Data Backup and Recovery
Data Backup and Recovery
I encountered this issue while at a customer site and have recreated it within lab on demand - Protection Manager Updates fail.
The SMSQL powershell script is run correctly, however the PM updates fail with this error:
(At the customer site, I was getting return code 0 from the powershell, but no output (and no snapshot). I will have to re-run the agent in debug mode to get more information. In my test lab, I found I had to restart the services several times to get it to run successfully - is there a certain order to making this work?)
<results reason="snapshot-unique-id must be specified in version-member-info." errno="13001" status="failed"></results>
[Sat Nov 19 10:33:20 2011] ERROR: [scf-00013] snapshot-unique-id must be specified in version-member-info. (code = 13001)
[Sat Nov 19 10:32:29 2011] DEBUG: GMT - Sat Nov 19 15:32:29 2011
[Sat Nov 19 10:32:29 2011] DEBUG: Version: NetApp Snap Creator Framework 3.4p2
[Sat Nov 19 10:32:29 2011] DEBUG: Profile: SMSQL
[Sat Nov 19 10:32:29 2011] DEBUG: Config Type: STANDARD
[Sat Nov 19 10:32:29 2011] DEBUG: Action: snap
[Sat Nov 19 10:32:29 2011] DEBUG: Plugin: smsql
[Sat Nov 19 10:32:29 2011] DEBUG: Policy: daily
[Sat Nov 19 10:32:29 2011] DEBUG: Snapshot Name: smsql-daily_20111119103229
[Sat Nov 19 10:32:29 2011] DEBUG: Timestamp: 20111119103229
[Sat Nov 19 10:32:29 2011] INFO: Removing log SMSQLtest.out.20111118163854
[Sat Nov 19 10:32:29 2011] INFO: Removing log SMSQLtest.debug.20111118163854
########## Parsing Environment Parameters ##########
[Sat Nov 19 10:32:29 2011] DEBUG: Parsing VOLUMES - filer: fas01 volume: vmware_nfs
[Sat Nov 19 10:32:29 2011] DEBUG: Parsing NTAP_USERS - filer: fas01 user: root
[Sat Nov 19 10:32:29 2011] DEBUG: Parsing NTAP_SNAPSHOT_RETENTIONS - policy: daily retention: 7
[Sat Nov 19 10:32:29 2011] DEBUG: Parsing NTAP_DFM_DATA_SET - filer: fas01 volume: vmware_nfs DFM dataset: snapcreator_SMSQLtest
[Sat Nov 19 10:32:29 2011] INFO: No commands defined
########## Application quiesce ##########
[Sat Nov 19 10:32:29 2011] [] DEBUG: Executing command [%SystemRoot%\system32\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0\powershell.exe -psconsolefile "C:\Program Files\NetApp\SnapManager for SQL Server\smsqlshell.psc1" -command "new-backup -svr 'win2003sp2-2' -RetainBackups 7 -lb -bksif -RetainSNapofSnapInfo 8 -trlog -mgmt daily"]
[Sat Nov 19 10:33:16 2011] [] DEBUG: Command [%SystemRoot%\system32\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0\powershell.exe -psconsolefile "C:\Program Files\NetApp\SnapManager for SQL Server\smsqlshell.psc1" -command "new-backup -svr 'win2003sp2-2' -RetainBackups 7 -lb -bksif -RetainSNapofSnapInfo 8 -trlog -mgmt daily"] finished with
exit code: [0]
stdout: [Initializing [new-backup]
Connecting to server: [win2003sp2-2]
Initialization of Backup Input Data: [win2003sp2-2][processing]
Setup verification server default value [processing]
Retrieving SnapManager Configuration Information: [processing]
Retrieving SnapManager Configuration Information: [completed]
Initialization of Backup Input Data: [win2003sp2-2][completed]
Host: win2003sp2-2
Authentication Mode: Windows
The input parameters are being validated.
The following SQL Server instances in host [win2003sp2-2] will be backed up.
This is a back up only job. It is highly recommended to do verification of the
backed up databases and logs.
The input parameters validation successful.
Proceeding with [new-backup]
Invoking backup...
*** SnapManager for SQL Server Report
Backup Time Stamp: 11-19-2011_10.32.39
Getting SQL Server Database Information, please wait...
Getting virtual disks information...
Querying SQL Server instances installed...
Querying installed SQL Server instances on [win2003sp2-2]...
Allocating ODBC environment handle...
Setting environment attribute...
Setting SQLBrowseConnect option...
Parsing SQLBrowseConnect server string...
Creating threads for enumerating databases of different SQL Server instances.
Waiting for the threads to finish enumerating databases.
Connecting to SQL Server instance - WIN2003SP2-2...
Getting SQL Server version information...
Querying database information...
All threads finished enumerating databases.
Validating database configuration...
Setting database disk configuration...
Setting database locating on SQLRoot path...
Querying database disk volume configuration...
Getting SnapInfo directories configuration...
Checking dataset availability, connecting to SnapDrive...
Dataset feature is currently available.
Getting SnapManager dataset info from...
Dataset info file has not yet created.
Getting SnapMirror Destinations Volumes...
Update selected destination volumes information for SQL Server WIN2003SP2-2 suc
Get all destination volumes state successfully.
Full database backup
Maximum databases of concurrent backup: 255
Naming convention: Unique
Run transaction log backup after full database backup: Yes
Transaction logs will be truncated after backup: Yes
Archive backup to SnapVault secondary: No
Keep the oldest 7 full backups.
Retain up-to-the-minute restore ability for older backups in other management g
roups: Yes
Leave database attached after DBCC: No
Run DBCC CHECKDB with Live Database Before Backup: No
Run DBCC CHECKDB with Live Database After Backup: No
Backup Management Group: Daily
Update SnapMirror after operation: No
Run Command before the operation: No
Run Command after the operation: No
Backup Database 1: WIN2003SP2-2 : master
Backup Database 2: WIN2003SP2-2 : model
Backup Database 3: WIN2003SP2-2 : msdb
Backup database list:
1 - WIN2003SP2-2 : master
2 - WIN2003SP2-2 : model
3 - WIN2003SP2-2 : msdb
Getting SnapInfo directory info...
1 - Database [master] of [WIN2003SP2-2] SnapInfo directory located at:
2 - Database [model] of [WIN2003SP2-2] SnapInfo directory located at:
3 - Database [msdb] of [WIN2003SP2-2] SnapInfo directory located at:
Querying LUN license: F...
Querying LUN license: E...
Full database backup location for database [master]:
Connecting to SQL Server WIN2003SP2-2...
Starting full database backup for database [master]...
Database [WIN2003SP2-2:master] Percent: 6 percent processed.6
Database [WIN2003SP2-2:master] Percent: 10 percent processed.10
Database [WIN2003SP2-2:master] Percent: 15 percent processed.15
Database [WIN2003SP2-2:master] Percent: 21 percent processed.21
Database [WIN2003SP2-2:master] Percent: 25 percent processed.25
Database [WIN2003SP2-2:master] Percent: 30 percent processed.30
Database [WIN2003SP2-2:master] Percent: 36 percent processed.36
Database [WIN2003SP2-2:master] Percent: 41 percent processed.41
Database [WIN2003SP2-2:master] Percent: 45 percent processed.45
Database [WIN2003SP2-2:master] Percent: 51 percent processed.51
Database [WIN2003SP2-2:master] Percent: 56 percent processed.56
Database [WIN2003SP2-2:master] Percent: 60 percent processed.60
Database [WIN2003SP2-2:master] Percent: 66 percent processed.66
Database [WIN2003SP2-2:master] Percent: 71 percent processed.71
Database [WIN2003SP2-2:master] Percent: 75 percent processed.75
Database [WIN2003SP2-2:master] Percent: 82 percent processed.82
Database [WIN2003SP2-2:master] Percent: 86 percent processed.86
Database [WIN2003SP2-2:master] Percent: 90 percent processed.90
Database [WIN2003SP2-2:master] Percent: 95 percent processed.95
Database [WIN2003SP2-2:master] Percent: 100 percent processed.100
Database [WIN2003SP2-2:master] BACKUP DATABASE successfully processed 371 pages
in 0.150 seconds (19.296 MB/sec).
Full database backup of database [master] completed.
Full database backup location for database [model]:
Starting full database backup for database [model]...
Database [WIN2003SP2-2:model] Percent: 9 percent processed.9
Database [WIN2003SP2-2:model] Percent: 14 percent processed.14
Database [WIN2003SP2-2:model] Percent: 19 percent processed.19
Database [WIN2003SP2-2:model] Percent: 24 percent processed.24
Database [WIN2003SP2-2:model] Percent: 29 percent processed.29
Database [WIN2003SP2-2:model] Percent: 34 percent processed.34
Database [WIN2003SP2-2:model] Percent: 39 percent processed.39
Database [WIN2003SP2-2:model] Percent: 44 percent processed.44
Database [WIN2003SP2-2:model] Percent: 49 percent processed.49
Database [WIN2003SP2-2:model] Percent: 54 percent processed.54
Database [WIN2003SP2-2:model] Percent: 59 percent processed.59
Database [WIN2003SP2-2:model] Percent: 64 percent processed.64
Database [WIN2003SP2-2:model] Percent: 69 percent processed.69
Database [WIN2003SP2-2:model] Percent: 74 percent processed.74
Database [WIN2003SP2-2:model] Percent: 79 percent processed.79
Database [WIN2003SP2-2:model] Percent: 84 percent processed.84
Database [WIN2003SP2-2:model] Percent: 89 percent processed.89
Database [WIN2003SP2-2:model] Percent: 94 percent processed.94
Database [WIN2003SP2-2:model] Percent: 99 percent processed.99
Database [WIN2003SP2-2:model] Percent: 100 percent processed.100
Database [WIN2003SP2-2:model] BACKUP DATABASE successfully processed 162 pages
in 0.046 seconds (27.428 MB/sec).
Full database backup of database [model] completed.
Full database backup location for database [msdb]:
Starting full database backup for database [msdb]...
Database [WIN2003SP2-2:msdb] Percent: 10 percent processed.10
Database [WIN2003SP2-2:msdb] Percent: 20 percent processed.20
Database [WIN2003SP2-2:msdb] Percent: 30 percent processed.30
Database [WIN2003SP2-2:msdb] Percent: 40 percent processed.40
Database [WIN2003SP2-2:msdb] Percent: 50 percent processed.50
Database [WIN2003SP2-2:msdb] Percent: 60 percent processed.60
Database [WIN2003SP2-2:msdb] Percent: 70 percent processed.70
Database [WIN2003SP2-2:msdb] Percent: 80 percent processed.80
Database [WIN2003SP2-2:msdb] Percent: 90 percent processed.90
Database [WIN2003SP2-2:msdb] Percent: 99 percent processed.99
Database [WIN2003SP2-2:msdb] Percent: 100 percent processed.100
Database [WIN2003SP2-2:msdb] BACKUP DATABASE successfully processed 1277 pages
in 0.267 seconds (37.365 MB/sec).
Full database backup of database [msdb] completed.
Transaction log backup for database [master] skipped (Simple Recovery Model).
Transaction log backup for database [msdb] skipped (Simple Recovery Model).
Transaction log backup location for database [model]:
Connecting to SQL server WIN2003SP2-2...
Checking recovery model...
Database [model] recovery model is Full.
Transaction log backup for database [model] will truncate logs...
Starting to backup transaction log for database [model]...
Database [WIN2003SP2-2:model] Percent: 100 percent processed.100
Database [WIN2003SP2-2:model] BACKUP LOG successfully processed 4 pages in 0.00
7 seconds (4.464 MB/sec).
Transaction log backup of database [model] completed.
Rename Snapshot for LUN [F] from [sqlinfo__win2003sp2-2__recent]
To [sqlinfo__win2003sp2-2_11-19-2011_10.06.45__daily]
[SnapDrive Error]: Rename of backup (sqlinfo__win2003sp2-2__recent) failed. Rea
son: (The backup sqlinfo__win2003sp2-2__recent was not renamed successfully. Re
ason : Could not find current snapshot name smvi__sqlinfo__win2003sp2-2__recent
_20111119100709 or original snapshot name smvi__sqlinfo__win2003sp2-2__recent_2
0111119100709 for volume
(SnapDrive Error Code: 0xc0041053)
Creating Snapshot of LUN(s):
Snapshot name: sqlinfo__win2003sp2-2_11-19-2011_10.32.39__daily
Snapshot SnapInfo drive(s) successfully completed.
Querying stream based full database backup for [master]...
Start to delete [2] the oldest backup sets.
Deleting full backup [#1] at F:\SMSQL_SnapInfo\SQL__WIN2003SP2-2\DB__master\FG_
Deleting full backup [#2] at F:\SMSQL_SnapInfo\SQL__WIN2003SP2-2\DB__master\FG_
Transaction log backups older than [11-18-2011_16.54.34] (last full backup) wil
l be deleted.
No transaction log backup sets for master were detected.
No transaction log backup of [master] will be deleted.
Querying stream based full database backup for [model]...
Start to delete [2] the oldest backup sets.
Deleting full backup [#1] at F:\SMSQL_SnapInfo\SQL__WIN2003SP2-2\DB__model\FG__
Deleting full backup [#2] at F:\SMSQL_SnapInfo\SQL__WIN2003SP2-2\DB__model\FG__
Transaction log backups older than [11-18-2011_16.54.34] (last full backup) wil
l be deleted.
Deleting log backup [#1] at F:\SMSQL_SnapInfo\SQL__WIN2003SP2-2\DB__model\LogBa
Deleting log backup [#2] at F:\SMSQL_SnapInfo\SQL__WIN2003SP2-2\DB__model\LogBa
Transaction log backups on and after the time stamp [11-18-2011_16.54.34] will
not be deleted.
Querying stream based full database backup for [msdb]...
Start to delete [2] the oldest backup sets.
Deleting full backup [#1] at F:\SMSQL_SnapInfo\SQL__WIN2003SP2-2\DB__msdb\FG__\
Deleting full backup [#2] at F:\SMSQL_SnapInfo\SQL__WIN2003SP2-2\DB__msdb\FG__\
Transaction log backups older than [11-18-2011_16.54.34] (last full backup) wil
l be deleted.
No transaction log backup sets for msdb were detected.
No transaction log backup of [msdb] will be deleted.
Get log snapshot list from LUN [F]: ...
Deleting snapshot copy sqlinfo__win2003sp2-2_11-18-2011_16.20.09__daily of LUN
Deletion of snapshot copy succeeded.
Backup Time: 11-19-2011_10.32.39
Backup Group [#1]:
#1 : [WIN2003SP2-2 - master] : OK
#2 : [WIN2003SP2-2 - model] : OK
#3 : [WIN2003SP2-2 - msdb] : OK
*** SNAPMANAGER BACKUP JOB ENDED AT: [11-19-2011 10.33.15]
Full database backup completed successfully.
Preparing for sending filer AutoSupport...
No filer autosupport message is sent on success.
Please check the SnapManager Reports for more details.
The new-backup cmdlet has completed processing successfully.
stderr: []
[Sat Nov 19 10:33:17 2011] [] DEBUG: Executing of external script finished successfully
[Sat Nov 19 10:33:17 2011] [] INFO: Quiescing databases finished successfully
[Sat Nov 19 10:33:17 2011] INFO: No commands defined
########## PRE NETAPP COMMANDS ##########
[Sat Nov 19 10:33:17 2011] INFO: No commands defined
[Sat Nov 19 10:33:17 2011] DEBUG: ZAPI REQUEST
[Sat Nov 19 10:33:17 2011] DEBUG: ZAPI RESULT
<results status="passed">
[Sat Nov 19 10:33:17 2011] DEBUG: creating filer/vfiler executor for filer fas01
########## Detecting Data OnTap mode for fas01 ##########
[Sat Nov 19 10:33:17 2011] INFO: Data OnTap 7 mode detected
[Sat Nov 19 10:33:17 2011] DEBUG: Connected to fas01 using API Version 1.9
########## Generating Info ASUP on fas01 ##########
[Sat Nov 19 10:33:17 2011] DEBUG: ZAPI REQUEST
<app-version>NetApp Snap Creator Framework 3.4p2</app-version>
<category>Backup Started</category>
<computer-name>VCS1 []</computer-name>
<event-description>INFO: NetApp Snap Creator Framework 3.4p2 Backup for smsql ACTION: snap POLICY: daily Plugin: smsql Volumes: fas01:vmware_nfs Started</event-description>
[Sat Nov 19 10:33:18 2011] DEBUG: ZAPI RESULT
<results status="passed"></results>
[Sat Nov 19 10:33:18 2011] INFO: NetApp ASUP create on fas01 finished successfully
########## Gathering Information for fas01:vmware_nfs ##########
[Sat Nov 19 10:33:18 2011] INFO: Performing NetApp Snapshot Inventory for vmware_nfs on fas01
[Sat Nov 19 10:33:18 2011] DEBUG: ZAPI REQUEST
[Sat Nov 19 10:33:18 2011] DEBUG: ZAPI RESULT
<results status="passed">
[Sat Nov 19 10:33:18 2011] INFO: NetApp Snapshot Inventory of vmware_nfs on fas01 completed Successfully
[Sat Nov 19 10:33:18 2011] INFO: No commands defined
########## Application unquiesce ##########
[Sat Nov 19 10:33:17 2011] [] INFO: Skipping unquiesce, nothing needed for SMSQL integration
[Sat Nov 19 10:33:18 2011] INFO: No commands defined
########## Generating Info ASUP on fas01 ##########
[Sat Nov 19 10:33:18 2011] DEBUG: ZAPI REQUEST
<app-version>NetApp Snap Creator Framework 3.4p2</app-version>
<category>Backup Completed</category>
<computer-name>VCS1 []</computer-name>
<event-description>INFO: NetApp Snap Creator Framework 3.4p2 Backup for smsql ACTION: snap POLICY: daily Plugin: smsql Volumes: fas01:vmware_nfs Completed</event-description>
[Sat Nov 19 10:33:18 2011] DEBUG: ZAPI RESULT
<results status="passed"></results>
[Sat Nov 19 10:33:18 2011] INFO: NetApp ASUP create on fas01 finished successfully
[Sat Nov 19 10:33:18 2011] DEBUG: creating dfm executor for dfm
[Sat Nov 19 10:33:18 2011] DEBUG: ZAPI REQUEST
[Sat Nov 19 10:33:19 2011] DEBUG: ZAPI RESULT
<results status="passed">
<version> (5.0)</version>
<edition>Standard edition of DataFabric Manager server</edition>
<node-limit>250 (currently managing 2)</node-limit>
<prov-mgr-node-limit>250 (currently managing 2)</prov-mgr-node-limit>
<prot-mgr-node-limit>250 (currently managing 2)</prot-mgr-node-limit>
<operating-system>Microsoft Windows 2003 Service Pack 2 (Build 3790) x86 based </operating-system>
<install-dir>D:/Program Files/NetApp/DataFabric Manager/DFM</install-dir>
<name>D:/Program Files/NetApp/DataFabric Manager/DFM</name>
<name>D:/Program Files/NetApp/DataFabric Manager/DFM/perfdata</name>
<name>D:/Program Files/NetApp/DataFabric Manager/DFM/dataExport</name>
<name>D:\Program Files\NetApp\DataFabric Manager\DFM\data</name>
<name>D:\Program Files\NetApp\DataFabric Manager\DFM\reports</name>
[Sat Nov 19 10:33:19 2011] DEBUG: creating proxy executor for dfm
[Sat Nov 19 10:33:19 2011] DEBUG: ZAPI REQUEST
[Sat Nov 19 10:33:19 2011] DEBUG: ZAPI RESULT
<results status="passed">
<version> (5.0)</version>
<edition>Standard edition of DataFabric Manager server</edition>
<node-limit>250 (currently managing 2)</node-limit>
<prov-mgr-node-limit>250 (currently managing 2)</prov-mgr-node-limit>
<prot-mgr-node-limit>250 (currently managing 2)</prot-mgr-node-limit>
<operating-system>Microsoft Windows 2003 Service Pack 2 (Build 3790) x86 based </operating-system>
<install-dir>D:/Program Files/NetApp/DataFabric Manager/DFM</install-dir>
<name>D:/Program Files/NetApp/DataFabric Manager/DFM</name>
<name>D:/Program Files/NetApp/DataFabric Manager/DFM/perfdata</name>
<name>D:/Program Files/NetApp/DataFabric Manager/DFM/dataExport</name>
<name>D:\Program Files\NetApp\DataFabric Manager\DFM\data</name>
<name>D:\Program Files\NetApp\DataFabric Manager\DFM\reports</name>
########## Checking Protection Manager dataset snapcreator_SMSQLtest ##########
[Sat Nov 19 10:33:19 2011] INFO: Checking if Protection Manager dataset snapcreator_SMSQLtest is conformant
[Sat Nov 19 10:33:19 2011] DEBUG: ZAPI REQUEST
[Sat Nov 19 10:33:19 2011] DEBUG: ZAPI RESULT
<results status="passed">
[Sat Nov 19 10:33:19 2011] DEBUG: ZAPI REQUEST
[Sat Nov 19 10:33:19 2011] DEBUG: ZAPI RESULT
<results status="passed">
<dataset-description>NetApp Snap Creator Framework dataset</dataset-description>
<application-name>NetApp Snap Creator Framework</application-name>
<application-version>NetApp Snap Creator Framework 3.4p2</application-version>
<protection-policy-name>Remote backups only</protection-policy-name>
<dp-node-name>Primary data</dp-node-name>
[Sat Nov 19 10:33:19 2011] INFO: Protection Manager dataset snapcreator_SMSQLtest is conformant
[Sat Nov 19 10:33:19 2011] INFO: Protection Manager dataset snapcreator_SMSQLtest resource status normal
[Sat Nov 19 10:33:19 2011] DEBUG: ZAPI REQUEST
[Sat Nov 19 10:33:19 2011] DEBUG: ZAPI RESULT
<results status="passed"></results>
########## Gathering Information for fas01:vmware_nfs ##########
[Sat Nov 19 10:33:19 2011] INFO: Performing NetApp Snapshot Inventory for vmware_nfs on fas01
[Sat Nov 19 10:33:19 2011] DEBUG: ZAPI REQUEST
[Sat Nov 19 10:33:19 2011] DEBUG: ZAPI RESULT
<results status="passed">
[Sat Nov 19 10:33:19 2011] INFO: NetApp Snapshot Inventory of vmware_nfs on fas01 completed Successfully
########## Creating Protection Manager Backup Version for volume vmware_nfs dataset snapcreator_SMSQLtest ##########
[Sat Nov 19 10:33:19 2011] INFO: Finding all members associated with Protection Manager dataset snapcreator_SMSQLtest
[Sat Nov 19 10:33:19 2011] DEBUG: ZAPI REQUEST
[Sat Nov 19 10:33:20 2011] DEBUG: ZAPI RESULT
<results status="passed">
[Sat Nov 19 10:33:20 2011] DEBUG: ZAPI REQUEST
[Sat Nov 19 10:33:20 2011] DEBUG: ZAPI RESULT
<results status="passed">
<dp-node-name>Primary data</dp-node-name>
[Sat Nov 19 10:33:20 2011] DEBUG: ZAPI REQUEST
[Sat Nov 19 10:33:20 2011] DEBUG: ZAPI RESULT
<results status="passed">
[Sat Nov 19 10:33:20 2011] DEBUG: ZAPI REQUEST
[Sat Nov 19 10:33:20 2011] DEBUG: ZAPI RESULT
<results status="passed"></results>
[Sat Nov 19 10:33:20 2011] INFO: All members of Protection Manager dataset snapcreator_SMSQLtest Successfully discovered
[Sat Nov 19 10:33:20 2011] INFO: Added member fas01:/vmware_nfs/- from dataset snapcreator_SMSQLtest to Protection Manager Backup Version
########## Running NetApp Protection Manager Backup Version Create for dataset snapcreator_SMSQLtest ##########
[Sat Nov 19 10:33:20 2011] INFO: Registering snapshot smsql-daily_20111119103229 with Protection Manager dataset snapcreator_SMSQLtest
[Sat Nov 19 10:33:20 2011] DEBUG: ZAPI REQUEST
<backup-description>NetApp Snap Creator Framework Backup</backup-description>
[Sat Nov 19 10:33:20 2011] DEBUG: ZAPI RESULT
<results reason="snapshot-unique-id must be specified in version-member-info." errno="13001" status="failed"></results>
[Sat Nov 19 10:33:20 2011] ERROR: [scf-00013] snapshot-unique-id must be specified in version-member-info. (code = 13001)
########## PRE EXIT COMMANDS ##########
[Sat Nov 19 10:33:20 2011] INFO: No commands defined
[Sat Nov 19 10:33:20 2011] DEBUG: Loaded Config File C:/Program Files/Netapp/NetApp_Snap_Creator_Framework/scServer3.4p2/configs/SMSQL/SMSQLtest.conf Successfully
[Sat Nov 19 10:33:20 2011] INFO: Creating OM Event (script:critical-event) on
[Sat Nov 19 10:33:20 2011] DEBUG: ZAPI REQUEST
<event-message>SNAPCREATOR ERROR: [scf-00013] snapshot-unique-id must be specified in version-member-info. (code = 13001) (Config: SMSQLtest Name: smsql Policy: daily)</event-message>
[Sat Nov 19 10:33:21 2011] DEBUG: ZAPI RESULT
<results status="passed"></results>
[Sat Nov 19 10:33:21 2011] INFO: OM Event (script:critical-event) on created successfully
[Sat Nov 19 10:33:21 2011] DEBUG: Exiting with error code - 1
No real answer, just a "me too".
I have exactly the same problem for SMSQL / SME as well as SnapDrive-only (non app Snapmanager) configurations.
Error is the same with SC 3.4.0, 3.4p2 and also with 3.5.0c
I think SC is missing to pass the "snapshot-unique-id" field to PM when Windows-based quiescing is used.
When I omit Snapdrive/Snapmanager quiescing, the PM updates work (the snapshot-unique-id field is then populated correctly).
Just my 2 cents,
I correct myself with regards to Snapdrive-based snapshots. Got that sorted, see here:
But the problem with SMSQL / SME still persists for me too. It is probably due to snapshot name format.
SC expects the primary snap to have a static naming format (at least for the PM integration): %SNAME-%SNAP_TYPE_%SNAP_TIME
[Mon Nov 28 23:36:58 2011] INFO: Registering snapshot exchsnap-daily_20111128233627 with Protection Manager dataset SC_V_EX27_SME_SG1
Both do not work with SC's "NTAP_PM*" options. Seems the Windows-SnapManager's snapname format is simply not (yet) cleanly implemented in SC. Tested with SC 3.5.0c.
I have no idea where / how to fix that ... obviously I'm not a developer
The issue here is that this is snapshot created by SMSQL:
This is the snapshot SC thinks is being created:
SC does not understand the different snapshot naming conventions that all the SnapManagers have. The only way to get this to work is to create a snapshot that matches what SC expects, in this case smsql-daily_20111119103229.
SC supports running SnapManager remotely but integrating snapshots created by SnapManagers is not directly supported in SC, you need to change snapshot naming convention in SnapManagers/VSC to match that of SC.
We are in future working on a way to handle all the different snapshots by all the different snapmanagers but arent quite there yet. The idea is SC would simply do a snaplist and grab the last snapshot (ie: most recent) which should be the one created by SM since SC would run SM.
Some people have gotten this to work with SMVI / VSC since in the latest version you can change the snapshot format but this is sort of hacking things. Here is the info i have on that:
Add in smvi.override :{backupName}
Idea is you tell SMVI to take a SC friendly snapshot, so you pass SC snapshot name %SNAME-%SNAP_TYPE_%SNAP_TIME to SMVI somehow through SMSQL (not sur eif thats possible without SMSQL you can do it), then SC could register the snapshot in PM.
Keith, this will work for SMVI/VSC backups. It does not work as soon as SMSQL, SME or even SMSP is involved.
I meanwhile found a way to integrate SME with PM (with a Qtree-Snapmirror Policy) using SnapCreator. Didn't have time to test it with SMSQL, but will let you know when I do.
It's also more or less a hack. And it cannot use the SME/SMSQL plugins for SC. You need to do the SnapManager backup and "snap rename" calls via NTAP_SNAPSHOT_CREATE_CMD0x or alternatively via PRE/POST parameters. The plugins definitely do not work with ProtectionManager integration.
My idea is to "steal" a (daily group) backup version from SnapManager and register it to PM, while SnapManager maintains its own (standard group) versions.. E.g. I use a powershell command that creates a daily "recent" SnapManager backup which does NOT include a transactionlog backup / does NOT truncate transactionlogs - this way SnapManager will not miss anything or complain when doing an "up-to-the-minute restore" from the primary storage node.
And (with a second config/schedule) I create a second SnapManager backup (including transactionlogs) with is not "stolen".
So, SC triggers the first SnapManager backup, and then just RENAMES the "recent" snapshot (exchsnap_recent on DB volume, eloginfo_recent on LOG volume; or sqlsnap, sqlinfo snap) to the format it expects for PM registration: %SNAME-%SNAP_TYPE_%SNAP_TIME ...
My example config entries for the "daily" config (very specific for SnapManager for EXCHANGE and to my lab setup - no guarantees!):
NTAP_SNAPSHOT_CREATE_CMD01=C:\WINDOWS\system32\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0\powershell.exe -psconsolefile "C:\Program Files\NetApp\SnapManager for Exchange\smeshell.psc1" -command "new-backup -Server 'v-w2k3-ex27-1' -GenericNaming -ManagementGroup 'Daily' -BackupType CopyBackup -RetainDays 2 -RetainUtmDays 2"
NTAP_SNAPSHOT_CREATE_CMD02="C:\Program Files\NetApp\SnapDrive\sdcli" snap rename -d G: -o exchsnap__v-w2k3-ex27-1__recent -n %SNAME-%SNAP_TYPE_%SNAP_TIME
NTAP_SNAPSHOT_CREATE_CMD03="C:\Program Files\NetApp\SnapDrive\sdcli" snap rename -d H: -o eloginfo__v-w2k3-ex27-1__recent -n %SNAME-%SNAP_TYPE_%SNAP_TIME
NTAP_SNAPSHOT_CREATE_CMD04="C:\Program Files\NetApp\SnapDrive\sdcli" snap delete -d H: -s exchsnap__v-w2k3-ex27-1__recent"
And my example for the "standard/hourly" config:
NTAP_SNAPSHOT_CREATE_CMD01=C:\WINDOWS\system32\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0\powershell.exe -psconsolefile "C:\Program Files\NetApp\SnapManager for Exchange\smeshell.psc1" -command "new-backup -Server 'v-w2k3-ex27-1' -GenericNaming -ManagementGroup 'Standard' -BackupType FullBackup -RetainDays 2 -RetainUtmDays 2"
This works for me (at least in my lab). But... it's hard to document. And does not work in all environments... But at least it's an idea. 😉
At the end I have a version history in SnapManager (on primary storage - which can do up-to-the-minute restore from short-term backups), and I have a PM history of backups which are "invisible" for SnapManager, but transferred and retained on secondary storage.
Just my 2 cents, thought it might be interesting to anyone reading this thread 😉
Yep we understand this
SC does not know SnapManager naming conventions except for SME and SMSQL but there we require _recent and _recent doesnt work for PM
What you are doing will work however you wont be able to do restore from SnapManager. If you rename snapshots to SC naming you can register them in PM but then cant only restore manually. If you rename them so SC can rename them in PM and then rename them back to SM naming then you can restore in SM but PM will complain since snapshot is gone.
I think best you can do is following:
1. rename last backup from SC naming to SM naming
2. Run Snap Manager backup
3. rename SM backup to SC naming
4. SC registers backup in PM
This would mean that PM should have vaulted snapshot before you rename it, so though PM would complain that primary backup is gone, the secondary should still be there
Like you said this is a hack but it is all we have...we are working hard to try and have SC understand SM naming conventions and provide ability to better integrate, this is a top priority
couple of questions:
- in this setup, you are NOT using SMSQL or any SnapManager to directly interact with Protection Manager, is this correct? If not, can I ask why? The reason is, if you don't, then, ALL the SnapVault backups do not get exposed in SMSQL. THis is basically going back to steps documented in KB3990.
- anyways, if the intent was to actually use SC to perform SV updates as part of a post backup process, then, you need the right snapshot taken by SnapManagers to be passed into SC to perform SV update. Again, this is same as KB 3990.
Now, if you were to use SMSQL with Protection Manager integration, then, SC in this case would just be a simple & centralised scheduler. Whereby, SMSQL has been configured for remote backups during configuration wizard. Once this is done, any SMSQL backups that are initiated (as a scheduler by SC) or performed local admin type ad-hoc jobs will automatically perform SV updates via PM. and all these SV backups get exposed into SMSQL, and this enables DBA to perform GUI based recovery of a database directly from SV.
anyways, just thought of throwing this out!
Cheers, balbeer
The reason is our customer need Qtree-SnapMirror, no Snapvault.
SMSQL/SME integration with PM is great when you have snapvault. It is not possible with QSM.
We are evaluating the above workarounds (of course according to KB 3990) in order to use a "DR Backup then Mirror" policy for SME and SMSQL backups...
Would love to see support for all kinds of protection policies within SMSQL/SME directly. But it's not there...
Hi balbeer
Another reason is if you are using VMDK Disks with SnapManager/Snapdrive.
Dataset integration with Protection Manager is not available for VMDK over NFS and VMFS datastore. (see SnapManager 5.1 guide under "What SnapManager does not do"). That's a big limitation!
The only solution (which i know at the moment) is to use SnapCreator with Protection Manager Integration...
But i have also this issue with "snapshot-unique-id must be specified in version-member-info"...
Thanks and regards
We are working on something for next release of SC that would allow SC to just grab last snapshot and not care about what it is called to register in into PM. It is still in engineering so no promises but it is being worked on which would help here.
Hi Keith
Wow, that would be awesome!
In which version of Snap Creator is this planned? I'm very interested in this feature and would be happy to test a beta version 😉
Snap Creator is one of the best software from NetApp, i love it 😉
Hi Reto,
This would be available in SC 3.6. Community version will be up on in March hopefully but I can get you beta build sooner. NetApp supported release of SC 3.6 June 2012.
Are you signed up on If you don't have access we can do webex to get you signed up, we haven't yet opened it up to everyone w/NOW account.
SC 3.5 releases this Friday Jan 20 so too late for that but it has lots of cool new stuff so check it out!
Hi Keith
Sorry for my late response...
Yes, i'm already registered on
I have found the following thread
with your commit "SC now can support evternal snapshots from other SMs"
Wow, you are really fast 🙂
We have installed Snap Creator Server on Windows, how we can "compile" the newest SnapCreator version as ".exe" from github? Or should we use better Snap Creator Server on Linux?
Thanks for your help!
Best regards
Hi Reto,
You can run source code to test. You need to install ActivePerl and dependent perl modules:
Also use Linux else it will be a headache ;D
1. Install ActiveState Perl
2. set PATH, PATH=/path/to/ASPerl/bin:$PATH
3. Run ./ and you will get error that something is missing like Crypt::CBC. So you use ppm under bin dir of AsPerl to install ie: ppm install Crypt::CBC. The system also needs internet access to pull down packages.
I am working on getting a weekly build available to community but we aren't quite there yet, so in future this will be much easier
To get the source code you can look here:
Also if you want to IM, we have IRC chat where some of the developers hang out, myself included, and you can ask us questions about anything:
Hi Keith
I've now successfully installed Active Perl & Snap Creator test source code is now running !
The new feature works, but i think that we have found a little bug in PM snapshot register function with multiple volumes, see my post on:
Thanks for your help and best regards
Hi Reto,
Yep thanks I will be looking to address this issue. I think I know the problem. One thing though is that you will have to change to not use _recent snapshots, these wont work in PM since SC cant rename the snapshots since they are controlled by SM.
Hi; I've been experiencing the issue of SM-created snapshots not being registered into PM via SC due to the naming issue. I'm not using _recent naming, but SC thinks the snapshot name is different to the one SnapManager created.
As I understand it, newer versions of SC were going to resolve this issue, but I'm running 3.6, and the issue still occurs - is there a configuration setting I need to set or change to make this happen, or is it only fixed in 3.6c?
Many thanks
Mark Lomas.
Yes SC doesnt support outright registering a SnapManager in protection manager or claim to. It simply runs the SnapManager but SC is a framework so this is definitely possible. In 3.6 what it supports is EXTNERAL snapshots. So SC can find an external snapshot, that is snapshot not taken from SC and register it into PM. There is option in config to use this. Not sure it works with the SnapManager plugin but certainly you can call powershell via a script on SC Agent and use EXTERNAL snapshot capability to register it with PM. This would involve commenting out APP_NAME and using APP_QUIESCE_CMD01 to run the SM from CLI though the agent.
SC will find whatever is recent snapshot and register it for given volume or volumes. You can also give a regex like "snap*" this would match snap and anything after it and the most recent.
Hope this helps
Hi Keith;
Thanks for the reply. I think the reason I'd assumed this would be supported is that when I create a SMSQL or SME config using the GUI, the screens to ask if I want to do a PM update are still displayed, which strongly implies this should work!
The config I've created using SC is a SMSQL config, so the APP_NAME variable is already set to 'smsql' - however if I also set the 'NTAP_USE_EXTERNAL_SNAPSHOT' variable to 'Y' then I get an error:
"[scf-00157] The NTAP_USE_EXTERNAL_SNAPSHOT option is not supported with sme or smsql plug-ins!"
So .. what does this leave for me? Do I need to run a second job after the SMSQL job has completed to in some way 'fetch' the name of the snapshot that SMSQL has created and register it into PM?
Many thanks.
Can I also inquire ... earlier in this thread, you stated that in 3.6, you were working on a feature that would allow SC to simply 'grab' the name of the snapshot, and push it into PM. And another person replied stating they had tried the then community release of 3.6 and it had worked. Has this feature just not made it into the supported version?
Mark Lomas
Yes this feature works and is part of 3.6 and is supported. The option to allow SC to suck in a snapshot and then do something with it is called NTAP_USE_EXTERNAL_SNAPSHOT. It isnt compatible with the SME and SMSQL plugins as you point out, I wasnt sure if it was or wasnt.
I think the best option based on this info is following:
Dont use SME and SMSQL plugins...alll they do is simply run powershell through agent. You can run SMSQL just the same from command line call. So if you configure SC_AGENT you can for example use APP_QUIESCE_CMD01=inster command to run backup for snapmanager here
You need to add command to the scAgent3.6.0/config/agent.conf to authorize it, all cmds not used by plugins must be authorized
This would then create snapshot, and SC would find it from NTAP_USE_EXTERNAL_SNAPSHOT and finally then is PM piece where SC can register it in PM
I know this is a bit tricky, we are working on improving integration with SM and SC so expect some good strides in future but we arent quite there yet. Still you can do a lot and SC is a framework so there are a lot of options to get things working.
Hi Keith;
I've created a new config that doesn't use the SMSQL plugin, but just executes a command with the external flag set to yes.
SC seems to evaluate the name of the snapshot correctly now, however I'm still getting an error, see below:
99 ########## Running Protection Manager Backup Version Create for dataset snapcreator_SQL2 ##########
100 [Tue Aug 7 16:46:09 2012] INFO: Registering snapshot sqlinfo__srv-sca1_08-07-2012_16.42.54 with Protection Manager dataset snapcreator_SQL2
101 [Tue Aug 7 16:46:09 2012] ERROR: [scf-00013] snapshot-name must be specified in version-member-info. (code = 13001)
The snapshot name SC has 'discovered' seems to be bang on - but the error being thrown is exactly the same as the one I encountered when it was picking up the wrong name.
Any ideas where I might be going wrong?
(Also, glad to hear ongoing development is continuing on this, we're keen to get a centralised management system in place, and SC seems to be a key peice of the puzzle).
Mark Lomas