:28.597]  SQL Server is prepared to freeze the database now [S-HO-SPDB : SP2010_SharePoint_BloorHomes_Local]...

[16:11:28.598]  SQL Server is prepared to freeze the database now [S-HO-SPDB : SP2010_AdminContent]...

[16:11:28.607]  SQL Server is prepared to freeze the database now [S-HO-SPDB : SP2010_Config]...

[16:11:28.631]  Ready to prepare to create snapshot...


[16:11:28.631]  SNAPSHOT DATABASE

[16:11:28.961]  Preparing Snapshot to Drive:

[16:11:28.962]  LUN [E]

[16:11:28.962]  Snapshot Name: sqlsnap__s-ho-spdb_02-08-2012_16.11.20

[16:11:28.963]  Begin to create snapshot...

[16:11:29.803]  SnapDrive is ready to create snapshot.

[16:11:29.808]  Create Snapshot Now [S-HO-SPDB : SP2010_SharePoint_BloorHomes_Local]...

[16:11:29.808]  Create Snapshot Now [S-HO-SPDB : SP2010_AdminContent]...

[16:11:29.808]  Create Snapshot Now [S-HO-SPDB : SP2010_Config]...

[16:11:29.808]  All VDI backup threads completed snapshot preparation and databases IO are frozen for snapshot.

[16:11:29.812]  SnapManager are ready to create snapshot...

[16:11:30.347]  Snapshot virtual disk [E] for database [SP2010_Config] successfully completed.

[16:11:30.349]  Snapshot virtual disk [E] for database [SP2010_SharePoint_BloorHomes_Local] successfully completed.

[16:11:30.349]  Snapshot virtual disk [E] for database [SP2010_AdminContent] successfully completed.

[16:11:30.378]  [S-HO-SPDB : SP2010_AdminContent] SQL Server is aware that the snapshot is successful.

[16:11:30.379]  [S-HO-SPDB : SP2010_SharePoint_BloorHomes_Local] SQL Server is aware that the snapshot is successful.

[16:11:30.379]  [S-HO-SPDB : SP2010_Config] SQL Server is aware that the snapshot is successful.

[16:11:30.785]  Msg 4035, SevLevel 0, State 1, SQLState 01000

[16:11:30.785]  [Microsoft][ODBC SQL Server Driver][SQL Server]Processed 0 pages for database 'SP2010_SharePoint_BloorHomes_Local', file 'SP2010_SharePoint_BloorHomes_Local' on file 1.

[16:11:30.786]  Msg 3014, SevLevel 0, State 1, SQLState 01000

[16:11:30.786]  [Microsoft][ODBC SQL Server Driver][SQL Server]BACKUP DATABASE successfully processed 0 pages in 1.784 seconds (0.000 MB/sec).

[16:11:30.787]  The SQL command executed.

[16:11:30.788]  Msg 4035, SevLevel 0, State 1, SQLState 01000

[16:11:30.788]  [Microsoft][ODBC SQL Server Driver][SQL Server]Processed 0 pages for database 'SP2010_Config', file 'SP2010_Config' on file 1.

[16:11:30.788]  Msg 3014, SevLevel 0, State 1, SQLState 01000

[16:11:30.788]  [Microsoft][ODBC SQL Server Driver][SQL Server]BACKUP DATABASE successfully processed 0 pages in 1.773 seconds (0.000 MB/sec).

[16:11:30.789]  The SQL command executed.

[16:11:30.790]  Msg 4035, SevLevel 0, State 1, SQLState 01000

[16:11:30.790]  [Microsoft][ODBC SQL Server Driver][SQL Server]Processed 0 pages for database 'SP2010_AdminContent', file 'SP2010_AdminContent' on file 1.

[16:11:30.790]  Msg 3014, SevLevel 0, State 1, SQLState 01000

[16:11:30.790]  [Microsoft][ODBC SQL Server Driver][SQL Server]BACKUP DATABASE successfully processed 0 pages in 1.783 seconds (0.000 MB/sec).

[16:11:30.790]  The SQL command executed.

[16:11:30.827]  Setting operation result to registry...

[16:11:30.827]  Backup operation on SQL instance [S-HO-SPDB] database [SP2010_Config]

[16:11:30.841]  Setting operation result to registry...

[16:11:30.841]  Backup operation on SQL instance [S-HO-SPDB] database [SP2010_SharePoint_BloorHomes_Local]

[16:11:30.842]  Setting operation result to registry...

[16:11:30.842]  Backup operation on SQL instance [S-HO-SPDB] database [SP2010_AdminContent]



[16:11:30.875]  Transaction log backup location for database [SP2010_Config]:

[16:11:30.875]  I:\SMSQL_SnapInfo\VDISK__E\LogBackup\LOGINST__S-HO-SPDB\LOGDB__SP2010_Config\02-08-2012_16.11.20__SP20.TRB

[16:11:30.875]  Connecting to SQL server S-HO-SPDB...

[16:11:30.892]  Checking recovery model...

[16:11:30.910]  Database [SP2010_Config] recovery model is Full.

[16:11:30.954]  Transaction log backup for database [SP2010_Config] will truncate logs...

[16:11:30.954]  Starting to backup transaction log for database [SP2010_Config]...

[16:11:31.064]  Database [S-HO-SPDB:SP2010_Config] Percent: 59 percent processed.59

[16:11:31.069]  Database [S-HO-SPDB:SP2010_Config] Percent: 100 percent processed.100

[16:11:31.072]  Database [S-HO-SPDB:SP2010_Config] BACKUP LOG successfully processed 216 pages in 0.049 seconds (34.388 MB/sec).

[16:11:31.072]  Transaction log backup of database [SP2010_Config] completed.

[16:11:31.077]  Verifying transaction log backup...

[16:11:31.311]  Transaction log backup verification of database [SP2010_Config] successfully completed.


[16:11:31.314]  Transaction log backup location for database [SP2010_SharePoint_BloorHomes_Local]:

[16:11:31.314]  I:\SMSQL_SnapInfo\VDISK__E\LogBackup\LOGINST__S-HO-SPDB\LOGDB__SP2010_SharePoint_BloorHomes_Local\02-08-2012_16.11.20__SP20.TRB

[16:11:31.315]  Checking recovery model...

[16:11:31.318]  Database [SP2010_SharePoint_BloorHomes_Local] recovery model is Full.

[16:11:31.318]  Transaction log backup for database [SP2010_SharePoint_BloorHomes_Local] will truncate logs...

[16:11:31.318]  Starting to backup transaction log for database [SP2010_SharePoint_BloorHomes_Local]...

[16:11:31.418]  Database [S-HO-SPDB:SP2010_SharePoint_BloorHomes_Local] Percent: 100 percent processed.100

[16:11:31.418]  Database [S-HO-SPDB:SP2010_SharePoint_BloorHomes_Local] BACKUP LOG successfully processed 12 pages in 0.027 seconds (3.436 MB/sec).

[16:11:31.418]  Transaction log backup of database [SP2010_SharePoint_BloorHomes_Local] completed.

[16:11:31.418]  Verifying transaction log backup...

[16:11:31.621]  Transaction log backup verification of database [SP2010_SharePoint_BloorHomes_Local] successfully completed.


[16:11:31.621]  Transaction log backup location for database [SP2010_AdminContent]:

[16:11:31.621]  I:\SMSQL_SnapInfo\VDISK__E\LogBackup\LOGINST__S-HO-SPDB\LOGDB__SP2010_AdminContent\02-08-2012_16.11.20__SP20.TRB

[16:11:31.621]  Checking recovery model...

[16:11:31.623]  Database [SP2010_AdminContent] recovery model is Full.

[16:11:31.623]  Transaction log backup for database [SP2010_AdminContent] will truncate logs...

[16:11:31.624]  Starting to backup transaction log for database [SP2010_AdminContent]...

[16:11:31.725]  Database [S-HO-SPDB:SP2010_AdminContent] Percent: 100 percent processed.100

[16:11:31.725]  Database [S-HO-SPDB:SP2010_AdminContent] BACKUP LOG successfully processed 16 pages in 0.017 seconds (7.295 MB/sec).

[16:11:31.725]  Transaction log backup of database [SP2010_AdminContent] completed.

[16:11:31.725]  Verifying transaction log backup...

[16:11:31.827]  Transaction log backup verification of database [SP2010_AdminContent] successfully completed.


[16:11:31.831]  *** SNAPSHOT SNAPINFO DISK

[16:11:31.840]  No database associated with an enabled data set archive backup was selected.

[16:11:31.848]  Creating a snapshot of SnapInfo disk(s) is always done on full backups...





[16:11:32.543]  Creating Snapshot of LUN(s):

[16:11:32.543]  LUN [I]

[16:11:32.543]  Snapshot name: sqlinfo__s-ho-spdb_02-08-2012_16.11.20

[16:11:34.171]  Snapshot SnapInfo drive(s) successfully completed.


[16:11:34.209]  Collecting verification information...

[16:11:34.248]  Getting database backup information from SnapInfo file...

[16:11:34.295]  Running verification from remote/another SQL instance [S-HO-SQL]...

[16:11:34.304]  Initializing SnapManager server on remote machine [S-HO-SQL]...

[16:11:54.288]  Remote server [S-HO-SQL] is connected successfully.

[16:11:55.227]  Mounting Snapshot [sqlsnap__s-ho-spdb_02-08-2012_16.11.20] for LUN [E] of Computer [S-HO-SPDB]

[16:11:55.230]  SnapManager will mount the snapshot [sqlsnap__s-ho-spdb_02-08-2012_16.11.20] using available drive letter; otherwise, it will use directory C:\Program Files\NetApp\SnapManager for SQL Server\SnapMgrMountPoint if no drive letter is available.

[16:12:01.740]  This Snapshot is mounted as LUN [Z].

[16:12:01.743]  Mount Snapshot succeeded.

[16:12:01.746]  Using existing connection to server [S-HO-SQL]...

[16:12:01.756]  Attaching database [SP2010_Config__Clone]...

[16:12:01.757]  CREATE DATABASE [SP2010_Config__Clone] ON PRIMARY (NAME = 'SP2010_Config', FILENAME = 'Z:\MSSQL10_50.MSSQLSERVER\MSSQL\DATA\SP2010_Config.mdf') LOG ON (NAME = 'SP2010_Config_log', FILENAME = 'Z:\MSSQL10_50.MSSQLSERVER\MSSQL\DATA\SP2010_Config_log.LDF') FOR ATTACH

[16:12:02.291]  Database attached.


[16:12:02.294]  ALTER DATABASE [SP2010_Config__Clone] SET AUTO_SHRINK OFF


[16:12:02.305]  DBCC CHECKDB (N'SP2010_Config__Clone') WITH NO_INFOMSGS, PHYSICAL_ONLY


[16:12:03.562]  DBCC CHECKDB completed successfully.

[16:12:03.563]  Detaching database [SP2010_Config__Clone].

[16:12:03.781]  Database was detached successfully.

[16:12:03.783]  Attaching database [SP2010_SharePoint_BloorHomes_Local__Clone]...

[16:12:03.784]  CREATE DATABASE [SP2010_SharePoint_BloorHomes_Local__Clone] ON PRIMARY (NAME = 'SP2010_SharePoint_BloorHomes_Local', FILENAME = 'Z:\MSSQL10_50.MSSQLSERVER\MSSQL\DATA\SP2010_SharePoint_BloorHomes_Local.mdf') LOG ON (NAME = 'SP2010_SharePoint_BloorHomes_Local_log', FILENAME = 'Z:\MSSQL10_50.MSSQLSERVER\MSSQL\DATA\SP2010_SharePoint_BloorHomes_Local_log.LDF') FOR ATTACH

[16:12:04.785]  Database attached.


[16:12:04.788]  ALTER DATABASE [SP2010_SharePoint_BloorHomes_Local__Clone] SET AUTO_SHRINK OFF


[16:12:04.799]  DBCC CHECKDB (N'SP2010_SharePoint_BloorHomes_Local__Clone') WITH NO_INFOMSGS, PHYSICAL_ONLY


[16:12:09.142]  DBCC CHECKDB completed successfully.

[16:12:09.142]  Detaching database [SP2010_SharePoint_BloorHomes_Local__Clone].

[16:12:09.364]  Database was detached successfully.

[16:12:09.366]  Attaching database [SP2010_AdminContent__Clone]...

[16:12:09.368]  CREATE DATABASE [SP2010_AdminContent__Clone] ON PRIMARY (NAME = 'SP2010_AdminContent', FILENAME = 'Z:\MSSQL10_50.MSSQLSERVER\MSSQL\DATA\SP2010_AdminContent.mdf') LOG ON (NAME = 'SP2010_AdminContent_log', FILENAME = 'Z:\MSSQL10_50.MSSQLSERVER\MSSQL\DATA\SP2010_AdminContent_log.LDF') FOR ATTACH

[16:12:09.754]  Database attached.


[16:12:09.757]  ALTER DATABASE [SP2010_AdminContent__Clone] SET AUTO_SHRINK OFF


[16:12:09.767]  DBCC CHECKDB (N'SP2010_AdminContent__Clone') WITH NO_INFOMSGS, PHYSICAL_ONLY


[16:12:12.589]  DBCC CHECKDB completed successfully.

[16:12:12.590]  Detaching database [SP2010_AdminContent__Clone].

[16:12:12.810]  Database was detached successfully.

[16:12:12.813]  Dismounting LUN Z of SnapShot [sqlsnap__s-ho-spdb_02-08-2012_16.11.20]...

[16:12:18.395]  Dismount Snapshot succeeded.


You may also want to check the Event Viewer on both the SQL server and the SMSP Media/Managment server.  This will provide additional information around the issue.  There is also a folder labeled SMSP within Event Viewer.  When possible, post the events here.

Also, has this ever worked or has something changed, and it no longer works?


Well, prior to upgrading to SMSP 6.1 everything worked except for Item Version backups, now we have upgraded to SMSP 6.1 all backups report this error. So to answer your question we have always had issues one way or another.


Also the SQL configuration already meets NetApp best practice layout.


If backups were working prior to the upgrade and they are not after the upgrade, assuming that there were no other changes to the SP environment, contacting NetApp support is the best option.

When you do connect NetApp support for SMSP issues, setting the logging level on the agents and the media server is advised. Also, after you have turned up the SMSP logging, try reproducing the error so that this informaiton is captured in the logs.

The NetApp support tool, nSanity does not collect SMSP logs. It will however collect the logs for SnapDrive and SMSQL. Since you are having issues with the database portion of the backups, support will likely ask for nSanity logs just to have all of the bases covered.

SMSP is an OEM version of AvePoint DocAve. SMSP is customized to work with Data ONTAP, SnapDrive, and SMSQL and in SMSP 6.1 there are no migration or reporting features found in DocAve.




Finally after months of diagnostics, numerous support calls, and 100's of trial backups SMSP is completing a successful Item version backup! The last config change made as suggested by NetApp support was to downgrade SMSQL from  SMSQL5.2_x64 to SMSQL5.1P2_x64.

Now the configuration is as follows:

Snap Drive (6.4 x64)

Snap Manager for SQL (5.1P2 x64)

Snap Manager for Sharepoint (6.1 x64)

MS Sharepoint 2010

Windows 2008 R2

OnTap 7.3.4 (FAS2040)

All SQL and Sharepoint volumes are presented over iSCSI and are RDM Luns.

I can now mount the snapshots and browse to items for restore however the backup did report one error which I am still investigating:

Statistical Result 1631 MB data, 1(0) site collections, 25(0) sites, 282(0) lists, 790(0) items. Error:runcommand error

Thanks fto everyone for the input so far!


Statistical Result



1631 MB data, 1(0) site collections, 25(0) sites, 282(0)
  lists, 790(0) items. Error:runcommand error



If you are running SMSP 6.0 and have recently upgraded to SMSQL 5.2 on your SharePoint farm's SQL servers then this is the cause of the issue.  SMSP 6.0 is not able to properly parse the backup results from SMSQL 5.2.  So even though the SMSQL logs will show successful backups the SMSP logs will show as "Backup DB Error"

This issue is resolved in SMSP 6.1 and I'd recommend updating to this version.  If you are unable to upgrade to SMSP 6.1 and must stay on SMSP 6.0 there is a patch available- To get the patch log a call with tech support and reference BURT547434.


Hello Everybody,

My Backups are failing since Dec and the Job Details say Completed with Exceptions and below is the report, can anybody suggest what can be done in this scenarios, i am not getting any help from the support, Support wants me to install N sanity tool on the SQL Production Box which my company is not allowing to be installed.

The versions i am using are SnapManager for SQL - 5.2/Snap Manager for SP -6.1 /SnapDrive -6.4

The Logs say Backup completed with Excemptions  and below is the report

* Backup Result Report *

Plan Name: Content_Data_Daily
Plan ID: PLAN20120914111118
Backup Level: Item Level
Backup Type: Full Backup
Job ID: FB20140417230000
Agent Host: msmoss***

Media Server: msmoss***
Agent Version:
Manager Version:
Username: admin
Start Time: 2014-04-17 23:00:00
End Time: 2014-04-17 23:51:59
Statistical Result: 1890965 MB data, 0(0) site collections, 0(0) sites, 0(0) lists, 0(0) items.
Errors: Error During Backup Raw DB: Backup DB Error :WSS_Content_BusDev
Error During Backup Raw DB: Backup DB Error :WSS_Content_Distribution
Error During Backup Raw DB: Backup DB Error :WSS_Content_EPMO
Error During Backup Raw DB: Backup DB Error :WSS_Content_EXECUTIVE
Error During Backup Raw DB: Backup DB Error :WSS_Content_FinanceTreasury
Error During Backup Raw DB: Backup DB Error :WSS_Content_HR
Error During Backup Raw DB: Backup DB Error :WSS_Content_ITPortfolio
Error During Backup Raw DB: Backup DB Error :WSS_Content_Legal
Error During Backup Raw DB: Backup DB Error :WSS_Content_Logistics
Error During Backup Raw DB: Backup DB Error :WSS_Content_Marketing
Error During Backup Raw DB: Backup DB Error :WSS_Content_Merch
Error During Backup Raw DB: Backup DB Error :WSS_Content_Mexico
Error During Backup Raw DB: Backup DB Error :WSS_Content_Risk
Error During Backup Raw DB: Backup DB Error :WSS_Content_SC
Error During Backup Raw DB: Backup DB Error :WSS_Content_SpecialProjects
Error During Backup Raw DB: Backup DB Error :WSS_Content_StoreOps
Error During Backup Raw DB: Backup DB Error :WSS_Content_TEST
Error During Backup Raw DB: Backup DB Error :WSS_Content_CorpAffairs
Error During Backup Raw DB: Backup DB Error :WSS_Content_CorporateCommunications
Error During Backup Raw DB: Backup DB Error :WSS_Content_IT
Error During Backup Raw DB: Backup DB Error :WSS_Content_Apps_InternalAudit
Error During Backup Raw DB: Backup DB Error :WSS_Content_ITPortfolio_2011
Error During Backup Raw DB: Backup DB Error :WSS_Content_BusDev_Projects
Error During Backup Raw DB: Backup DB Error :WSS_Content_CorpAffairs_Projects
Error During Backup Raw DB: Backup DB Error :WSS_Content_Canada_Projects
Error During Backup Raw DB: Backup DB Error :WSS_Content_EXECUTIVE_Projects
Error During Backup Raw DB: Backup DB Error :WSS_Content_Finance_Projects
Error During Backup Raw DB: Backup DB Error :WSS_Content_HR_Projects
Error During Backup Raw DB: Backup DB Error :WSS_Content_Legal_Projects
Error During Backup Raw DB: Backup DB Error :WSS_Content_Marketing_Projects
Error During Backup Raw DB: Backup DB Error :WSS_Content_Merch_Projects
Error During Backup Raw DB: Backup DB Error :WSS_Content_Risk_Projects
Error During Backup Raw DB: Backup DB Error :WSS_Content_SC_Projects
Error During Backup Raw DB: Backup DB Error :WSS_Content_SpecialProjects_Projects
Error During Backup Raw DB: Backup DB Error :WSS_Content_StoreOps_Projects
Error During Backup Raw DB: Backup DB Error :WSS_Content_Apps_IT
Error During Backup Raw DB: Backup DB Error :WSS_Content_SRO
Error During Backup Raw DB: Backup DB Error :WSS_Content_ITSourcing
Error During Backup Raw DB: Backup DB Error :WSS_Content_TDS
Error During Backup Raw DB: Backup DB Error :WSS_Content_MySite

The Zip Files shows this

Path:Farm(Farm)\Windows SharePoint Services Web Application,Status:Successful;
Path:Farm(Farm)\Windows SharePoint Services Web Application\SharePoint - 35000,Status:Successful;
Path:Farm(Farm)\Windows SharePoint Services Web Application\SharePoint - 80,Status:Successful;
Path:Farm(Farm)\Windows SharePoint Services Web Application\SharePoint - 80\WSS_Content_BusDev_MSMOS***\MOSS**,Status:Failed;
Error During Backup Raw DB: Backup DB Error :WSS_Content_BusDev
Path:Farm(Farm)\Windows SharePoint Services Web Application\SharePoint - 80\WSS_Content_Distribution_MSMOS***\MOSS**,,Status:Failed;
Error During Backup Raw DB: Backup DB Error :WSS_Content_Distribution
Path:Farm(Farm)\Windows SharePoint Services Web Application\SharePoint - 80\WSS_Content_EPMO_MSMOS***\MOSS**,,Status:Failed;
Error During Backup Raw DB: Backup DB Error :WSS_Content_EPMO
Path:Farm(Farm)\Windows SharePoint Services Web Application\SharePoint - 80\WSS_Content_EXECUTIVE_MSMOS***\MOSS**,,Status:Failed;
Error During Backup Raw DB: Backup DB Error :WSS_Content_EXECUTIVE
Path:Farm(Farm)\Windows SharePoint Services Web Application\SharePoint - 80\WSS_Content_FinanceTreasury_MSMOS***\MOSS**,,Status:Failed;
Error During Backup Raw DB: Backup DB Error :WSS_Content_FinanceTreasury
Path:Farm(Farm)\Windows SharePoint Services Web Application\SharePoint - 80\WSS_Content_HR_MSMOS***\MOSS**,,Status:Failed;
Error During Backup Raw DB: Backup DB Error :WSS_Content_HR
Path:Farm(Farm)\Windows SharePoint Services Web Application\SharePoint - 80\WSS_Content_ITPortfolio_MSMOS***\MOSS**,Status:Failed;
Error During Backup Raw DB: Backup DB Error :WSS_Content_ITPortfolio
Path:Farm(Farm)\Windows SharePoint Services Web Application\SharePoint Mysite - 40000,Status:Successful;
Path:Farm(Farm)\Windows SharePoint Services Web Application\SharePoint Mysite - 40000\WSS_Content_MySite_MSMOS***\MOSS**,,Status:Failed;
Error During Backup Raw DB: Backup DB Error :WSS_Content_MySite

Statistical Result: 1890965 MB data, 0(0) site collections, 0(0) sites, 0(0) lists, 0(0) items.

Many more Backups have failed i havent copied all , all are having similar errors,Please advice any valuable advice will be appreciated.
