Data Protection
Data Protection
Hi All,
Recently we have installed the snapmanager for sql on one of our windows 2003 ent sp2 server with sql 2005 sp4 standered edition.
we have installed snapdrive 6.3.1 r1 and snapamanger version 5.1
snapdrive is configured on the server,for configuring snapmanager when we open the snapmanager console to add/spcify the sql server we get following error message.
heading of the windows is "SnapManager for SQL Server"
error message :-
An error occurred while enumerating server
instances.details:Unable to cast COM object of type 'System_ComObject' to
interface type 'SmSqlDMOProvider.NameList'.This operation failed because the
QueryInterface call on the COM component for the interface with IID ‘{10022406-E260-11CF-AE68-00AA004A34DS}’failed
due to the following error:No such interface supported(Exception from
also find the attached screen shot for more clearfication.
Request all to send any break fixs for this issue.
thanks & regards
Is this a MSCS or WSFC cluster? If so, have you verified that all nodes have the same version of SnapDrive software? See
Also I strongly recommend you upgrade SMSQL to 5.1P2.
No, host is not in cluster.
Can you launch SnapDrive, click disks and post that pic?
Also did you get the above error when launching SMSQL for the first time?
hi, i am able to lauch the snapdrive successfully,but when i launch smsql first time i got this error when i am trying to spcify sql server in smsql.
heading of the windows is "SnapManager for SQL Server"
error message :-
An error occurred while enumerating server
instances.details:Unable to cast COM object of type 'System_ComObject' to
interface type 'SmSqlDMOProvider.NameList'.This operation failed because the
QueryInterface call on the COM component for the interface with IID ‘{10022406-E260-11CF-AE68-00AA004A34DS}’failed
due to the following error:No such interface supported(Exception from
Does the account that the SnapManager for SQL service is using have a SQL login that is mapped to the sysadmin role?
all necessary prerequistes have been take care,the account has a local admin and sysadmin role in sql server.
You state that you have met all prerequisits and have not posted any coresponding Windows events from event viewer. The error strings and codes in what you have shared do not return any results in searches. You might want to call NetApp support at this point.