Data Protection

snapcenter snapshoot delete


i have a problem to remove some old policy

i check with poweshell Get-SmBackupReport -policy "BP_BO1_Full"


i get this information

SmBackupId                : 207
SmJobId                   : 604
StartDateTime             : 9/20/2018 12:30:01 AM
EndDateTime               : 9/20/2018 12:32:48 AM
Duration                  : 00:02:47.1711490
CreatedDateTime           : 9/20/2018 12:31:42 AM
Status                    : Completed
ProtectionGroupName       : RG_BO1
SmProtectionGroupId       : 20
PolicyName                : BP_BO1_Full
SmPolicyId                : 56
BackupName                : RG_BO1_fbsapwbo1_09-20-2018_00.30.01.6629
VerificationStatus        : NotVerified
VerificationStatuses      :
SmJobError                :
BackupType                : Log Backup
CatalogingStatus          : NotApplicable
CatalogingStatuses        :
ReportDataCreatedDateTime :
PluginCode                : SMSQL
PluginName                :
JobTypeId                 : 0
JobHost                   :


but this snapshoot i cannot find.

How should i remove this entry so i can remove policy.

thanks for any help.



I check all my snapshoots on volumes.everything is OK

i try get-smbackup and get-smbackup -secondary


there are last jobs which we dont have it anymore


Then i used the command

Remove-SmBackup -BackupIds string -DeleteSecondaryMetadata

so i cleanup my get-smbackup -secondary.


and then i try to Get-SmBackupReport -policy "BP_COP_Simple"

Remove-SmBackup -BackupNames "RG_COP_SimpleDB_fbcopsrv01_09-21-2018_15.15.57.9560"

and check in snapcenter under monitor in job which backup  blocked the snapshoots.

2018-11-12T12:36:19.9981841+01:00 INFO SnapManagerWeb_15316 PID=[3488] TID=[122] Skip delete, ComponentId 12806 from backup 1236 is archived.

i make a command

Remove-SmBackup -BackupIds 1236 -DeleteSecondaryMetadata

and then again

Get-SmBackupReport -policy "BP_COP_Simple"

policy is now without snapshoots so he can be deleted.

View solution in original post



We are having the same issue and have a ticket open with support since 1st week of October and they still can't synchronize the NSM repository.  We now have an Escalation Engineer which is working with EPS Engineer.


We have tried "Remove-SmBackup -CleanupBackups" and validated that they are still there with "Get-SmBackups".


If they can't get a resolution because its a bug and seeing that the database keeps growing and become sluggish... we will have to start performing "Remove-SmBackup".


If I year any new resolution, I'll let you know.


i also was having the problem that my snapmirror snapshoots number was not show correctly. after manual refresh the number is correct. i run the Remove-SmBackup -CleanupSecondaryBackups -Confirm:$false.


so when i use remove-SmBackup -cleanupbackups this will check all primary local backups?


which version of snapcenter do you use? 

please inform me if you have a solution.




I try now by one one policy with remove-smbackup -backup names "name of snapshoots"

and i could remove two policies.


but now when i try to remove another one i get in logs

SnapManagerWeb_15316.log INFO 2018-11-12T12:36:20.0763104+01:00 INFO SnapManagerWeb_15316 PID=[3488] TID=[122] SmWebClient : Timeout set to 10800000
SnapManagerWeb_15316.log INFO 2018-11-12T12:36:20.0294352+01:00 INFO SnapManagerWeb_15316 PID=[3488] TID=[122] Enter DeleteSnapshotInfo
SnapManagerWeb_15316.log INFO 2018-11-12T12:36:20.0138114+01:00 INFO SnapManagerWeb_15316 PID=[3488] TID=[122] LoadBackupComponents - Found (3) backup components in backup with id (1236)
SnapManagerWeb_15316.log INFO 2018-11-12T12:36:19.9981841+01:00 INFO SnapManagerWeb_15316 PID=[3488] TID=[122] Skip delete, ComponentId 12811 from backup 1236 is archived.
SnapManagerWeb_15316.log INFO 2018-11-12T12:36:19.9981841+01:00 INFO SnapManagerWeb_15316 PID=[3488] TID=[122] Skip delete, ComponentId 12810 from backup 1236 is archived.
SnapManagerWeb_15316.log INFO 2018-11-12T12:36:19.9981841+01:00 INFO SnapManagerWeb_15316 PID=[3488] TID=[122] Skip delete, ComponentId 12806 from backup 1236 is archived.


is there some solution to delete the components?



I check all my snapshoots on volumes.everything is OK

i try get-smbackup and get-smbackup -secondary


there are last jobs which we dont have it anymore


Then i used the command

Remove-SmBackup -BackupIds string -DeleteSecondaryMetadata

so i cleanup my get-smbackup -secondary.


and then i try to Get-SmBackupReport -policy "BP_COP_Simple"

Remove-SmBackup -BackupNames "RG_COP_SimpleDB_fbcopsrv01_09-21-2018_15.15.57.9560"

and check in snapcenter under monitor in job which backup  blocked the snapshoots.

2018-11-12T12:36:19.9981841+01:00 INFO SnapManagerWeb_15316 PID=[3488] TID=[122] Skip delete, ComponentId 12806 from backup 1236 is archived.

i make a command

Remove-SmBackup -BackupIds 1236 -DeleteSecondaryMetadata

and then again

Get-SmBackupReport -policy "BP_COP_Simple"

policy is now without snapshoots so he can be deleted.


Glad to hear you got a resolution and it worked!


We ended up engaging SnapCenter Escalation and EPS Engineers which identified the issue with the snapshots accounted for in the NSM Database which were old...  apparently because the Storage LIF name was changed SC can not find the path to delete these via the LIF it recorded them.  They are now writing a SQL to delete these backups based on our retention policy and hopefully in the future it will be a fix.