Data Protection

SnapManager for SharePoint Storage Configuration


Hi there

I'm currently setting up SharePoint backup using SMSP version 7.0

You have to setup a Storage Policy on a NetApp CIFS share or LUN.

I have two different setups one using CIFS and one using a LUN.

What I do not understand is that neither the CIFS nore the LUN is backed up, that it, no snapshot is created as a part of the backup cycle.

Am I missing something here, or is it just by design ?

All the SQL databases are backed up using SMSQL including a SnapVault update.

Do I have to set this up myself on this Storage Policy device ?

Also on one of the SharePoint servers, there is a Microsoft Indexing service (but nu SQL server) which also has to be located on a NetApp LUN, so I have installed SnapDrive, and moved the index to this LUN.

On this LUN I do get snapshots as part of the backup job, but I would also like it to do a SnapVault Update...  again, do I have to set this up myself ?   No dataset is created on the DFM server, only the SQL Server SnapManager datasets are created as par of that setup procedure...

Maybe these two LUNs are not too important ?  🙂




Hello Heino,

When you back up a SharePoint environment using SnapManager for SharePoint, you should see a snapshot created of the volume that contains the LUN with your content databases.  To verify this, go into SnapManager for SQL, go to the restore section and expand your content databases out.  Check the time stamps of the backups and you should see your completed backup there.  If you do not see the snapshots, you are not getting a backup.

As for the SnapVault question, I will refer you to the SnapManager for SQL Server Install guide:  You want to read the section titled Archiving with Dataset and SnapVault Integration.

Hope this helps.


Hi there

Maybe I didn't explain myself clearly 🙂  The backups are running just fine, so SMSQL is setup correctly and doing backups (via SMSP) together with snapvault updates.

My question was in regards to two volumes:

1. The Storage Policy volumes, which you are required to configure, and must be either a CIFS share, or a LUN, no snapshots are done of this volume during backup schedule.

2. The Microsoft Search Indexing for SharePoint, this is installed on a non-sql server, but it's index must be located on a NetApp LUN, and local snapshots are done on this volume during backup schedule.

Basically I need to know if the volume in point 1 needs to have snapshots, and maybe even a snapvault relation setup, and can SMSP control this?

Also I need to know if there is a way to configure a snapvault relation for the volume in point 2... clearly local snapshots are done.  But how to setup the snapvault relation ?  I could just put the volume inside the SMSQL Dataset, or its own dataset?

In the scheduling job I do not see any hints to how to control this...

Hope this clear things up ? 😉



Hello Heino,

as far as I know the LUN within the storage policy does not have to be backed up.

At Point 2 you should create a manually snapvault relationship and than you should activate the checkbox "Update SnapVault for device after operation" under the section "Storage Policy Settings" within your Backup.

This should work.

Hope this helps.


OK, so if I create a dataset on my DFM server, peer it with a storage policy of the type "backup", insert the volume (it will the do a baseline)...  will SMSP then be able to update the snapvault relation via DFM ?   Just like SMSQL ?

Or will I have to create the relation the old fasioned way with snapvault snap sched.....   ?

Is this mentioned in the manuals at all ? 🙂



Hello Heino,

let me test something and next week I will give you the answer. 🙂



Hello Heino,

sorry that I answer so late. I still have the same problem than you. SMSP 7.1.1 takes a snapshot of the LUN with the Microsoft Indexing files. The Snapvault update also works fine, but the retention on the secondary dind't work.

Do you have a solution, now?



Hello Heino,

here is the official answer from NetApp Support:


Hi Michael,

I got a reply from avepoint and they said that there is no way to apply retention on the secondary.

Best Regards


Now I have scripted something via Powershell. That works for me.

Best Regards

