in the past we need to restore some vm. restore was working without problems. after that i can remember fey days after restore my co worker found on netapp a clone. and then he unmount the clone and delete them.
Today i found on snapcenter with smbackupjobs that a job is in database. i wanted to remove the snapshoots. but i get a error that snapshot is mounted so i cannot remove it.
i check all my volumes and found a snapshoot on one volume i delete it from netapp without any problems.
but when i want to remove snapshoot again from snapcenter i get the same error, that snapshoot is mounted. Also when i try a restore i see this snapshoots under primary snapsoots and mounted yes.
i also try
New-SmUnmountBackup -BackupName ower powershell i get a error cloen does not exist.
any ideaa how to remove the job from snapcenter db?