Data Protection

Snapmanager for Exchange 2010 - recreate base snapshot




I have Exchange 2010 and Snapmanager

I need to recreate base snapshot for only one database on Exchange 2010 and I have no idea how to do this. I do not want change datasets in DFM.


It seems to me that I need use Snapmanager Configuration Wizard but I'm not really sure and I need confirmation from experts.









Hi Konrad,

yes, you always need to run the SnapManager configuration wizard.

there are some pre-requisites to that, but if this is an existing setup and you just need to add one database to the dataset, then you will have almost everything covered already, except for ensuring the database edb file is on a lun hosted within a qtree and same for the log files lun.


In general, here is an excellent resource for setting this up.


hope that helps,





Thanks for answer.


So, now i have in dataset 10 databases and one with corrupted base snapshot. I need to recreate the snapshot.


The question is ..


In the Configuration Wizard (in Snapnamager for Exchange) i need first remove this database from backup and after finish wizard start it wizard again and add this database ? 

Do I have to do something in DFM site ?

What happens with old backups for thi database when I will make what I wrote?






not sure what you mean by corrupt snapshot.

the only reason (that I can think of) for reinitializing the relationship would be that you accidentally deleted the common snapshots on primary and secondary.

If you need to re-base line the snapvault relationship, you need to do that via SnapManager, hence throguh the config wizard.

If you need to remove the database from the dataset, do so in SME config wizard, however, even then, that will not prune the old info in DFM.

You can try then re-run SME config wizard to add it back and see if it reinitialize the relationship of SnapVault.

If not, manual pruning on DFM server cli is needed before re-adding the database to the dataset from SME.


here is how to purge, permanently delete volumes or other info from the dfm sql database:



Procedure 1:


the key is to understand OnCommand Unified Manager will not forget anything about your volumes and relationships even you have deleted them.

You can display all of the volumes with 'dfm volumes list -a'. There you can find the deleted volumes with can deleted from database.

(if it thinks they are not deleted but they are, it may be that you have deleted the volume less than 30 minutes ago. in that case run dfm host discover escfas3040-ams2, in order to refresh that.)

Simple record the volume id of the old and deleted volume and follow this procedure:


dfm service stop

dfm service start sql

dfm volume delete -f <ID>

dfm service start


After that the old relationships are gone. You can check this with 'dfpm relationship list -a'




procedure 2:



dfm volume list –a will show you all objects including deleted

you have a tool called ‘dfm purge’ in the tool chest

this tool removes all the deleted objects


you have in the tool a dfmpurge report command that will show you amount and types of objects that will get cleaned up, also estimation of time.


you must stop services before (beside SQL service ) see vid for services – dfm service stop , dfm service start sql



[root@dfmlin-ams1 ~]# dfm service list

sql: started

webui: started

http: started

eventd: started

monitor: started

scheduler: started

server: started

watchdog: started

[root@dfmlin-ams1 ~]# dfm service stop

Error: Cannot complete operation while there are running backup jobs.

Please kill all running jobs with "dfm service stop -k" command.

[root@dfmlin-ams1 ~]# dfm service stop -k

Service: watchdog stopped.

Service: server stopped.

Service: scheduler stopped.

Service: monitor stopped.

Service: eventd stopped.

Service: http stopped.

Service: webui stopped.

SQL Anywhere Stop Server Utility Version

dfm service start sqlService: sql stopped.

[root@dfmlin-ams1 ~]# dfm service start sql

Service: sql started.



Now you run the dfmpurge purge

Once done you need to do a reload of the DB (still services down) –

‘dfm database reload ‘


dfm service start



Procedure 3:


Let’s say you run ‘dfpm relationship list –a’ and it shows a deleted object:


Relationship Id Relationship Type Dataset Id Dataset Name         Source                                                                Destination                                                                                                                                             Deleted                Deleted By

--------------- -------------------- ---------- -------------------- ---------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------- ------- ------------

           2260            snapvault                0                                         escfas3040-ams1:/sql2k8r2sp1se/qtree3             escfas3040-ams2:/SnapMgr_SQLServer_TST_SQL01_backup_1/qtree3        Yes

           2261            snapvault                 0                                       escfas3040-ams1:/sql2k8r2sp1se/qtree4              escfas3040-ams2:/SnapMgr_SQLServer_TST_SQL01_backup_1/qtree4                        Yes

           2263            napvault                   0                                        escfas3040-ams1:/hyperv2008csv1/q5                  escfas3040-ams2:/hyperv2008csv1/q5                                                                                          No



dfm query run "SELECT * FROM objects where objid=2260"


"2260","Directory","131072","/sql2k8r2sp1se/qtree3","escfas3040-ams1:/sql2k8r2sp1se/qtree3","","Error","7","Unknown","5","","2014-06-19 17:10:56.000000","2014-06-19 17:10:56.000000","2014-06-20 09:21:57.000000","","","","2014-06-19 17:10:55.000000"


Then run the following command to delete it:

dfm query run -f "DELETE FROM objects WHERE objid=2260"


next, ‘dfpm relationship list –a’ will no longer show deleted items.


You may also want to type this:

dfm query run -F paragraph "select * from objects where objFullName like '%SQLSERV1%' AND objType = 'Qtree'"

(in order to figure out if there is more than one relationship with same qtree path, perhaps one deleted and one active).



end of procedures.




Here is how you Re-configure the non-working datasets as per the following KB:



 if you are having any problems, I suggest to file a case and upload the following data&colon;


dfmdc, nsanity on the SnapManager server.





dfpm.out (pm config)


dfmpm job details jobid (not in dfmdc)


hope that helps,


