Data Backup and Recovery

RESTORE-Snap Creator 4.1.1 and Oracle RAC multiple instances on ASM


WE are performing restore testing. Our configuration is Oracle RAC on ASM with multiple instances running on a 2-node RAC cluster. Snap Creator we have dataluns (one lun per volume) and FRA luns (one lun per volume). FRA luns are in the META_DATA_VOLUMES configuration.

Our normal process for snap restore is to unmount the filesystems from the host, snap restore, then scan and remount luns, bring up database and restore archive logs as necessary.

The question I am running into is with ASM and single instance restore, do we have to bring the DB and ASM down and unmount the luns for the instance before the restore? or is there an online restore (leaving ASM and the other DB instances running) method so I don't have to take the whole RAC environment down?



Hate to reply to my own post but I wanted to share what I got back from my Netapp account team who researched internally for me.

Hi Chris,


Got this from our expert


They have to shut down ASM to be safe. In some cases they could just dismount the ASM diskgroups, but they might as well just take that one final step and shut down ASM across ALL nodes on the cluster. There can be ASM metadata in use anywhere in the cluster, so the only way to be 100% safe is shut them all down.






View solution in original post



Hate to reply to my own post but I wanted to share what I got back from my Netapp account team who researched internally for me.

Hi Chris,


Got this from our expert


They have to shut down ASM to be safe. In some cases they could just dismount the ASM diskgroups, but they might as well just take that one final step and shut down ASM across ALL nodes on the cluster. There can be ASM metadata in use anywhere in the cluster, so the only way to be 100% safe is shut them all down.





