We don't have SnapCenter in HA configuration and haven't seen one myself, so cannot give you first hand answer. However, I tried to look up information for SnapCenter HA and it is definitely a allowed configuration. From the NetApp documentation, it appears "SnapCenter High Availability is setup automatically when SnapCenter is installed on Windows Servers that have the Microsoft Network Load Balancing feature already in place. Following kB helps in configuring NLB & ARR if not in place already.
How to configure NLB and ARR with SnapCenter
SnapCenter Plug-In for Oracle Database [Also, talks about HA]
This is applicable only if you have f5 load_balancer: [Not applicable to all but it's very nicely written KB, worth a read nevertheless.]
My suggestion would be go through it (In case you haven't already read them), and test it (if that's possible) and come back with more questions. I think there is plenty of content in the TR to suggest it would work but it needs to be tested.
Good luck!