Data Protection

Snapdrive VSS hardware provider not working


I am trying to backup virtual machines using Veeam and the SnapDrive VSS hardware provider. I am unable to get it to perform the backups.

I am using Snapdrive 7.1 on Windows 2012 R2 hosts. The virtual machines reside on fibre attached LUN's presented from a NetApp FAS3240 running in 8.1.2 7-mode. Snapdrive is configured to run under a domain account which is a member of the Administrators group on the SAN, and is communicating via RPC.


When a backup job is started the following event logs are written:


CreateTargetLun failed.
Storage System Name = SAN02
lunPath = /vol/SNAPSHOTS/2_1_Snapshots
Snapshot copy Name = {e7a2fd17-3f7e-44df-a6d1-647fc0a3b02f}
Error code = 0xc00410d1
Error description = The clone creation operation failed. The volume name 'sdw_cl_SNAPSHOTS_0' exists already.


Data ONTAP VSS hardware provider failed in LocateLuns method.
 SnapDrive failed to map the target lun(s).

DeleteTargetLun failed.
Storage System Name = SAN02
lunPath = /vol/sdw_cl_SNAPSHOTS_0/2_1_Snapshots
Error code = 0xc0040300
Error description = ZAPI: An attempt to get serial number of the LUN '/vol/sdw_cl_SNAPSHOTS_0/2_1_Snapshots' failed on the storage system SAN02. Error description: No such LUN exists


DeleteTargetLun failed.
Storage System Name = SAN02
lunPath = /vol/SNAPSHOTS/2_1_Snapshots.vss.{e7a2fd17-3f7e-44df-a6d1-647fc0a3b02f}
Error code = 0xc00402b7
Error description = An attempt to get list of initiator groups and their members (the initiators) mapped to the LUN /vol/SNAPSHOTS/2_1_Snapshots.vss.{e7a2fd17-3f7e-44df-a6d1-647fc0a3b02f} failed on the storage system SAN02. Error description: No such LUN exists


DeleteSnapShot operation failed.
Storage System Name = SAN02
lunPath = /vol/SNAPSHOTS/2_1_Snapshots
Snapshot copy Name = {e7a2fd17-3f7e-44df-a6d1-647fc0a3b02f}
Error code = 0xc004030b
Error description = An attempt to delete Snapshot copy '{e7a2fd17-3f7e-44df-a6d1-647fc0a3b02f}' of the 'SNAPSHOTS' volume failed on the storage system 'SAN02'. Error code: 16. Error description: snapmirror, sync mirror, volume clone, snap restore, dump, CIFS share, volume copy, ndmp, WORM volume, SIS Clone, LUN clone.


Data ONTAP VSS hardware provider failed in OnLunEmpty method [DeviceName=]. This error can be caused by one of the following conditions:
 SnapDrive failed to delete the snapshot.
 Please check SnapDrive event logs.


Data ONTAP VSS hardware provider's AbortSnapshot method is called [SnapshotSetId={e7a2fd17-3f7e-44df-a6d1-647fc0a3b02f}]. VSS has failed the current shadow copy session because the previous errors are not continuable.


DeleteTargetLun succeeded.
Storage System Name = SAN02
lunPath = /vol/sdw_cl_SNAPSHOTS_0/2_1_Snapshots


DeleteTargetLun failed.

Storage System Name = SAN02
lunPath = /vol/SNAPSHOTS/2_1_Snapshots.vss.{e7a2fd17-3f7e-44df-a6d1-647fc0a3b02f}
Error code = 0xc00402b7
Error description = An attempt to get list of initiator groups and their members (the initiators) mapped to the LUN /vol/SNAPSHOTS/2_1_Snapshots.vss.{e7a2fd17-3f7e-44df-a6d1-647fc0a3b02f} failed on the storage system SAN02. Error description: No such LUN exists


Does anyone know why this keep failing?




We support our Data Ontap VSS Hardware provider when the VSS requestor is our SnapManager.

you can use another requestor to call our provider at your own risk though.

with that said, the key error message you need to focus on is:

"The volume name 'sdw_cl_SNAPSHOTS_0' exists already."

I would ensure that the application is not creating more than one clones of the same volume at once, perhaps by putting database and logs in separate volumes....etc.

hope that helps,





i'm also in front of this error message, trying to backup an HyperV cluster with Veeam 8 :


Snapdrive is creating the snapshot, and is finishing with this event :

GetTargetLunInfo succeeded.

Storage System Name = vs-mutu-san-win-1
lunPath = /vol/hvr3exc1/mutu_exc1
Snapshot copy Name = {258c7671-6e0a-4470-9a85-9ca16b2ce96a}


but just after that i've got an error :

CreateTargetLun failed.

Storage System Name = vs-mutu-san-win-1
lunPath = /vol/hvr3exc1/mutu_exc1
Snapshot copy Name = {258c7671-6e0a-4470-9a85-9ca16b2ce96a}
Error code = 0xc00410d1
Error description = The clone creation operation failed. The volume name 'sdw_cl_hvr3exc1_0' exists already.


Veeam is telling me that this is a snapdrive error, so i must see with Netapp 🙂 and of course Netapp is saying here that it is a Veeam backup error ...


Whats next ?


Hi there.


I finally solve this error.


I was using a Snapdrive 7.1 (also tried 7.11)  with a clustered ontap 8.2.1 P2.


The snapshots are working with the MMC interface but doesnt work with command line tools like diskshadow to do backups.


I went back to Snapdrive 7.03 and all went fine after that : command line tools, and Veeam backups (nearly fine).


It is fixed in the latest version of Snapdrive - 7.1.3P3


We have 7.14 installed, and still get the error in the Event Logs and have raised this with NetApp which took a few weeks and came back with a Level 3 tech which said this is by design we cannot run chkdsk!



See quote below. 



Like I said, Data ONTAP Hardware provider is only designed to take storage level snapshot. Data ONTAP Hardware provider is called by the VSS work flow, this only understand the VSS framework logic for backup and restore.


CHKDSK is a OS level workflow to check the NTFS consistency, not a backup operation.


To put it in the right way, it is by design and not a bug.


Let me know if there are any questions or concerns on this I will be more than happy to answer them for you.


