Data Backup and Recovery
Data Backup and Recovery
Hello folks,
I am trying my luck again to get the correct answer. (I am new to snapmanager)
when I am doing full database bakup in snapmanager for SQL.
the backup got failed with the following error message.
"The backup of one or more databases failed. Server Licensekey: None" we have snapmanager license installed on the filer.
Please can any one reply to my question.
Thanks in Advance.
Are any of the databases being backed up?
If not I would say check the installation of the Snap product on the server, does this have the license keys installed, have you rebooted since installing the product?
I installed license key ,checked the configuration and more over my other backups are running succesfully.
only one backup is failing with error
The backup of one or more databases failed.
Server Licensekey: None.
OK, I've seen something similar on SnapManager for Exchange.
In that case the actual reason was fairly simple (& easy to cure): during installation SME asks which licensing model should be used, so if there is a license on the filer, that box should be ticked, not the other saying server license.
I'd simply try reinstaling SMSQL carefuly looking for questions about licences location.
Hello radek,
I will try re-installing the SMSQL and tick the license carefully.
appreciated for your quick response. Hoping this time will work.
Like the previous posts said, this definitely sound like when you installed SNAP Manager you entered the license incorrectly or you selected the wrong License Method. Our license's are all entered manually so during SNAP Manger installation I enter them and do not get them from the filer itself. Take a look under your licenses when you login to NOW.Netapp site and see if you have individual license keys for your snap manager product. It should be listed under Serial and Licenses when you log in to support. Good Luck!