Data Backup and Recovery
Data Backup and Recovery
Can Snapdrive 6.x resize luns that were created with previous versions of Snapdrive?
I can't speak for all versions, but I've just upgraded a box from SD5 to 6.0.2 and it can indeed re-size the LUNs created with the older version.
Thanks for the response Chris.
By resize, do you mean grow, or shrink?
Sorry, grow. My test was on Windows 2003, so I can't shrink them anyway.
And yes -- definitely can (and with W2k8, SnapDrive works with Windows to allow LUN shrinking in a nice graphical way).
Just for clarification. You were able to shink LUNs with Snapdrive 6.x on W2k8 servers that were created with Snapdirve 5.x?