Hi All,
Sorry for the wide distribution.
IHAC who is interested to deploy SMMOSS to their SharePoint environment. Can somebody shed some light on the following questions:
· Is there any best practice around splitting the content DB ( 1 year projection is around 16 TB) that would allow them to have different snap and retention schedules.
· Can I direct the SMMOSS Index to a CIFS repository? Pro/Con with this approach
· What is the rate at which the SMMOSS Media server can ingest files while it is performing an index/catalog to facilitate item level restores. This would allow us to size the smmoss media server lun/volume.
- Is geo-cluster supported by NetApp, SMMOSS, SMSQL?
- Any reference sizing documents for large SMMOSS deployments
Any comments/thoughts will be appreciated.
Tanweer Eqbal
Professional Services Engineer
PS - Australia
+61 2 9779 5651 Direct
+61 410 712 224 Mobile