When you install SnapCenter Plugin for Windows on your host, it will install the SnapCenter Service for Windows (SCW) on the host and push all powershell modules to C:\Windows\System32\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0\Modules\SnapDrive
Remember that this directory path is same for SnapDrive.
You can uninstall Snapdrive and install SCW service. Note that not all snapdrive cmdlets will work with SnapCenter.
If your system is still having old snapdrive PS modules, during SnapCenter plugin installation the packages are always overwritten to the directory file.
It will overwrite all the files even if snapdrive is present in the same directory. Any additional files which are not part of the new SCW plugin will remain same.
This way snapdrive commandlets are not broken on migrating or upgrading to snapcenter SCW service on a host which already has snapdrive installed