Thank you ,Jakub,
After I separate ORACLE_HOME and datafiles . It works now but it takes very long time (about 9 min) to restore a 5Gb database .
Can you please help me to solve this problem ?
Below is a summary of operation configuration(Before restore) :
Restore conf info :
Restore control file No
Reroore datafiles or tablespaces : YES
Retore shutdown or database if necessary : YES
Recovery to Perform :No Logs
Use Backup Controlfile : No
Restore Source Location Use local storage for the retore
Volume Restore Conf Info
Perform volume restore ,overriding if an overriable volume restore is possible
Logfile after restore
-[ INFO] ORACLE-20000: Changing state for database instance TESTSMO from MOUNTED to OPEN.
--[ INFO] ORACLE-20032: Opening database TESTSMO with RESETLOGS option.
--[ INFO] SD-00016: Discovering storage resources for vgnetapp_archive_0.
--[ INFO] SD-00017: Finished storage discovery for vgnetapp_archive_0.
--[ INFO] SD-00037: Beginning to disconnect volume groups [vgnetapp_archive_0].
--[ INFO] SD-00038: Finished disconnecting volume groups [vgnetapp_archive_0].
--[ INFO] SMO-07131: Unlocked database for SnapManager operations - removed lock file "/SMO/oracle/product/10.2.0/dbs/.sm_lock_TESTSMO" on host
--[ INFO] SMO-07433: Returning the database to its initial state: TESTSMO(SHUTDOWN).
--[ INFO] ORACLE-20000: Changing state for database instance TESTSMO from OPEN to SHUTDOWN.
--[ INFO] SMO-13048: Backup Restore Operation Status: SUCCESS
--[ INFO] SMO-13049: Elapsed Time: 0:08:26.974
--[ INFO] Operation Id [8a2aa0b2307a052801307a05336e0001] succeeded.
Best regard